Chapter 15 "Getting Prepared":

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WARNING: This chapter include some what part of a lemon. Although it is not an actual lemon, there are elements that could possibly be considered one although there is no lemon involved. Just talking about someone taking a shower. So just keep that in mind while reading this.
( Time Skip: Two Weeks Later)
Clem's POV:
It has now been two weeks as both Lily and her people still haven't arrived yet which is put everyone in anticipation of their attack. The Barbwire and most of the traps were set as I stood outside the central building in the main yard now looking at a fucking war zone. Which is good for us with all the Walker heads on pikes and knocked down tables for us to use this cover. As I stood outside, Jennifer came out to see our progress. "Hey Jennifer." I said catching her off guard. "Oh uh, hi Clementine." She replied. "Hey I need to ask you for a favor. You are a leader of your group, right?" She asked me is if she forgot I already told her months ago. "Yeah, both Gabe and I were. Why do you ask?" I replied. "Well could you go and check on everyone? See if we're ready or not?" She asked of me. "Yeah sure. I guess I can do that." I answer her is it made her grin. "Thanks, Clementine. You're a lifesaver. I'm going to go help James and Henry with the remaining trapsWhat" she said as she walked away while waving goodbye as I went to go check up on the others.
If you come to no surprise that the first person I checked and was AJ seeing as how he's my brother but also like my son and away. I saw him on the perch with Skyler and Tenn doing lookout duty as I yelled up to them, "Hey, goofball! How's it going up there?" AJ looked embarrassed as both Tenn and Skyler giggled at him. "Clam! You're embarrassing me!" He said sounding irritated. "What? Don't want me calling you goofball in front of your friends? I would call you that all the time when you were just a baby." I said intentionally messing with him as his friends continue to laugh more. "I don't want you call me goofball ever. I'm not a baby anymore." He said keeping his irritated tone. "Whatever you say. So how's patrol." See anyone out there?" I asked him. "Clem, this is lookout. No patrol. And no, we haven't seen anyone." He answered me. "Oh yeah and what's the difference?" I asked raising an eyebrow and putting my hands on my hips. "Patrol is where you walk around. Look out you stay put." He answered. "Oh OK. Well, see you in a bit... My little goofball." I said messing with him one last time as he let out a small but hearable growl as I walked away to check on all of the others.
I then walked over to one of the picnic tables where Gabe was trying to finish off the bombs using propane and mulch. "Hey babe. What are you doing?" I asked him. "I just need to test to see if the bomb will go off." He said as I tensed up a bit. "Relax, honey. This will kill anyone. Well not anyone within a decent distance that is. I just need to see if it'll lead." He continued. "It better. Our whole plan is resting on that little thing. They can say, I'll need you to set the bombs off while I distract him. "I said is Gabe smiled and replied, "Expect the unexpected? Good thinking sweetie." He then tried to light the fuse as he had difficulty with it. Cool baby, can you help? My hands are all fucked up from messing with it all day. "Gabe said as I noted it took the Nader from him. I begin to try and like the fuse as it lit and Gabe told me, "Clem, stay back." I did as he said as we both backed up only to find the bomb didn't go off. "Shit! I can't get the pump to work, then we're fucking fucked!" He said and frustration. "You'll get the hang of it. Keep trying." I said trying to encourage him. "But who knows if it'll ev...." Gave set until the bomb exploded causing everyone's attention as the picnic table was now basically destroyed. "Well, I guess it works after all." I said jokingly as Gabe replied, "Yeah. And a bit of a delay but still, at least we know they work. I'll try and make sure that they go off at the proper time." He says is I kissed him on the cheek and walked up to keep checking on everybody's current progress they were making.
