Chapter 23 "Motivation":

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Clem's POV:
The map to Norfolk lead us to a hill right outside of the Delta. I volunteered to scope the place with binoculars before we attacked as the height of the hill gave me a good look at the inside of the community. Luckily for all of us, it didn't look like they change the lot that was on the map that Jennifer drew. "Hey... hey Clem?" Liam whispered to me as unfortunately Conrad insisted on sending a couple of his guys to do look at with me and it just so happened to be Liam and Jack. "What is it, Liam?" I asked him sounding annoyed. "I was just wondering why you are so pretty?" He asked as I became even more annoyed. "Oh... Thanks. Because I was just born pretty." I said looking back at the Delta. "Hey. Hey, Clem? Jack then asked as I grunted and annoyed and asked back, "What is it, Jack?!" "Can I kiss you?" He asked as my eyes went wide from horror. "Uh... no!" I told him shouting a bit but not too loudly that anyone in the Delta could have possibly hear me.
"Why not?" Liam and Jack asked at the same time. "Because I have a husband and you two are way too ol...." I said before I heard Gabe come over to where we were. "Alright you too. Go back to your posts." He said. "But we wan...." Jack tried to say before Gabe interrupted, "Seriously, Conrad need you to to help maintain the perimeter. So scram!" The two then got up and clumsily walked away. "Does code red really need them?" I asked Gabe smirking and raising my eyebrow is Gabe were next to me and kneeled down like I was. "No. I just thought you could use a break from them and their stupidity." He said is I then gave him a normal smile. "Well it could have been at a better time. Thanks." I said as he replied, "You're welcome, mi amor." He then leave his face into mine and kissed me passionately. "So see anything yet?" He asked after we separated lips. "Nothing yet. There's no sign of the others or even of Lilly." I answered him. "Well hopefully we see something soon. We need Lilly and our people to be here with the whole operation is a bust." He said sounding a bit upset. "Don't worry, they'll be somethi... Oh my God! There's Tenn!" I shouted silently due to excitement. "Wait, really?! Let me see." Gabe said is I handed him the binoculars. "Yeah he's at the training grounds." I said is Gabe then said well holding the binoculars to his eyes, "And there's Lilly walking up to him. This is it. It's now or never." "Come out. Let's go look at the others." I said as we got up and walked back to the others to get them all ready to attack.
We went back to everyone else who is preparing their guns and sharpening their lives. "Guys, Lilly has been spotted. So has Tenn which means they have the others here." Gabe said is everybody then stood up and faced us. "So that means we're ready to rock 'n' roll?" Told us that his window I did and I replied, "Yes it does." "Remember, this whole plan is resting on the scavengers. Once Thomas lights the garden ablaze, you guys will enter to the main gate with us." "We know what to do. Will stay out of sight until then." Conrad said is Gabe simply replied, "Good." "So uh... I know that we were interrupted last time but... Can we get a motivational speech from our fearless leader's?" Louis jokingly asked. "Sure. Guys, I know we can do this. I understand if you all are scared, we are too. But we can't let that fear get in the way of our goal." Gave started the speech. "Just think about what they took from us. Friends, family, and lovers. I know that we won't let them be kept from us without a fight. We are stronger, smarter, and overall better than all of them." I continued. "No I can't promise that we will all make it out of this OK. There might be sacrifice. But just know that if there is, you will go down in history as more than people. You all be heroes. Because there is one thing that connects us all." Gabe said is Thomas replied, "Insane?", James replied, "Humans?" and Violet replied, "We're probably all going to die?" "No. It's that we are all survivors. In a matter what is put in our way, we always persevere. We've all made it this far. Why don't we remind them how strong we could be? So let's go get our friends back it's at the mall 6 feet into the ground!" I said finishing the speech as everyone cheered and thankfully nobody down there at the Delta heard us.
We did hurt Abel who is tied to a log clap his hands and sarcastically say, "My my. What an extraordinary speech. Too bad it won't mean shit in the end." "Somebody shut him up." Gabe said as Minerva hit him in the face with the opposite end of her crossbow as Gabe that said, "Thanks, Minnie." Isaac and James them both untied him while keeping his hands still restraint together is they handed him to Gabe and I as Gabe said, "All right, let's do this. Everyone get a position." Everyone then went where they were supposed to while Gabe, AJ, and I walked off to the main gate with Abel. "You guys are going to be so fucked. Especially you, squirt." Abel boaster as I saw AJ clench his fists. "Gabe, can I hit him?" He asked is Gabe replied, "Yeah, sure. Give them a good one." AJ then punched Abel in the hip causing him to stumble a bed. "You're all underestimating her and that alone will get you all killed. And I wouldn't mind watching you all die." "Yeah, chances are that you'll die before the rest of us do." I said is he then went to say something but Gabe punched his face before he was able to do so. "You can just shut the fuck up the rest of the way or else I'll knock you out and drag you there." Gabe says Abel dead didn't say another damn word as we begin to get closer to the Delta where shit was about to go down.

Truly In Love: A Gabentine Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora