Chapter 25 "The Battle Part 2":

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Gabe's POV:
We went back outside to see a pile of bodies that were mixed of Lilly's soldiers, scavengers, and even poor Ed who got shot in the neck and bled out. "This is chaos!" Clem exclaimed staring at the bodies, gunfire, and flames. "Yeah, my kind of party. Come on!" Joe said is we followed her to one of the outpost. She motioned for us to stay put as she went up the ladder well all we heard after that was a man shouting, "Hey!" and then a squishy know is followed by a dead body being thrown off the outpost. Jill then looked down at us and said, "I got up here. You take care of your people." Clem and I both nodded as we went back to where the others were still taking cover while James, Henry, and Carter kept firing at them. "We need to go now!" I yelled to them as thankfully the gunfire made my words difficult for Lilly to hear. "We can't. Lilly's people set fire to the side gate. The only way out is through the main one. Which is guarded by every soldier she has by the way." Louis then told us.
"Well, what the fuck do we do?" Minerva asked sounding scared and hanging onto Violet. "I... I don't know." I said and submission as Clem looked at me worried. "I might have a solution. I still have plenty of men left who are taking cover on the other side of the place. We can fire back or providing cover for you and your people to escape." Conrad offered. "That just might work. But you'll need someone to open up the gate first." Clem said. "Leave that to us." Sophie said holding Thomas's hand. "Alright, get your selves out of here and wait for me on the other side of the hill. "Clem then added. "Wait for you? Honey what... What are you doing?!" I asked her feeling worried for what she meant. "I'm ending this. Once and for all." She replied. "Clem, no! You can't do that!" I said in fear and she put her for head to mine and said, "I have to Gabe. Otherwise Lilly won't stop. I made a promise to Jennifer and I'm going to keep that promise." She said back to me. "Screw your promise. I'm not leaving you here to die!" I argued as I separated our four heads. "Gabe, think about what happened with Negan. How are you sacrificed yourself for all of us. I need to do the same right now." She argued back. "Clem, letting you and AJ go was the biggest regret of my life. I'm staying with you." I said as her eyes grew wide. "Gabe. I can't ask you to do that." She continued to argue. "Well you don't need to ask. I made a promise to always stand beside you the day you became my wife and I'll be damned if I break it. Besides, I love you too much to leave you." I said as Clem shed a single tear of joy and kissed me passionately for just a brief moment as I didn't even have enough time to kiss her back.
Clem's POV:
I was honored by Gabe's commitment and bravery. And although I knew him staying with me was dangerous, I also knew he wasn't going to change his mind. "Alright, let's go end this." I said as Gabe smiled and replied, "Yes, ma'am." "The rest of you, get out now and find a safe location nearby to hide and wait for us. And if we are there in 12 hours, then leave without us." I ordered the others as AJ ran up to us and hugged both of us. "Please don't go. I don't want you guys to die." AJ said crying on our shoulders. "We'll be OK, buddy. I promise." Gabe's at his age he continued to cry out of sadness and fear. "Hey, what do we do when we're scared?" I asked him. "But you told me not to swear again after lookout." AJ said is I replied, "Well I'll let you swear one more time. Now what do we do when we're scared?" I asked him again. "We... We say... We say fuck you, fear." AJ said stuttering from his tears as I responded, " yes, that's it." "No go with the others. They'll. They'll keep you safe." I said starting to cry myself. James then took AJ by the hand and lead him to the others were AJ screen to both of our names which broke my heart even more. I don't feel Gabe put his hand on my shoulder and said, "It's OK, Clem. Conrad will keep him safe. No let's finish this and make sure we can make it back to him and them." "OK." I replied wiping my tears away as Conrad and his people drew all the gunfire away from us while firing back as I saw Lilly running into another building located on the other side of the Delta across the garden. "Come on, baby. Let's get her." I said as we begin to run after Lilly and finish this bullshit once and for all.
