Chapter 4 "New Guy":

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Clem's POV:
I followed the stranger to a little area surrounded by collapsed trees that were used as some kind of barrier. "Here." He pointed to one of the fallen trees as I did what he said and laid AJ onto it and he brought a torch for light. Still got that knife?" He asked me as I took it out to show him I still had it. "Good. You need to get the shrapnel out. I'll keep him still." He told me as I then began using the ninth to remove the metal from AJ's body as he let out quiet groans of pain while more of his blood got onto my hands. "Put pressure on the wound is to stop the blood." The man then said as I covered a jays ones after removing all the shrapnel. "Trying to stay quiet." AJ said as I then said back, "Just hang in there, kiddo. He's going to fix you up." The man walked over to his pack, took out duct tape, and return to us as he put it over AJ's bullet wounds. He then went away again to tend to the fire while I stood by AJ.
"It's OK, AJ. You're gonna be OK." I comforted him as he then began shivering from the cold. I looked at the man who was still tending the fire as I pick AJ up and brought them over to it to get some warmth. "Clem?" AJ then asked as I replied, "Yeah, AJ? You OK?" "Hungry." He simply said as the man that looked at us, reached into his jacket pocket, and took out an apple. "Here. Eat." He offered us as we kindly accepted it. "So... Who are you? What's your name?" I asked him as he then began to take off his walker skin mask as he looked about my age. "James." He said still was bring a bed but I was still able to hear him. "And Clementine and this is AJ. So why did you help us, James?" I asked him as he then stood up and took a few steps forward before asking, "Those Raiders. What do you know about them?" "Really not much." I replied is James's eyes continue to look away from us. "They are at war with another community so they take kids. Train them. Use them. You would be part of their war." He explained to us while holding his one arrest. "That's horrible." I said as he then responded, "Yeah. That's why I help to you." "Thank you. But wait a minute, we ran into someone else who takes kids named Negan. But he and his men are all dead so how is that possible?" I asked as he then turned back at us. "He in that woman you saw today were partners. She would give him and his people food and supplies well you gave her children for her army. That was until he got a hold of these two twins. What's he had them, he became so infatuated with them that he decided to keep them both to himself." He says I didn't realize that was why he attacked New Richmond. Not for the supplies, but to take the kids. Thank God he gave escaped in time before they took him Ross who knows what would've happened.
"So what exactly is up with that Walker mask?" I then asked him as he sat back down. "I was once part of a group. We called ourselves the whispers. We would use these masks to blend in and walk amongst the walkers. Guide them at times two. It's a better alternative then covering yourself in their guts. That's how I got them to help you." He said. "So why aren't you with them?" I asked as he then answered, "One day, they attacked another settlement and I just couldn't go along with it. So I left. Simple as that." "What about yourselves? Do you guys have a group?" He then asked me. "Yeah. A whole group of kids and a small camp not too far from here." I said. "How many?" He asked. "About 10. There used to be 11 of us, but... We just lost someone today to those Raiders. His name was Aasim." I said. "Oh that sucks. I'm sorry." He said as I said back, "It's OK." "So who's in your group exactly?" He continued to ask me questions. "Well there's AJ and I have course, our medic Erika, and a little boy named Tenn, the twins you mentioned earlier Sofie and Minerva, Minnie's girlfriend/fíance Violet, Sofie's boyfriend Thomas, a goofball named Louis, and... Gabe." I said as speaking Gabe's name only made me miss him more. And I didn't even think that was possible. "Gabe? Who is that?" He asked me. "Well, he's my boyfriend. The best want to girl could ask for two. So caring and loving. Being with him is like paradise." I said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically replied, "Wow, he sounds dreamy." "He really is." I said thinking of my dork.
You know, I have a group of my own. A community of that. Maybe you all would be interested in getting out of these words in joining us." He offered. "We have food, water, supplies, and other shit. It's quite a cut above the rest as communities go. Not to mention it would keep you all safe from those Raiders." He continued as I took a moment to think about it. AJ then talked on my sleeve as I looked at him nothing to me. I made up my mind and said, "Sure. That actually sounds good. Great event." I said as he smiled and replied, "Great. Well in that case we will go get your group in the morning and take them to my community." He said is I got a little upset when you said morning. "Morning?! I need to get back to them now." I said raising my voice a bit. "We have to wait. Your boy is still in rough shape. If we take him now, there's a good chance that he will start bleeding out again. His wounds need proper cleaning and medicine. If we wait until morning, it gives him a little bit of time to rest at least." He said as I realize he had a point. "OK then. We'll go in the morning then." I agreed as he nodded. "Until then, you two should get some sleep. I'll keep watch." He said as I replied, and "hey, no argument here." AJ and I then began to fall sleep still leaning on one of the fallen trees. "Thank you." I whispered to him before falling asleep completely to the many sounds of nature around me.

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