Chapter 12 "Pure Jealousy":

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Clem's POV:
Gabe and I have only been married for just a few days now as I was still on the emotional high. I think that after all of this, to what this world has put me through, after all the shit I've witnessed it had to do, that I would end up with such a loving husband and is somewhat son who is technically my brother but doesn't change the fact that we are an official family. Something I haven't had since I last with the Garcias. I guess Gabe really knows how to make me feel welcomed. It was almost nighttime as Gabe and AJ was fast asleep at home while I volunteered to Jennifer to go on guard duty. It wasn't a very exciting job, but it is crucial to our survival so I stuck it out. Gabe was sad that I won't be home till late but I was able to cheer them up with a kiss. That's how are usually cheer them up. As I was on the little perch that allowed me to see over the walls, everything seemed uneventful and actually quite soothing. Well at least it was until I heard somebody climbing the ladder behind me as I turned around to see Tiffany.
"Oh hey Clem." She said that she was now on the perch with me. "Ugh. What do you want, Tiffany?" I asked refusing to make eye contact with her. "Relax, Clemmy. Don't get your panties in a not. I just want to talk." She said sounding snarky, more so than usual. "Fine. Talk." I said as she walked up beside me. "So, how has Gabe been?" She asked is I am merely knew this was going to be trouble. "Well?" She asked you girlie. "I don't feel comfortable giving you that information." I remarked looking back at her for a second and giving her a mean look before turn my attention back to outside our walls. "Oh come on, Clem. I'm just asking a simple question. No need to give me attitude." She said as I started to get mad. "Oh please. Only reason you're asking is because you want to bang him. Well too late, Tiffany. Gabe and I are married now in a relationship is stronger than ever." I told her as she then gave me a dirty luck. "Yeah, I'm well aware." She said behind her teeth. "So you and your brother can stop trying to take him away from me. It's over." I said as she chuckled and said in a maniacal tone, "Yeah, I don't think so, Clemmy Clue."
"What the hell do you mean by that?" I asked with attitude now giving her my full attention. "I'm not gonna stop until the boy is mine. One way or another he will come begging for this pussy or he'll drop you faster than you can say divorce." She said as I begin to clinch my fist. "You need to seriously back off! Gabe is my husband he wouldn't just up and leave me for a cunt like you." I said pushing my finger into her shoulder repeatedly. "Yeah, you're probably right. The boys and deep with you." She said as I look back to outside the walls and replied, "I'm glad we are on the same page now." There was a silence for a moment until Tiffany said, "That's why you'll be the one who ends up with him." "Ha! No I know you're fucking delusional." I said still keeping my eyes away from her. "This is a nice community. I really don't want to tell Lilly where it is and where you all are." She said as I then looked back at her surprised.
"What the hell are you talking about?! How do you know her?!" I asked in both shock and horror. "Oh Gareth and I have known Lily for quite a while now. He came here and search for a better life outside of her Arnie, but I still keep in contact with her once in a while using this." She explained that she reached in her pocket and pulled out a pager. "So you've been with Lilly this whole time?! Does Jennifer know?!" I asked her still upset. "No, and she never will. Her and Lilly have... History to say the least. If she finds out the girls and I have something to do with her, we are dead on the spot." She said. "Then I think I'll just tell her myself." I said about to go until before I heard Tiffany say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. ""Oh yeah, and why's that?" I asked sounding cocky. "Because if you tell her or anyone else, we'll tell Lilly exactly where to find you. Garrett has a pager to her as well and we won't hesitate to use them. And I guarantee you it won't be a pretty sight." She said as I then stopped and begin to back away from the latter. "OK, this is what's going to happen. If you want to keep your precious new homes and your people safe from her wrath, you're going to do exactly as I say, got it?" She demanded as I reluctantly responded, "OK, what the fuck do you even want?"
