Chapter 16 "Lookout":

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Clem's POV:
I approached the perch as my mind became flooded with the memory of Tiffany. But I just decided to ignore it as I climbed a ladder to see AJ or are you still up there with binoculars. "Hey AJ." I said as I got up next to him. "Hi Clem. What are those?" He asked me noticing the clothes in my hand very "Gabe asked me to give these to you. Something for each aware of that ruin T-shirt." I said. "Thank you. Just make sure no one sees me change. "He said putting the binoculars down on the ground and taking the clothes for me. "Whatever you say, kiddo." I replied as he then took off his old shirt and put on the new one. "Ha. Disco broccoli. "AJ said looking at the shirt after putting it on. "Yeah, Gabe thought you might like that." I said to see them put on the jacket. He picked up the binoculars back off the ground and continue to look outside the walls to see if the Raiders were actually coming or not.
"When the Raiders come, that guy is going to be with them." AJ said is I replied, "Abel, yeah." He then looked back at me and asked, "Can I swear are you at?" I thought about it for a moment, sighed, and said, "Yeah, sure kid. But just this one time." He then went back to looking through the binoculars as he then said, "I fucking really hate that fucking dickhead shit fuck!" "And that's it for you swearing. That's a little much, don't you think?" I asked looking out as well. "Well, I do." He said in response. "Also, I didn't like how you embarrassed me in front of my friends. That was... Not cool." He then said to me sounding a bit upset. "I'm sorry buddy. I promise it won't happen again." I apologize this he responded, "Thanks." "Try thinking of something else. Like count all the monsters you see." I told him as he said, "Same number as before. Three... Four...." "AJ, it's OK if Abel frightens you. You know how to control that." I told him. "There's ten monsters out there. He doesn't frighten me. But when he comes, I called Debs. And the one who kills them. OK?" He said to taking his eyes away for the binoculars to look at me again.
"Whoa, AJ. I don't like the way you're talking. Killing is never easy, or fun, or to be talked about so... Casually." I told him as he looked disappointed. "Is it because I'm a little?" He asked me as I replied, "It's just because you should never think about killing like that." He sadly nodded as he went back to counting the walkers. "But what if we played rock paper scissors? If I win, you change your mind it I get dibs on Abel." He offered as I thought about it for moment. "I said no, AJ. Don't fight me on this." I told him with my hands on my hips. "But...." AJ started to say until I said, "No buts, Alvin Junior. That's final." He looked even more disappointed now as I said, "Oh come on." "You know, you will always be able to tell me know." He said under his breath as those words made me a little angry. "What did you just say, young man?!" I asked of him as he got scared now that he realized I heard what he said. "Nothing. I didn't mean it." He said correct with self. "You better not. Because Gabe and I are basically your only family. Whether you like it or not." I said is if he replied, "I know. I just sent out of anger. I don't need it. I love you guys." My frown turned into a smile as I said, "Well we love you too."
"Clem , I see something!" He said looking back outside the walls. "Not a walker?" I asked as he handed me the binoculars and said, "Here. Look." I put them up to my eyes to see walkers being slaughtered by a group of 10 people with guns and cards led by horses. "Yep. That's not a walker. Good job AJ." I said is he looked at me with a quick smile very cool come on. You have to tell the others and get them ready for battle." I said is AJ nodded and we both climb down the ladder. We went walking to the others as Jennifer joined us by my side and asked, "So they finally show up?" "Yes." I simply replied. "Fuck." She said under her breath before saying out loud, "Then let's give them one hell of a show." Gave that moved to my other side as Jennifer stood in front of all of us. "So, any inspiring words of wisdom from our mighty leader before we go to war?" Louis asked. "No matter what happens, it was the lookout for ea...." Jennifer said before gunshot went off and shot Henry in the knee as he screamed in pain. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Carter said is Eleanor replied, "Oh fuck!"
"Hide! Now!" I yelled at everybody ran for cover except for Gabe who drags Henry to safety. "Oh Clementine!! I know you're in there!" Lily shouted from behind our gate. "Open up, assholes!" I heard Abel shout out as he threw a Molotov cocktail over the walls and set the barricade behind it on fire. "This doesn't have to get any uglier." Abel continued to taunt if I looked over and saw the bowl Louis, Violet, and Minerva were practicing with earlier as Henry said, "Go. I'll... I'll be all right." And then ran and grab the bow is Gabe ran alongside me with his gun in hand. Or barrier of been surely fail as the one raider push the open button while Lily and the others made it inside as we stayed hidden. Can we continue to grant in pain is Gabe told him, "It's OK. Just don't make any movements and don't make a sound." The Raiders noticed the pipes, Walker has, and the side that read, "Leave or die" as one of them said, "The fuck is all this creepy shit?" while another said, "Focus. They're just scarecrows." "Guess they took her seriously." Abel said as they continue to move closer to us. "Spread out. Find them." Lily ordered as the rains begin searching for us well he kept ourselves hidden.

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