Chapter 2 "Food Search":

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Gabe's POV:
The next morning, I woke up with Clementine already awake and putting her pants on. "Good morning, dork." She said as I sat up in our sleeping bag, Jan, and then responded, "Buenos dias, mi amor. Te ves hermosa como siempre esta mañana." "Uh... what?" She asked me confused and raising her eyebrows as I had forgotten that she barely knows any Spanish. "It means, "Good morning, my love. You look beautiful as always this morning" in Spanish." I explained it to her as she let out and, "Oh!" while also blushing. " You know, one of these days I'm going to have to teach you and AJ Spanish." I said as clams smiled and replied, "Yeah. I would like that very much." She then reached into our stuff bag as she took out my clothes and threw them onto my lap. "Come on, get dressed. We have a big day ahead of us." She said as I put on my shirt and jokingly said, "When do we not?" She just rolled her eyes as she left the tent while I started getting myself dressed and ready for the day ahead of me.
After getting my clothes on, I walked outside to see Clem carrying a conversation with Aasim, Minnie, Violet, and the Louis well AJ had already left to play with Tenn like he usually does. I decided to join in on the conversation as I walked over to Clem and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she looked at me with a loving smile. "So what's going on over here?" I asked as Aasim looked upset for some reason. " it's just that... We are running low on food. We can barely find anything out there. If it keeps like this, we are all going to starve." He said is I replied, "I replied, "Yeah, I know." " well if you know about it, then why don't you help us find a fucking solution to it before we all die of starvation." Aasim said getting attitude as Clem scolded at him for raising his voice. "I do have a plan. But you guys won't like it." I said as Louis then pitched in, "Hey if it means food, I'm up for any idea." "Well, there is one part of the woods we haven't searched yet. The far side right across the river. There's bound to be food there."  I said as Violet and Aasim gave me eyes of concern. "We can't do that. That part of the woods is wicked dangerous. It could be full of walkers or maybe even a Raiders. We can't take the risk." Violet said as Louis then responded, "Come on, Vi. I'm hungry. We all are hungry. If there is food there, then we have to take the risk. If we don't we'll all just die anyway."
Violet side before eventually agreeing as Aasim and Mini did the same. "Then it's decided. Will send a small group out there immediately." I said as Minerva and Aasim volunteered themselves to go. "It can't just be you too. We should get at least two more people to go with you." I said as I then heard Clem say beside me, "I'll go to. I'll take AJ you as well." I looked at her concert and said, "Are you sure, baby? It could be dangerous." "Well dangerous is my fucking middle name. Clementine "dangerous" Everett. Besides, I can handle myself in a fight. Don't worry babe, will be fine." She replied as I really didn't want them to go in case they got hurt, but I also knew that once Clem sets her mind to something it's nearly impossible to persuade her otherwise. "OK, fine. Just... Please be extra careful." I said as she is softly touch my cheek and said," Don't worry. We will be." She then went back to our tent and grabbed her empty backpack and she got AJ and they begin to head out with Minerva and Aasim as I then saw Violet give Minerva a quick kiss goodbye. Who wait!" I yelled as the two of them stopped for a moment. I rented them and gave the two of them a family hug as we let go of each other so I can give Glenn a passionate kiss that she returned without thought." Be safe, Clemmy." I said as she rolled her eyes, give me a quick peck on the cheek, and said, "I will, Gabey. Love you." "Love you too." I said back as they then headed into the woods to catch up with Minnie and Aasim who already got a head start.
Clem's POV:
We had just passed the bridge that ran across the river so we could cross as AJ when I have to talk to Aasim while I stayed back with Minerva. "So, how are things going with Gabe?" She asked trying to make conversation. "Amazing. I don't think I've ever felt as much love as I do whenever I am with Gabe. Whether we are snuggling, kissing, or having... You know what." I lied to her as Gabe and I have never had sexual intercourse. Well at least not yet anyway. "Oh, so you and Gabe have "done the deed" already?" She asked as I slightly nodded and replied, "Yeah. And let me tell you, he really rocks me in the sack." as Minnie gave me a kind of humorous and grossed out face. "Violet and I haven't done it yet. I guess she's waiting until after we are married or something." She said as I looked at her confused by her statement. "Married?" I asked confused. "Well we weren't supposed to tell anyone yet, but last night Violet proposed to me and I said yes." She said showing off the ring on her finger. "But doesn't marriage not exist anymore?" I asked her and she just shrugged and replied, "I guess but Violet and I still want to do it. There is just something special about calling your significant other your wife instead of just your girlfriend." She said as I understood and nodded. "But please don't tell the others. We want to keep it a surprise." She requested of me as I responded, "yes of course. I promise." She then think of me as we continued walking and I began thinking for a moment. If mini and Violet are getting married, maybe Gabe and I can as well. I would love for people to call me Mrs. Garcia and for Gabe to call me his wife.
We continued walking until Aasim stumbles into something and stopped moving. "Guys." He called out to us as we caught up to him. "Look at all of this." He said pointing around him as we saw a shit ton of Walker traps. "Someone has definitely been here. I think we should turn be...." He said before a gunshot went off in a bullet shot through his brain, instantly killing him as his blood splattered onto AJ and I and we ran to cover behind a rock. "Do you see anyone?" AJ quietly asked as I whispered back, "I'll go check it out." I looked up from the rock we were hiding against as I saw a one armed man heading close to our direction as I saw who it was and got both shocked and nervous. "Well?" Mini asked as I said, "It's Abel. That asshole we met at the shack months ago." "But I thought he was bitten?" AJ asked as he said his eyes on him as well. "Well if you cut the bitten area off in time, then you can survive it." I said is AJ made a disgusted face. "Just stay put. I'll be back." I said is I took out my knife and waited until he was close enough for me to attack. Once he was close enough, I get the jump on him as I knocked the gun out of his hands and kicked him to the ground. "You're a tricky bitch, aren't you?" He asked sounding pissed. "Leave us alone you...." I begin to say until I thought the gun be pointed at the back of my head. I put my arms up in surrender is able got back on his feet and punched me right in the guide, causing me to go down to the ground as the person from behind me put their boot right onto my neck.

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