Chapter 1 "Nightmare":

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(Time Skip: Seven Months Later)
Gabe's Dream:
The air was cool in the wind blew hard on the trees as it was getting closer and closer to the winter. I was on my way back to our camp from a supply run I volunteered to do myself. Luckily for us, there was just enough food for us to preserve the winter or at least used to make our own crops before the first snowfall. I managed to find and get pears, oranges, deer meat, and apples. I saved an apple in my pocket for Clementine as I knew she really loved apples. It was like one of her favorite things to eat. Well that's what she told me anyways and I know she'd never lied to me. But as I got closer and closer to the camp, I heard a few gunshots go off in the distance in the direction of the camp. Worried for my group's lives, I ran as fast as I could to the camp while dropping my backpack of food so I could run faster.
I got to the gate Aasim and Sofie built as I swung the door open and ran inside only to find nothing there but the burning cooking fire in the tents. "Clem?! AJ?! Anyone?!" I yelled out to them as nobody answered back. I took a few more steps forward as I then felt my foot step in to something wet as I look down to see it was in a puddle of blood. Suddenly the sky would pitch black as I looked around me to see that I wasn't in the camp anymore but inside somewhere deep in the murky words. My eyes that moved up as I then saw Violet, Thomas, Aasim, and Louis hung from a tree, with their throats slit, and were now muertos. I stumbled back in fear as Louis's corpse startled talking and said, "You... We're supposed to protect us!" Violet's corpse chimed in and said, "You failed us, Gabe. You let him hurt us." "Who?! Let who hurt you?!" I asked confused and horrified as Aasim's corpse then pointed to something behind me. I turned around to see that I was back at the boarding school just as it look like it did when I last saw it. Burning down with muertos banging on the barriers. It was truly horrific.
I looked down around me to see the mutilated bodies of Tenn, Sofie , Minerva, and Erika on the ground with bullet holes in their heads as that only increased my fear. As I looked around me, I saw a Clementine and AJ sitting against the flag pole in school Square with bullet holes in their heads as well as their blood still pouring from them. "NO!!!!" I screamed as I ran to them and held their corpses in my arms. "NO! C LEM! AJ! NO!!!" I screamed as I kneel down to them and hold them tighter in my arms while crying rivers of tears. "No no no no no no no no!!!!" I repeated over and over as their blood got on my face, hands, and shirt. AJ's head then fell off his body as I let go of him out of fear and his headless body drop to the floor. Clem's corpse then grabbed onto my face as she said, "You... could have... saved... Us. I... thought... that I... loved... you." "I am so sorry! I'm so fucking sorry!" I said somehow crying even more tears as her corpse went limp again for a moment until she sprung at me all muerto style trying to bite me. I got away from her as everyone began reanimating even though they were already shot in the head. They all came towards me and trying to bite me as I just crawled backwards away from them so they couldn't get me.
I was scared out of my fucking mind as everyone in the group including my somewhat son and the love of my life were now muertos trying to attack me. I kept crawling further and further backwards away from them as they then bumped into without like a man. I looked up as the man's face look down at me while holding his bat and hands behind his head, and he said, "Hey there, sport." "Ne... Negan?!" I asked out of anger and fear unfiltered steer as he then dragged me by the back of my jacket and threw me back on the ground in front of a short haired lady with the military jacket. He then grabbed my face as he turned my head back towards my muerto group as he said, "Look at what you've done to these poor kids. You let them die. Even your own goddamn family. It's all on you, Gabriel." I continued to cry at the sight of them as Negan then whispered in my ear, "You killed the mall. But you'll at least keep them fed." He then threw me once again but this time in front of the muertos Who used to be the people I care about most as they all started to tear me apart bit by bit and eat me alive. "Aaaahhhhh! Aaaaaahhhh!" I yelled in pain as Clem's muerto self Got on top of me and jumped towards my face with the last thing I saw being the love of my life about to eat my face off and did Negan laughing behind them is everything then went black.
(End of Dream)
Gabe's POV:
I woke up in a cold sweat while panting heavily and sitting up in my sleeping bag. I quickly looked beside me to see Clementine still asleep and perfectly fine as of then look to my other side to see AJ still asleep as well. I sighed in a huge relief, thankful that they were OK. But the terror of that nightmare still haunted me to the bone as I just needed to take a breather. I quickly got up out of Clem and I's sleeping bag and left the tent without either of them waking up.  It was still dark outside as I exited the tent to get some fresh air. I then went to a nearby tree that was next to Violet and Minerva's tent, lean my head against it and looked into the complete darkness of the woods to reflect on everything.
Clem's POV:
It was about two maybe 3 o'clock in the morning as I went to put my arm on Gabe but he wasn't there. "Gabe?" I quietly asked as I and saw he was gone. I then got out of our sleeping bag without waking AJ up as I left the tent rubbing my eyes and still in my sleeping clothes. I looked around outside for a few seconds for a landing my eyes and Gabe who is leaning himself against the tree and looking into the opposite direction of me. I walked over to him quietly as I got right behind him and wrap my arms around his waist will bury my face in his back. I expected him to be a little startled, but instead he stayed calm as if he knew I would come out here. I also knew exactly why he was out here because he's been having the same damn nightmare for months. I couldn't help myself but to feel really sorry for him.
"Did you have that nightmare again, my love?" I quietly but lovingly asked as he just side and stayed silent for a few seconds before simply replying, "Yes." "Gabe, he's gone. You killed him. He can't hurt us anymore. We are safe because of you. It was just a nightmare and that's all." I said comforting him. "Yeah but, I can't help but feel powerless about it. I just can't get him out of my mind. What he did to Kate, uncle Javi, and to the rest of us is just... to much to me." He said in a sad town. "Believe me Gabe, I know what that's like. To have the same occurring nightmare night after night. I had the same thing after what I saw at the McCarroll Ranch." I said as he then turned around to face me. "How did you make them stop?" He asked me as I shrug my shoulders and said, "I don't know. One day they just stopped. And I'm sure yours will too. Just give it time. But just know that we are safe and I'll always be here for you. Both AJ and I will be." He then started walking away to the log near the distinguished cooking fire as he sat down on it.
I did the same as I sat next to him and put my body as close to him as possible. "I just... I don't feel like we are safe here anymore, Clem. I mean we are out here all defenseless. You don't know if you heard or worse, a raider group will find us." He said sounding a bit paranoid but that was still aftershock from his nightmare. "Gabe, we came to this place seven months ago and we haven't seen a soul. A few walkers maybe but no Raiders. Will be fine, I promise." I said as he then replied, "Yeah that's what you said about  Negan and the Saviors. And looked at what happened there. I just know that we can't stay here forever I will have to go and find somewhere else eventually. Especially now with the winter coming and we can barely find any food as it is." "Yeah, will have to go eventually. But for now we are safe. We are fed. And we're all alive. We are going to be fine. All of us." I said as Gabe looked at me and smiled. He put his arm around my shoulders and hold me closer to him. "I love you, Gabe. Now and forever." I said as gable leaned in and kissed me as I kissed back. "I love you too, baby." He replied as I kept his cheek with my one hand. "We should probably get back to bed. It's still super early and the others won't be up for hours." I said as Gabe nodded, we stood up, and quietly got back in our Ted and snuck back into her sleeping bag without waking my little goofball. We then both went back to sleep as Gabe was hesitant to do so at first, but eventually close his eyes and drift off as well.

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