Chapter 13 "Trial":

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Gabe's POV:
It was no morning as both Clem and I couldn't get any sleep in the cell. How could we after what just happened and after... What I've done. I murdered that girl, they was just an accident. I don't want to kill her. All I wanted was to keep my wife safe. We sat on the hard prison benches as Clem said, "Gabe?" but I was too ashamed to even respond and just hung my head. "Gabe listen to me. It's not your fault. She asked for the fight and I know it was an accident. Gabe, you haven't said a word since we got here. Please say something." She begged of me. "What do you want me to say, Clem? I took a life that wasn't meant to be taken. I am... I'm just like Marlon now." I said still hanging my head as Clem then held my hand and comfort. "Gabriel Garcia, you are not Marlon. He took it in this in life and you didn't." She tried to assure me. "What do you think they're going to do it with us?" I asked her if she said Lisa I replied, "I don't know, Gabe. But whatever it is, will get through it. For better or worse." I don't smile as we lead our faces in for a soft and slowly smooth kiss on each other's lips.
We then heard the door outside our cell as Tenn then walked up in front of it. "Tenn? What are you doing here?" Clem asked him. "Jennifer asked me to get you guys. Everyone's holding a hearing to determine what to do with you too. Like a trial." He said. "OK, let's just get this over with." I said sadly as he unlocked or cell and escorted us out. "You two could try to defend yourselves just like a quart room, but mostly everyone is still on edge. Also everyone in our group was banned from attending that way the vote can be fair." He said as we walked outside to see everyone gathered and sitting in chairs in a circle with Jennifer in the center. We then walked over as Eleanor and add moved out of the way so we could go in as Tenn left to join the others of our group. "And here they are! The murders of the hour!" Henry said as James replied, "Knock it off, Henry! They could have been justified." "Justified?! What's so bad to justify murder?" Riley said to him as Gareth kept out of furious stare right in our direction.
"Order! This session has come to order. Clementine and Gabe, how could you? After we opened our doors to you, gave you shelter and food, and even allowed you to to get married, this is the thanks we get?! Murdering someone in our community?!" Jennifer screamed in disappointment as Clem and I stayed silent. "This session will determine what happens to you too. "She then continued is Gareth shouted, "They murdered my sister! They deserve the same fate. Kill them both!" "Calm down, Gareth! I know you're upset but we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Jen said. "Do any of you have anything to say for yourselves?" Jennifer asked. I stayed silent while Clem said, "Yeah. Plenty actually. "Didn't mean to kill Tiffany. Last night while I was on watch duty, she joined me on the perch and attempted to start shit. She pushed me off the perch as she fell as well." "So... She attacked you?" Carter asked. "Yes. She wanted to have Gabe all to herself and went to any means necessary." She continued.
"All of this over a boy?! Yeah I call the bullshit. Tiffany is never behave that way before." Henry said as James then commented, "Actually she has. There have been multiple times where I've seen her be infatuated with Gabe and incredibly nasty to Clementine. From our game of truth or dare to win Clementine and Gabe first announced their proposal. This story checks out so far." "Still, it doesn't justify their actions. Why would you even attempt to kill her, Gabe?" Riley asked me. "I had no intention of killing her. I saw the two of them fighting outside my window and tried to intervene. As us put them up, Tiffany went for her knife and attempted to kill him my wife, Clementine. I took my knife out in it... When into her chest." I exclaimed. "LIAR! Nothing but lies!" Gareth shouted at the top of his lungs. "Gareth, come down!" Jennifer requested. "No! These to have to go. Today!" Gareth responded. "Like they said, it was an accident. We can't just center is on the desk for that." Carter tried to defend us. "But it still murder, honey. Accident or not. "Riley told her husband. "I know them. As crazy as they can get, they would never take a life without a reason.And "Eleanor said is Gareth replied, "What reason? Tiffany was a sweet girl who didn't deserve to fucking die! There was no reason!"
