Chapter 21 "Making a Plan":

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Gabe's POV:
We looked around her office as I went into her desk drawer and found a tannish piece of paper. I took it out and looked at it to see a hand-drawn map of the Delta and underneath it was a normal map with markings with the line connecting Haven to Norfolk. "Clementine! I found it!" I yelled to her and she looked up at me and join me at the desk. "Wow! Good job, babe." She said is I displayed the hand-drawn map on the desk while putting the other map in her backpack. "Wow. So Jennifer knew where the Delta was all this time?" She asked as I replied, "Yeah, apparently. I guess she just didn't get a chance to tell us that." "Yeah, maybe." Clem said as the map showed off a huge rectangular structure with every place labeled like how Marlon's map of the school was. "Come on, we have to show this to the others. We can form a plan from there." Clementine said taking the map is I agreed and followed her downstairs to the main yard.
We walked outside to see everyone waiting for us while some didn't look happy. "We're keeping that asshole alive?!" Violet asked furiously as Louis commented, "Why the hell would we do that?" Carter than stepped up to us and said, "After the shit him and his people did, he deserves to be fucking hung!" "We know what he's done. But we can't just kill him." Clem said as Carter then got in her face. "Of course you would say that! Because it wasn't your kid that they took, was it?!" He screamed at her. "It what are you, Gabriel?! You already killed Tiffany so you already are used to having blood on your hands!" He said getting in my face now is I clenched my fists. Clem stepped in between us as she then got in his face and said, "Fucking watch it, Carter." Carter still down a bit as she then said, "We just need him for leverage over Lilly. After that, he can get eaten by a herd for all I care. But for now we need him or else we are fucked and your family will be left there to become soldiers. Is that what you want, Carter?" "N... No." Carter responded sounding sad and scared as Clementine said, "Then just listen to the plan and get with the fucking program already."
Carter that walked back to everyone as Clem and I lead them to one of the tables as I lit a torch for some light. She took out the map of the Delta and put it on the table for everyone to see. "All right, so Clem and I will approach the entrance with Abel in our custody. That is where we will grab Lilly's attention." I said pointing to the gate on the map. "Can't we just make a trade? That seems like the most peaceful solution." Eleanor suggested. "Yeah, I don't think she's going to be willing to trade five people for just one. Abel can't matter that much to her." Minerva said. "Look, there's another entrance here on the side. Good way for some of us to sneak in for a surprise attack from behind." Violet said pointing to the small gate on the map. "Good idea. But I doubt they are going to leave the gate both unlocked and I'm guarded. If we want to get that open, will need a bigger distraction that gets everyone's attention." I said as Carter commented, "Well what about their gardens. We still have some bottles at our disposal. A few Molotov cocktails should set their crops of blaze. Giving us the distraction needed to get that door open and get inside." "That just might work. Good thinking, Carter." Clem said.
"OK, so we have a plan to get inside. But what about after that?" James asked. "We try to take cover and keep our distance when firing. Lilly is military trained so fighting her head on is not a good idea." Clementine told them as Louis said, "Yeah. Jennifer and Erika learned that the hard way." "Louis, this is no time for jokes. And that was a tasteless one at that." Violet snapped at him as he said, "I know. I'm sorry. Too soon I guess." "What about our people? Where do you think they're being held?" Minerva asked. "I would imagine it would be here at the recruitment center. Seems the most logical." Thomas said as he pointed to the large tent like structure in the back. "Gabe and I will go after our people being held captive. Carter will accompany us." Clem said as Carter felt honored by his role. "Hey, what's this thing?" AJ asked pointing to the object in the middle. "That's an execution block. We had something similar back at Richmond where a woman named Joan tried to hang my father." I answered as Louis joked, "Well that's not disturbing at all." "Louis! What did I say about making your stupid jokes?!" Violet said sounding agitated. "Jesus, I'm sorry. They just come naturally." Louis replied. "Still though, the execution block could make for a good cover." I said ending their little argument with each other.
"So what do we do about those outposts?" Louis asked pointing to them. "We should try to take them out as quickly as possible. The last thing we need is gunfire from above." I said is Thomas said back, "Yeah but even with them out of the way, there are still going to be dozens upon dozens of soldiers. Waymore than we probably could handle. How do you intend on the 11 of us to take them all out?" I thought to myself for a moment while remaining silent until I heard a familiar voice yell out, "Well, that's where we come in." I turn my head around to see Conrad and a few of his people walk into Haven it approach us. "Conrad? You... You came back." I said in disbelief as he got right in front of me and said, "You were right, boy. We were like family wants. And I won't abandon what family I have left to die. Even if they did fuck up a long time ago." I smiled as Violet said, "So you guys are the scavengers, huh? There aren't a lot of you." "Oh trust me Blondie, there are plenty more of us. But I felt like a smaller group was a better introduction that a whole goddamn army at your gate." Conrad responded.  "It would've been a cooler introduction though. That would be some lord of the ring shit they are." Louis joked is Conrad left a bit before pointing to Louis and saying, "I can tell I'm gonna like this guy."
"So, what are your names?" James ask them. "The name is Conrad as Gabe just said. My man here are Isaac, Carlton, Liam, and Jack. Now I know you only see five of us, but we have more people who are on their way here to help you fight. At least a dozen more. They'll be here in a days time." Conrad told them. Called and what's in this for you?" Carter asked folding his arms. "The chance to stick it to the whore and end this war once and for all. Into... Help my family." He answered as hearing him call me family again made me happier. Conrad and his people then took a look at the map and he said, "My man and I will try to address is the main gate. If we go through the back, it'll blow all of our cover." "Clem and I are using Abel is both leverage and a distraction for Lilly at the front gate. Thomas will then stay hidden and throw the Molotov cocktail in their garden, burning their crops to ashes. That'll keep them busy enough for you to get though the gate." I said as I walked next to him. "I've taught you well, my boy. Javi and Kate would be proud." He said making me feel better. "Can I come too? I can be there with you guys when you're distracting Lilly." AJ offered both Clementine and I.  "Kiddo, it could be really dangerous. I don't want you in harms way." Clem said kneeling to his level. "It's going to be dangerous either way. I'd feel more safe being with you guys." AJ said as Clementine and then replied, "OK. But just stay safe." "I will. I promise." AJ said as Clem hugged him for a second before standing up.
"So that's our plan. Clementine, AJ, and I will approach the main gate with Abel as a hostage which should get Lilly's attention. Well she's distracted, Thomas will throw the Molotov cocktail from a safe distance into their camp, burn their crops, and re-join the others for the fight. Well they are distracted with the fire, Carter and Minerva can pick the lock to the side gate while the three of us enter with the scavengers by our side. You guys will sneak in and take cover as soon as possible and begin to take fire. Use the execution block as cover if you have to. Well the soldiers are being offended off, I'll go with Clem and Carter to rescue the others and get them the fuck out. Then once they are secure in the soldiers are dealt with, then we go after Lilly." I explained as Thomas began saying, "This is one hell of a plan! But when do we strike?" In three days. That should give us plenty of time to prepare." Clem said is I agreed. "What we best get started in the morning." Conrad said is I nodded and we all headed off to bed while Conrad and his people kept watch. I'm not going to lie but when it was just the eleven of us, our chances look to slim. But no the car read it as people have a greed to fight, we may actually have a fighting chance of ending this war and getting our friends and family members back.

Also just so you know, I drew the map in the photo above.

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