Chapter 32 "The Camper":

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Clem's POV:
Violet and I caught up with Louis as he had his eyes set on something ahead of him. "Louis! Keep your goddamn voice down! We don't want to attract any walkers or especially people." I whispered to him as Violet and I got on each side of him. "Well sorry, your highness. But look." He whispered as he then pointed ahead of us and we saw an old trailer home that looked pretty abandoned. "Who in their right mind would leave a trailer out here in the middle of the woods?" Violet asked sounding suspicious. "Who cares? People left shit in weird places with the Walker showed up. Maybe is full of food." Lewiston said quietly. "Still though, I have a weird feeling about this." Violet then add as I began to think the situation over. "We're doing this. We have to at least see if there is anything. If we don't, we are in our people will starve. And besides, it looks pretty abandoned." I said is Louis replied, "Thank you. See Vi, looks like you're in the minority vote here." Violet sighed before saying, "Fuck it. Let's just get this over with already."
I approached the front of the trailer as Violet and Louis decided to go through the back. I snuck up to the small staircase as it went up to the front door. I tried to open it as it seemed to be locked. "Dammit." I said quietly as it and said to myself, "There must be away inside." "Any luck back there?" I quietly asked Louis and Violet is it just shook their heads and replied, "No. There is an a back door to this thing." "So we're fucked then?" Louis said sounding upset so I had remembered when I was eleven and I snuck into Luke and his groups cabin." Not necessarily." I said is I looked under the trailer and lo and behold, there was a hatch door underneath it. "Just stay here and keep a lookout. I'll try to get in and unlock the front door." I said is they nodded and I began crawling on my elbows and knees underneath. I got to the hatch if I grabbed the handle and pulled it as hard as I could. They hatch door open as I let out a victorious, "Yes!" before climbing through and making it inside. I shut the hatch as I looked around on the inside but had difficulty due to the darkness. I then looked over to see a lantern and box of matches on the small table and I took one of the matches, let it by quickly moving the edge against the table, and let the lantern with illuminated the trailer with a delight. I then turned away as a walker than lunged at me and I screamed in horror. Luckily for me, the Walker was chained up to the bed post so that he could attack me. "Clem?! Are you OK?!" I heard Louis shout out to me with concerns. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just got the shit scared out of me is all." I told them as I quickly took out my knife and stab the walker in the head.
After killing the walker, and then unlocked the door as Violet and Louis that entered. "Wow. Look at this place!" Louis said as he went straight towards the shelves. "Look at all this food! I told you coming here was a good idea. Louis one and Violet zero." Louis messed with her and she just rolled her eyes and responded, "After the shit we've put ourselves through over the years Louis, I think it's more like Violet 56 and the Louis one." I could help but laugh is Louis then said, "You keep telling yourself that, Vi." "Dammit! We really should've brought bags. How the hell are we going to carry this food back home?" Violet asked as I then looked around the room and saw for duffel bags underneath the pull out bed. "I think they should do fine." I said pulling them out and showing them to Louis and Violet. "Great. Let's just get the shit packed up and leave." Violet said as she took a bag for me and begin filling it up. Louis took two as he then looked at the Dad Walker on the ground as he looked back at me with his eyebrow raised and asked, "Really? That guy scared you so bad that you screamed like a little girl?" "Shut up, Louis. It's just... Snuck up on me." I replied is Louis just said, "Ha. Scaredy-cat." I just rolled my eyes as we all then begin filling the bags with food to take back to Haven.
I managed to fill my bag up first as I zipped it and picked it up. It was a bit heavy but not more than I can handle. "I'll meet you guys outside. When you're finished, I need to move back to Haven as soon as possible." I told them as they nodded and I begin to walk outside the camper. That turned out to be a mistake because the soon as I walked out, I was greeted by two redneck looking guys with big beard putting their guns at me. "Well, hiya there little missy. But your hands up." The one side is I hesitantly dropped the duffel bag and put my hands up in the air. "Well aren't you a pretty thing. What do you think you're doing so far into the woods?" The other guy asked me as they definitely also sounded like rednecks. "I... I was just here for some food. I was just about to leave actually." I said so that they didn't know about Violet or Louis. "Now I know I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I can since bullshit when I hear it. Who else is with you?" The one asked as I replied, "I swear. I'm all alone." "Clyde, check to see if anyone else is in there. If she's lying, then we kill them all." The same one said as Clyde went inside and I got scared for all of our lives that we are now in jeopardy.
After searching for two minutes, Clyde came back outside and said, "No one else is in there, Jed." "Well looks like you told the truth after all. Good for you, cutie." Jaden said is I looked inside through the window to see Violet and Louis hiding underneath the bed with their duffel bags. "See? No will you please just fucking let me go?!" I asked them with attitude. "Not quite, sweet jugs. You're not the only hungry one here. Give us your bag." They said is I replied, "No way! Me and my people need this food." I said to them angrily. "Well we need to eat too, Missy. Just give us your bag and will let you on your merry way." Jed said getting annoyed as I once again replied, "No." "Why are you little piece of...." Judge started saying about to shoot me as Clyde lowered his gun and said, "Come down, Jedediah. We could just use her for... Other purposes." He said is I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Yeah. I mean she is a beauty after all. And I could use a little... Fun." He said is he then moved closer to me. "What do you say, sugar tits? Want to make daddy happy?" He said is he then put his hand right on my crotch as I felt so disgusted and violated. I jolted back to move his hand away and slapped him across the face as hard as I could. "Baby cheeks, that was a big mistake." Client said as he pointed the gun back at me.
I managed to kick him in the stomach as of then tried to get the gun away from him as he still had a firm grip on it. I kicked him in the balls as that her enough for him to lose his grip and I pointed the gun to shoot him, but Jed tackled me to the ground as I drop the gun. "Oh sweet jugs. If you wanted to wrestle you could've asked." Judge said as I punched him off of me and went to go for the gun, but Clyde got it before I could. Judge then restrained me by holding my arms behind my back as Clyde kept the gun pointed right at me. "It's a damn shame. You would have made such a nice little slut." Client said as he was about to fire his girl that's on man where sold it to him in the distance. Client turned his head as we saw a man hiding in the darkness standing behind him. "Who the fuck are...." Client tried to speak until he was shot in the head and killed, much to Jed's dismay. The man began to move closer is Jed took out his knife in the hell did to my throat. "Don't move or I'll fucking kill her! I swear!" He yelled as the man then shot him in the head and killed him too.
I fell on my hands and knees as the man moved closer to me, held out his hand, and said, "Are you OK, ma'am?" I excepted his hand as I replied, "Yes, I am at... I'm good." "You know you shouldn't be here at night. It's wicked dangerous." The man said is I looked at him and thought he was about my age with blond hair, a small goatee, and blue eyes. "Yeah, I can tell. Violet! Louis! You can come out now. It's safe." I yelled out to them as they both came out of the trailer enjoyed my side. "Thank you so much Mr....." I asked him if he replied, "Raymond. But my friends called me Ray." "Well thank you so much, Ray." I said is you replied, "no problem. I should probably have you back to your community." "Wait, how do you know we have a community?" Louis asked as Ray replied, "Because I can read minds!" There is a brief moment of silence before Ray said, "No I'm just fucking with you. It's just a hunch is all." Louis left a bit at Ray's joke as he then said, "Come on. I'll get you guys back safe." I nodded as the four of us followed him with our bags of food in hand.

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