We went inside the building as we caught a glimpse of her running up the large staircase as we proceeded to follow her up the stairs. We got to the fifth floor as we then saw her into her self into one of the rooms. We went in ourselves is the room looked completely empty of everything. "Where the hell did she go?" Gabe asked and she was nowhere to be seen. I then looked behind him to see Lilly hiding behind the door about to stab him as I yelled, "Gabe! Look out!" I push myself into him knocking him out of the way as Lilly didn't get either of us. "You... You've ruined everything! Everything I worked so long to build!" Lily shouted angrily. "You took our people! It only figured we take something from you back." Gave tired of her. "You think this is what Lee would've wanted, Clementine?! For you to murder in steel?!" She continue to shout as I shouted back, "Oh fuck you, Lilly! Stop using lead to twist your own agenda against me, you hypocritical bitch!" "You were wrong you know?" Lilly asked is I asked back, "Wrong about what?" "I am willing to kill family. Maybe I couldn't then, but I sure as hell can't now!!" She screamed charge you got me with the knife as I got myself out of the way but not before she gave me a cut on my arm. "To tell me, Gabriel. How could you ever love a fucking monster like her?" She asked Gabe. "You're the monster hear Lilly, not her. And I love her because she's always there for me. I can't say the same for you and Jennifer!" Gabe shouted at her.
"Shut the fuck up!" She screamed again as she went to stab Gabe but he was able to kick the knife out of her head as it dropped to the floor. I then looked over to see a crowbar on top of the desk in the room as I picked it up and ran towards Lily. I lifted it up and smacked her right across the face with that causing a dent to form on her cheek which swelled quickly. She then pushed my body with her shoulder into the window as she then grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head through it, making it bleed. She picked up the knife and tried to stab me in the back but Gabe basically drop kicked her away from me as the two of them fight each other well I tried we getting for consciousness. I looked outside and saw Thomas opening the gates as he and everyone else escaped while scavengers were massacring Lilly's soldiers. I finally got back I just listed as Lilly pinned Gabe to the ground and landed punch after punch on his face. Without a thought, I charged her with a murderous intent as I knocked her off him. She got back to her feet and she then tried once again to stab me but I took the note from her and stabbed her right in the stomach. Her body went to tens from pain as I let go of the knife and she stumbled back through another broken window and accidentally fell through. I looked out to see her still barely hanging on to the rim of the window as she was about to fall. "Clem please! Help me up!" She begged. "And why the hell should I?" I asked her "I was wrong. I see that now. Just give me another chance." She continued to bag as I knew she was lying. I put my boot to her hand and stepped on it, causing her to yelp and pain. "Yeah, bullshit." I explained as I kicked off her hand and she went to falling to the ground while letting out a bloodcurdling scream.
She splattered on the ground and she instantly died on impact. "Good riddance." I said as I turn my attention back on Gabe who looked both scared yet proud of what I did. "You... Made the right call, Clam. We could risk her making another attack." He said defending my actions. "I know but... Now that I think about it, I still cared for her like family. But she changed." I responded as Gabe said, "I know. But we shouldn't think about it now. We need to go and find the others." I was silent for a second before saying, "Yeah. Let's go." We bolted out of the Delta which was now filled with dead bodies and fire everywhere as we made our way through the main entrance. We ran up the hill as we saw everyone waiting for us on the other side like we instructed. "CLEM!!! GABE!!!" AJ shouted as he ran to us and we gave him a big family hug. "I told you we'd be alright, bud. We're just glad that you guys are OK as well." Gabe said. "Yeah, big God for Conrad and his people. Although Henry... Didn't make it out." James said approaching us. "Oh no. What happened?" Gabe asked concerned. "He could leave Ed's party there and wanted to bring it back for a proper burial. But adds corpse was too heavy and one of the soldiers shot Henry right through the school. Jack was shot too. But it was Ed reanimating as a walker that got him." James filled us in. "Oh." Gabe said sounding sad for them. "We should probably head back. It's not safe out here in it'll be night time soon." Jill said walking beside him. "Yeah, OK." I said as we all begin walking back to Haven with most of us managing to still stay alive after that massive fight.

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