I checked on everyone else is everything seem to be not perfect but still functional. Louis, Violet, and Minerva we're working on their end with a bow and arrow, Erika and Eleanor we're making sure that the medicine and supplies were hidden from the Raiders in case something happened, Carter and Riley were working on barricading the house is an apartment building doors and Ed was stocking the weapons. Thomas just stayed with Sofie the whole time as I understood why and left the two alone. I took a seat at one of the few tables still standing as I watched AJ that's it around with Tenn and Skyler on the perch. "Clementine, you have raise a weird kid. Probably because you're the type of person who talks to herself when alone." I said to myself as Jennifer then finished up with Henry and James as she sat down next to me. "So, how is everyone? Are they all ready? Jennifer asked. "They're doing the best. It isn't perfect, but it's at least functional." I told her and she seemed disappointed. "Clem, functional won't cut it. We need everyone to be at their best if we don't want to all be captured and enslaved." She said. "I know. But just give them some time and they will be." I told her. "We may not have time. Who knows when exactly they'll be here." She replied. "But for now, just... Take a quick break. You and your little boy are on the lookout duty tonight. He really seems to enjoy it." She continued. "Yeah. He just loves the chance to protect people. He reminds me of myself at times." I said is Jen smile that my words. "Well, your shift starts in about half an hour so get some time." She said as I noted, got up, and walked back to Gabe and I's house to get some "Me time."
I walked in the house to see Gabe on the couch messing with one of the bathrooms as there were at least three more on the living room table. "Gabe, what are the parents doing in the house?" I asked a bit nervously. "Just putting on the finishing touches before I hand them off to James. So what's up, babe?" He then asked me. "Well, I start my shift soon so I'm just taking time to relax." I said soon down on the couch next to him as he put the bomb down. "Well you deserve some free time. You've worked nonstop for the last two weeks." He said as he put his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled against him. "So we have a half an hour. What do you want to do?" I asked him. "Oh wait, I want to show you something." Gave exclaimed as he took my hand and lead me to the bathroom upstairs. "What is it?" I asked as Gabe let go of my head and turn the faucet on only to have water come out. "What?! We have running water?! How?!" I asked in complete surprise. "I asked Carter and apparently Jen hope all of our pipes to the day I am not far from here. That way we can have running water like in the old days." He told me as I felt excited.
"We've been living in this house for how long and haven't realized we have this at our disposal?" I asked does Gabe replied, "Yeah. It's a bit ironic. But check this out." He then said well walking over to the shower as he turned the knob and water came out of it as well. "We could even take showers or baths!" He said sounded excited. "Sweet! It's been forever since I've had a shower and to be honest, we both smell like shit." I said I'm using Gabe. "So I was... Wondering if we could... Take a shower... Together." He propositioned as I was shocked at first as Gabe looked nervous. "Sure, I mean we are married after all. So it wouldn't be unusual for us to do so." I replied as Gabe smile and began taking his clothes off while I did the same. We both into the shower naked as I felt the hot water hit my skin and hair and it felt amazing." Mmmm! This feels really good." I said is Gabe replied, "Tell me about it. It has been years since I've ever even felt hot water." There is a brief moment of pleasant Silas until Gabe then asked me, "So, how are you taking it? I mean with the Raiders, the possible danger, and even that's a Lily chick."
"To be honest, I'm a bit worried. But I have hope that things will work out." I said is Gabe give me a loving grand and begin to stroke my hair is it went down due to the water dampening it. "It's fine if you're worried. I am too. But no matter what happens, I'm sure we'll be OK. We've dealt with worse." He said as I then felt him put his arm around my bear ways put me closer to him. "What makes you so confident?" I asked him putting my hand on his chest. "Because I'm always confident as long as I have my beautiful wife with me." He said as things were getting steamy. Literally. "I love you, my handsome husband. "I said cupping his cheek as he replied, "And I love you, my gorgeous and bad ass wife." And then put my hands on his face as we leaned in and kissed slowly and passionately with our lips tingling from the water that was coming down on both of us. I then felt one of Gabe's hands slip from my waist to my bare ass as he squeezed it a bit out of horniness. We then heard a knock at the door with a mini yelling, "Clem! Are you in there?" "Shit. I have to go. It's my shift." I said. "Well you can't miss that. It sounds like way too much fun." He said sarcastically as we turn off the water, got dressed, and I began to leave until Gabe stopped me for a moment. "Wait clam! Give these to AJ. I don't think he likes wearing a shirt with a bullet hole in it." He said handing me a red jacket and a disco broccoli T-shirt. I think Tim, give him another kiss on the lips, and then left to meet up with AJ for our lookout duty shift together.

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