"First, you were going to keep that pretty mouth of yours shut about our connections to Lilly ." She said as I hung my head, sighed, and replied, "OK, yeah s...sure. I won't tell anyone." "Good. And secondly, I want you... To divorce Gabe." She said as my eyes shut up at her with shock and pure rage. "That's not going to happen!" I quietly shouted at her so nobody woke up. "Do it! Is your marriage really more important then your lives?" She asked as I replied, "Yes." "Then you're even more of a dumb bimbo than I thought." She said as I clenched my fists again. "Well, if you won't do what I say, I think it's time to give Lily a little message." She said she went to use the pager before I grabbed it out of her hands, threw it on the floor of the perch, and stomped on it hard, crushing it. "Oh, you've just made a big mistake, Clementine." She said she then proceeded to push me off the perch dinner before I grabbed her wrist and took her down with me. We both fell to the ground hard, but not her enough to die or seriously get injured seeing as how the perch wasn't really that high up. We both got back up on our feet as Tiffany pulled out her knife and said, "Do you know what, maybe I can have Gabe after all. When your FUCKING DEAD!!" She then charged at me with the knife as I was preparing myself for a fight.
She just missed me with the knife as I gave her a good elbow to the nose, breaking it. "Ow! You bitch!" She shouted coming at me again as this time, I took the knife from her hands and threw it to the ground. She went to pick it up, but I tackled her down to stop her from doing so. She then got on top of me and connected a few good blows to the face until I then got on her and give her a few good ones as well. I am right at her broken nose is that was the most vulnerable target. "Enough!" Shield pushing me off of her as the two of us got back on our feet and continue to fight. Hit after hit, strike after strike, the flight went on for a few solid minutes she had given me a blackeye while my hands were strong enough to cause a cut on her cheek. "That's a pretty now are you, Trash-fany?!" I sarcastically asked and she replied, "Still prettier than you, Cuntentine!" She ran at me again, knocking my hat off of me as I got on her back and grabbed your hair tightly and put a knife to her throat. "Ow!!" She said as I would have ended her if it wasn't for the familiar sounding voice of a man shouting, "HEY! STOP!"
Gabe's POV:
As I was sleeping alone in Clem and I's bed, I heard grunting and weird noises coming from outside as I woke up and looked out the window. I then saw my beautiful wife in the Tiffany having a full-blown fight right in the middle of the now empty looking community. "Oh shit!" I said as I went to get my clothes on, took a knife just in case, and ran out of the room in a hurry. As I ran downstairs, I heard AJ open his door and nervously ask, "Gabe, what's going on?!" "Just stay in your room, bud. I'll be back soon." I said in a panic as I continued to run downstairs and out of the house. I saw Clem about to kill her as I ran to them while yelling, "HEY! STOP!" A couple to their attention as I manually separated the two and stayed in between them so they wouldn't fight again. "What the hell are you two doing?!" I asked both scared and concerned for Clem. "Oh Gabe, we were just talking about how much more I love you think Clementine does. She doesn't really love you. Not like I do." She said trying to reach for my hand but I pulled it away. "Yeah, bullshit!" I said showing off my wedding ring to her. "Clem, honey are you OK?" I asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few bumps and bruises all." She replied as I smiled at her beautiful face even if she had a gruesome shiner. "Oh thank God. I couldn't bear anything happen to you, my love." I said stroking her cheek as she held the same hands rest. "OH FUCK THIS!!" Tiffany yelled as she picked up the knife that was at her feet and attempted to stab Clem.
"NO!!" I showed it as I took out my own night and turned it to Tiffany, accidentally stabbing her in the heart. Blood poured from her wound and mouth as it got on my hands and Clem's jacket while I was at a loss of words and everything went dead silent. "I... I still... Love... You." She said before falling to the ground and eventually dying. "Holy shit." Clem whispered as both of us looked horrified. We don't sell the apartment building door open as everyone came outside due to the noise. "What the hell is going on here... Oh my God." Jennifer said witnessing Tiffany's dead body. "NO! TIFFANY!!!" Gareth yelled running to her and holding her dead body in his hands. "NO! GOD PLEASE NO!!" He screamed and he began to ball his eyes out. He then looked back at us and saw the blood on both of us as a sadness turned into a complete unfiltered rage and aggression. "You monsters!! You murderers!! You murdered my fucking sister!!" He shouted as Clementine and I backed up and fear. "Clem? Gabe? Is this true?!" Eleanor asked as I begin to start her, "we... I didn't...uh...." "Just look at the blood on them!! Guilty! They're guilty!" He shouted. "Henry! Ed! Get these two into a cell until I figure out what to do with them!" Jennifer ordered as they nodded and escorted Clem and I to a cell while everyone looked at us in horror.

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