Clem's POV:
As it looks right now Carter, James, and Eleanor we're on our side wall Gareth, Riley, Ed, and Henry were against us. We need to at least change two of their minds in order to be able to stay here or even stay alive. I don't know exactly how to do it. It's risky but it may be our only chance of walking away from this. "But there is something else!" I shouted as everyone then start their bickering and put their intentions back on us. "And what would that be?" Jennifer asked. "Before our fight, Tiffany tried to blackmail me into divorcing Gabe because she told me something." I said as gave looked at me surprised. "And what did she say?" Carter asked. I thought about if I should really do this or not before I blurted out, "She and Gareth have been working with Lily and her people." I said much to everyone's surprise as they all gasped to everyone's dismay especially Jennifers. Even Gabe gasped. "That's... That's impossible! Do you have any proof of this?!" Jen asked. "Yes. They both have pages in case they need to contact her. I smashed Tiffany's but the remains are still on the perch. "I said is Jennifer motion for Ed to go check as he returned with the broken pieces of the pager.
"She's lying! For... For all we know... It... It could be hers!" Charis said trying to defend himself but failing. Jennifer then looked closely to see that he was fidgeting with something in his pocket. "What's in your pocket, Garris?! Jennifer then asked him. "I... I don't know what you... You are talking about." Garris started talking with his head out of his pocket. "Gareth Williams! You will show me what is in your pocket at once. Now!" Jennifer said sternly. Gareth side as he reached back in and pulled out a page or identical to Tiffany's and everyone gasped yet again. "You... You are a fucking disgrace to these people in this community. You both were. Ed! Take that device and get this good for nothing trader out of my goddamn site!" She ordered as add acknowledged and did as told. He snatch the device from Garretts hand and drag him away to a cell.
"To think we could actually trust those little bastards! But there is still this matter at hand. Whether or not Gabe and Clem should stay or if they should leave. It's time to vote. All in favor of them leaving?" She asked looking around. "You guys seemed cool at first, but you can't use an accident as an excuse. I vote for them to leave." Henry said raising his hand. "I'm sorry, you too. But I can't risk my little Skyler around murderers. I hope you can understand. So I vote leave." Riley said also raising her hand as I felt a bit heartbroken not going to lie. "OK so that's two for banishment. All in favor of them staying?" Jennifer then asked. "I don't speak for my wife. These two were only defending themselves and shouldn't be left out to die for that. It wouldn't be just us. Plus, I've never seen Skyler is happy as when she plays with AJ. So I vote they stay. Called Carter said raising his hand is Riley gave him a disappointed look. Quote I trust these two. Sure they messed up and they can make up for it. I vote for them to stay." James said raising his hand as well. "I've known these kids for years, so they earned my trust. I say they stay." Eleanor said raising her hand making Gabe and I smile. "Well, it appears that it's 3 to 2 in favor of stay. So I guess you crazy kids can st...." Jennifer begin to say until the sound stopped her from what she was just talking about.
Gareth managed to struggle out of Ed's grasp or also getting his pager back as he punched added to the ground and began typing on the pager. "You are fucked up no! You'll be sorry!" He said pressing one photo button to send it. "Gareth, no!!" Jennifer shouted as all of our group came running out due to the screaming. "What's going on?" Louis asked as Gareth then looked straight at AJ. He then ran to him, grab Tim, and put a gun to his head. "Don't you fucking dare! Let him go! NOW!!" I shouted as I would have. In my gun back but our weapons were confiscated last night. "No you'll know what it's like, Clementine. To lose a sibling. And this whole place will go down with all of you going with it, you dirty fucking little...." Healed before gunshot went off in a bullet went through his brain as he fell down dead. We looked back to see that it was Jennifer who pulled the trigger as she said, "Good riddance." She picked up the pager that Gareth dropped as the screen was no cracked and her face was one of whore. "Guys, we are... in deep shit." She said as she showed me the photo of the pager as it read, "Copy that. Thank you, Gareth. We will arrive in the coming weeks to your location."

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