Chapter 35 "Checkup":

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Gabe's POV:
I woke up to the morning sun beaming its light on my face as I looked to my side slightly to see Clem using my chest as a pillow with her hand on it as well. I smiled at the sight of my wife as I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the fore head. The feeling of my lips on her head was enough to make her start to wake up as her eyes fluttered open. As soon as her eyes were fully open, she looked straight at me and had a huge smile on her face. "Morning, dork." She said lovingly as I replied, "Good morning, the love of my life. How did you sleep?" "Great. How about you?" She asked me back. "Every night sleeping with you was amazing." I said as she just rolled her eyes and said, "God, you are such a flirt. You're really flirting this early in the morning?" "Are you going to start me?" I asked with a seductive grin as she replied, "Not a chance, dork." We both then leaned in to kiss before Clem covered her mouth with her hand and ran as fast as she possibly could to the bathroom where she proceeded to throw up like she has for the last few weeks as I was starting to get worried for her.
Clem's POV:
"Clementine? Baby, are you OK?" Gabe asked me concerned as he got out of bed as well and went into the bathroom. "Yes, I'm fine Gabe." I said is I knew he could tell I was lying. "Baby, you've been throwing up at least twice a day for the last few weeks. I think you're sick." He said. "Yeah, I am. It's just weird. Are usually never get sick." I said just telling him the truth. "I think you should go see Eleanor. She might have medicine for you." He recommended. "Yeah, OK. You're right. I'll go see her now." I said is Gabe and I then began to get dressed for the day. We then left the room is AJ was already awake downstairs playing euchre with Tenn. "Finally! You guys of been sleeping forever." AJ said as he saw us coming downstairs. "What do you mean, kiddo? It's only 11 in the morning." I said as we approached the two. "Yeah, no I've been awake for three hours already." AJ said making Gabe a chuckle. "Well sorry to keep you waiting, bud." Gabe said as I begin to leave the house. "Wait Clem, where are you going?" AJ that asked me as I stopped in front of the door. "I'm not feeling good, AJ. So I'm going to go see Eleanor so she can check on me." I said is AJ's eyes grew wide and said, "Wait, you're not bitten like Thomas was are you?" "No AJ, I'm not bitten. I'll be home soon." I replied is AJ sighed with relief.
Well, I have guard work to do. I promise to Minerva I would take over her shift so she could spend some more time with Sophie." Gabe said to me as he joined me at the door. "OK cool. I'll just come see you after I'm done." I said is Gabe smiled and said, "That would be awesome." "Love you." I said giving them a quick peck on the lips as he replied, "Love you too." With them both left the house with him going One Direction to do garden work on the main gate and I went the other way to talk to Eleanor about my illness. I walked to her office as I knocked on the door and she immediately opened it. "Oh hey, Clementine. What's going on?" She asked me. "Well, I've been feeling a little sick lately and thought maybe you could help. "I told her. "Well I am a doctor after all. Come on in and I'll give you a check up." She said as I walked in the office and sat down on the hospital bed. "So what do you mean by sick? Like what are your symptoms?" She asked me if she closed the door. "Well I've been having stomach pains, I've been throwing up like crazy, and I've also been feeling sluggish and slow." I told her as she then walked over to me and put her hand on my forehead. "Well, your forehead doesn't seem to be warm or hot. Here take this." She said reaching into a medical bag and pulling out a thermometer for me.
I put it in my mouth as after about a minute, she took it out, examined it, and said, "Well it reads 97.4. So I guess that means you aren't having a fever." "Well then what is it?" I asked Eleanor is she began to think for a moment. "Uh, Clem? This is a weird question but... When was the last time you did... We're on your period?" She then asked me. "Shit, I think it's about more than a month ago. Why?" I then asked her and she looked shocked. "Clem, you're supposed to have your period every month." Eleanor said is I replied, "Yeah, I know. I've been having it for five years now. I know how it works." "Clem, I don't think you understand. The only way it could be happening as if...." She said stabbing herself. "Clem, you said your symptoms were upset stomach, repetitive vomiting, and fatigue right?" She asked me as I nodded my head. "Clementine, I... I don't think you're actually sick." She said is I was now confused. "I'm not?! And how do you explain the vomiting that?" I asked her sounding both upset and scared. "Clem I think your.... Here. Just go in the bathroom and use this." She said reaching back out to her medical bag and handed me a small rectangular box that read, "First response. Early result." "What the hell do I do with this?" I asked her if she replied, "Just... Just pee on it. I know it might sound strange but I think it might confirm what's wrong with you." She said is I went into the bathroom and did as I was told.
Gabe's POV:
I was starting to get really bored on guard duty as nothing was really out there other than a few muertos moving around. I then heard someone climbed the ladder from behind me as I turned around to see Ray climbing it. I really had the urge to just push them off but I decided not to as he got up and went to the other side of me. "What the hell are you doing here, Ray?" I asked him in an annoyed tone. "I was put on guard duty. Same as you." He said back. "Just... Keep your distance." I said still sounding annoyed as I went back to looking outside the walls. "Do you know what this reminds me of?" He asked me as I kept my eyes forward and said, "I really don't care." "You remind me when Javi and Kate used to put the two of us on the lookout. We would always play iSpy to whatever was in front of the gate." He said. "Yeah. Back when you were a decent human being and not a walking pile of shit." I said still refusing to make eye contact with him. "Oh come on, Gabe. I'm trying here." He said is I then responded, "Well stop trying. If you think that I'll instantly forgive you for what you did just for saving my wife's life once, and you are heavily mistaken." "I'll cut the bullshit, Gabe. Charlie, Michonne, or Dawn wouldn't want us to...." He tried to say before I threw down the binoculars, intensely grabbed him by the jacket, and said, "Don't you dare say they're fucking names, you fucking murderer! You have no right!"
Things were about to get ugly before I heard Clementine yelled out from below, "Gabe!" I looked back at Ray for a second, let go of him, and said, "Get out of my face and just do your damn job." I then looked over the end to see Clementine looking back up at me. "Hi, baby. How did it go?" I asked and she then yelled back, "Can you please come down here?!" That worried me a bit as I said, "OK, honey. I'm coming down." as I went down the ladder before I was back on the ground right in front of her. "So how did your check up with Eleanor go?" I asked her again as I then noticed her eyes were being red and puffy with tears in them. "Clem, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked her as she then said, "Can we go somewhere private? I need to talk to you alone." "O... OK baby. Sure." I said as I then began to follow her to behind the cafeteria building so that the two of us could talk alone together with the fear in the back of my mind that something was wrong.

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