Chapter 14 "What Now?":

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Clem's POV:
Everyone here at Haven has been even more on edge after the whole Gareth incident a few days ago all know that Lily and her people know where we are and could attack at any moment. But no one has been more on edge then Jennifer has. She's been more erratic and paranoid lately. Tiffany did say her and Lily have history, but the details of that history I know not. But whatever it is, it can't be good. But on the flipside, after learning about the twins's connections to Lily, Gabe finally got over his guild and is back to being the same old door key person I am more than happy to call my husband. AJ, Gabe, and I were on the couch playing a game of euchre together after nap play the game in what seemed like forever. "I'm gonna beat you, Clem-ster." Gabe playfully said is I playfully replied, "The hell you well. Get ready to eat my dust, dorkatron." "Oh fuck yeah!" AJ said beating both of us. "Hey, what's the swears." I said as AJ shrugged and replied, "Oh sorry, Clem. I meant to say heck yeah." as Gabe and I both giggled at him correcting himself.
Just then there was a knock on the door is Gabe then got up to answer it. He open the door to see Thomas standing outside of it. "Oh hey, Tommy boy. What's up?" Gabe asked. "Jen would like to have a word with you. Both of you." He said is I asked, "What for?" "I don't know. She just asked me to come fetch you guys. So are you coming or not?" He asked us as we will look back at AJ. "We have to go, kiddo. Don't worry, will be back soon." I assured AJ has a give him a kiss on the fore head and Gabe and I then left with Thomas to see Jennifer. As Thomas walked ahead of us I caught up to him for a moment. "He Thomas. I... I know about the baby." I whispered to him as he looked at me shocked. "What?! How do you know? Who told you?" He asked sounding shy and nervous. "Sofie told me that they gave and I announced engagement." I continue to whisper. "Dammit Clem, no one was supposed to know yet." He replied "don't worry, Tom. Your secret is safe with me. I haven't told a soul. Not even Gabe or AJ." I told him as he smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Clem ." We are right that the building is Thomas wished us luck and we both walked in. We approach Jennifer's office is Gabe then asked, "So, what were you and Thomas whispering about?" "Oh nothing. Don't worry about it. "I said trying to keep my promise to them. "Clem, I know about the baby they're having. Sophia told me too." He said as my eyes grew wide and I simply said, "Oh. OK then."
We knocked on Jen's door as she faintly replied, "Come in." We walked into see her office was a fucking wreck. It looks like a tornado have passed through there. "I'm sorry for the mess. I just... Needed to let a little anger out. You know? And "Jennifer asked sincerely. "Hey, say no more. I get it." I replied making Jennifer a grin that I understood. "So what do you need us for?" Gabe asked her. "Lily. How much do you know about her?" She asked the both of us. "Not much. I haven't even seen her in person." Gabe said is Jennifer then said, "And what about you, Clementine?" "I... I knew her at one point. We were... Friends a long time ago." I told her if she then looked at me suspiciously. "What do you mean friends?" She asked. "I met her back when the walkers first arrived. Our group stayed in a motor in back in my hometown of Georgia. Her dad was a racist asshole but she seems fine. Hell, she even gave me these hair ties." I told her pointing to the hair ties in my hair. "But then she murdered someone in our group. A news reporter named Carley. She was done taking Lilly's crap and she got a bullet in the head for it. We left or on the side of the road and I haven't seen her since until almost 2 months ago when she attacked AJ and I. That's where James saved our lives." I continue to explain.
"I see you. Seems like you two have history." Jennifer said. "And I've heard that you have history with her too." I said putting both my hands and both my hips. "We... We definitely do. Here, have a seat." She said is Gabe and I then sat down in the chairs in front of her desk. "I met Lily about two maybe three years ago. I had just lost everyone I'd ever cared about was I was starving in alone. But then Lily and her people found me and took me in. Over time, I became per second in command as we will continue our war with scavengers." She said making Gabe shocked. "Wait a minute, the scavengers?! Those are Conrad's people. What were you doing fighting them?" Gabe asked her. "The scavengers rid of some of our settlement along the ocean side. He felt it was best to make them pay for all that he took in the blood they spelled. And over time, Lily and I got... Close. Like really close, if you know what I mean. But since she started stealing people from other communities to fight for us. First adults, and then children. I can go along with it as we thought about it that night. I was sentenced to death by my own love her little thankfully the scavengers attacked our old camp and I was able to flee. After that, I devoted everything I have to make this place. I haven for adults and kids alike who suffered at the hands of her and her people. Hell, that dickhead Abel even cut out Ed's tongue so he couldn't speak. We've been hidden from her for years. But now because of those fucking twins, she knows where we are and will take all of us for her army. I don't think I can do anything about it." She said sounding both sad and angry.
"There is something we can do about it. We can fight for our home and our people." I said with a confident voice. "Yeah. I mean look at this place. It's a goddamn fortress. We can make some improvements so that it would be really hard to attack." Gabe said backing me up. "What do you do you have in mind exactly?" Jennifer asked. "I know we have some Barbwire. We can use them that so they can't climb the walls. We can sub bombs and traps all over the main yard here in this building." I said is Jennifer then stood up and walked to us. "That's good to know, but there's no guarantee. These people can be tricky when they want to be. And who knows how long it'll take for them to get here or how many of them there will be." She said. "But we can be trickier. We have to try." I said. "OK, we'll give it a go. So he better start as soon as possible. Call Jennifer said as we noted as the two of us begin to walk out of her office. "Oh, and Clem?"  Jen asked as I turn my head around. "Thanks for sharing your story." She said is I replied, "Yeah, you too." I then left as we told the others about our plan is everyone started preparing Haven and themselves for the battle.

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