Chapter 26 "Coming Back":

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Clem's POV:
It was pitch black outside when we got back to Haven as everybody walked in including the scavengers and Conrad well Gabe stayed at my side well AJ was reconnecting with his friends. "So this is your community, huh? It's kind of nice." Jill told me as she walked on my other side. "Yeah it is. Why do you ask? Think of staying?" Gave it then asked her. "I don't think so. I mean thank you for saving me at all, but I'm actually thinking about going elsewhere." She said is I replied, "I understand." "I was actually thinking of joining Conrad's group. After what happened and all the people he's just lost, he could use some new soldiers. "She then commented. "Yeah, I bet he does. Well I wish you the best, Jill." I replied and she said back, "Same to you and your family, Clementine." She ran off to talk to Isaac as Gabe then said, "Damn. We really could've used a fighter like her." "We could've. I mean she does seem like a bad ass." I said as Gabe held me close to his body and replied, "Well not as bad ass as you are, my queen." I giggled at his silliness and responded, "Well you're pretty badass too, my king."
Gabe giggled like I did as we both then leaned in to kiss but was interrupted by Conrad saying, "No hold up there! I've just about seen enough of you to kissing." "You've only seen as kissed twice." Gabe told him while holding onto my waist. "Still, that's plenty enough times. Uncle Conrad said making Gabe and I can go again while Gabe said under his breath, "Cock blocker." Called so you guys are out of here too?" Gabe then asked him. "Well our job here is done, so you will be going in a half an hour or so." Conrad answered. "Listen Conrad, we know you had to sacrifice a lot but we can't thank you enough for helping us take down Lilly and getting our people back. I was wrong before. Francine would be proud." Gabe thanked him.   Quote yeah I hope she is. And because of all this, the war is over and my people are at peace again. So I should be thanking you too." Conrad said back. "Also, Jill was wondering if she could maybe join you guys. She is one hell of a fighter." I told him. "Oh the new girl? She's more than welcome. We could actually use some more hands around New Prescott." Conrad replied. "Wait, your community is called New Prescott?" I asked him if he replied, "Yeah it is. What? Did Gabe not tell you?" I then looked up at Gabe as he shrugged and said, "Guess it slipped my mind." as I just giggled and rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Hey listen, I have to go get my med ready to leave. I'll see you two in a bit." Conrad said before walking off.
I half an hour went by as we decided to go with Eleanor to say goodbye to Conrad and his people. We met them at the front gate as Eleanor instantly gave Conrad a hug and said, "Safe travels, Conrad. It was nice to see you again, old friend." "Goodbye, Eleanor. It was nice to see you too." Conrad said back to her as Jill that approached me and gave me an unexpected hug. "Uh... bye, Jill." I said still shocked by the hug. "By, Clem. U2, Gabe." She said letting go of me and giving Gabe a quick hug as well. It was then the Conrad approached the both of us as you give me a quick hug to before letting go and looking at Gabe. "Gabe, I just wanted to say that you are the closest thing to us so...." He tried to say before Gabe hugged him tightly as Conrad was stunned at first but eventually did the same. "I'm going to miss you, Conrad." Gabe said as they both let go of each other. "I'm gonna miss you too, Gabe. I wish both of you the best." Conrad replied as I then reached for Gabe's head and he excepted it. "Alright, people! Let's move out! We should be back to New Prescott by sunrise!" He yelled out to his people before looking over at Jill and saying, "We are going to need to get you outfitted for scavenger gear." They begin to walk away as the three of us waved to him before he turned around and yelled out to us, "Oh wait. Clem! Gabe! I left something for you to in your house. It's smack dab on your bed! Y'all can't miss it!" He then went back to walking away as we waved to them until they were completely out of sight.
As soon as they were out of sight, we heard Eleanor yawn and say, "Well it's late and I'm fucking tired. I'm heading off to bed." "It sounds like a plan. Good night, Eleanor." I said as we continue to walk back inside Haven with the gates shut it behind us. "Oh. And Eleanor?" Game called out to her as she then looked back at us. "At least you didn't have to take a life after all." Gabe said she replied, "Yeah. Thank the Lord it didn't come down to that for me. Well, good night." She then enter the apartment building as Gabe and I went back to our house. We walked into see both AJ and Tennessee fastest Leap or opposite sides of the couch with playing cards and AJ's chest as I couldn't help but certainly go, "Awwww! Best friends." before going upstairs right behind Gabe. We walked in the room and immediately saw two bottles of rum and two glasses on the bed with a note attached to one of the bottles. Gabe picked up the note as it read, "Thought you could use something to take the edge off after what just happened. Just don't drink yourself to death.-Conrad." "Ugh, that bastard. Always knows how to have the last laugh." Gabe said well chuckling. "Well, I guess a few drinks with her what day?" I said as I picked up the glasses and both of the two bottles.
"I've never had alcohol before, let alone rum." Gabe said as we both sat on the floor and I began to pour the room into the glasses. "I have. I was only 11 when a girl named Jane let me have a sip of rum right from the bottle, even if it did piss cutting off." I told him. Gabe then left before saying, "Sounds to me like this Jaden woman was a bad influence on you." "More than you know, Gabe. More than you know." I cryptically said is I handed him his class with rum about halfway. "So I think it would be proper to have a toast." Gabe said is I replied, "And what should we toast to?" Gabe thought for a moment before saying, "To our victory, our family, into those we've lost today." "Yeah, I'll fucking toaster that." I said as we cleaned our glasses together before both saying, "To victory, family, and our dead loved ones." We both and took a sip as I coughed a bit while Gabe seems fine. "Wow, that shit was strong than that it still is now." I said after I finished coughing. "Oh come on, baby. If I can handle it, so can you." Gabe joked is I giggled, rolled my eyes, and refilled both of our glasses for yet another drink.

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