Chapter 18 "Aftermath":

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Clem's POV:
After only having a few seconds to decide, I printed the bow in Minerva's direction and fired it an arrow at her attacker. The arrow entered his back is Minerva finished him off with a stamp to the head. "No! Not again! Not again!" I heard Sophia out as she was shoved into the cage cart. "Thomas, help!!" She shouted catching his attention as the Raider knocked her out with the back of his assault rifle. "No no no no!!!" Thomas yelled out as you ran to his girlfriend/baby mama's rescue until he got attacked by another raider. Fueled by love and anger, Thomas released himself from the Raiders grasp and stabbed him in the head with his acts. I saw Lilly shooting walkers that were in the way of the gate and she yelled out what do you Raiders she had left, "We've cut our losses. Fall back! Paul Lynn and fall back!" She hit the side of the horses as they begin to take off with the carts. I read to try and stop them from leaving, but Lilly through a Molotov cocktail at the main gate so I couldn't chase her and she gave me a nasty look behind the fire and ran off with a total of five of our people as her captors.
"Clem!" AJ yelled as he ran away from a flaming walker. A few more walkers entered the cab as I reached for an arrow but remembered that I was all out. And I couldn't face them head on because they were on fucking fire. Luckily, I saw one of the guns the Raiders dropped as I ran to it and picked it up. I will get to single-handedly killed walker after walker as they hit the ground dead. I ran out of bullets as the last flaming walker approached me and it was about to set me on fire and kill me until violet save me by throwing her chive into its head. "Thanks." I said if she replied, "Don't mention it." No after all the carnage, the Mayham, and the absolute batch of craziness just occurred; now there was only silence with the sounds of the flames echoing through the air. "They're gone! They're gone! My wife! My daughter!" Carter said breaking down in the corner still holding his shot leg. "I can't fucking believe this. They took Henry, Tenn, Riley, Skyler, and... Sofie." Thomas said going from angry to purely depressed. I put my hand on his shoulder only to have him snap at me, "You could've saved her!! I saw you choose between them. If you had an actual fucking brain, Sofie would still be here right now!!" "Knock it off, Thomas. This wasn't Clementine's fault. It was a no-win situation. Either way, one of the twins would've been taken. Clem had to make a tough choice." Violet said as her and Minnie tried to back me up.
"She made the wrong choice! You're only saying that because your girlfriend is safe and mine isn't. If you ask me, it should've been Minerva who was taken!" Thomas shouted is Violet got in his face and said, "Want to say that about my wife again, you little shit?!" Thomas didn't even respond to her as he just looked back at me and said, "How could you do this, Clem?! We trusted you! Do you know if her condition and yet you still cho...." Minerva then interrupted him by saying, "Condition? What condition?!" Thomas hung his head sadly is everyone but Gabe and Carter gathered around him as he said, "She is... She's pregnant. With our baby." He told everyone as they were all shocked and gasped. "An actual birth?! We've never had to deal with that before." Louis said. "Well now you won't have to thanks to this bimbo." Thomas shouted walking away while intentionally bumping into my shoulder. I want to say something until I heard Gabe yell, "Clem!! I need you here, now!" I read to him as he still kept pressure on Jennifers wound but yeah it only slow down the bleeding instead of stopping at entirely. I kneeled down to her is everyone soon gathered around her while James passed through and held Jen's cold hand. "I don't think she's going to make it, clam. She's losing too much blood." Gabe said as we both know had sorrowful looks on our faces.
"Cle... Clem?" Jennifer faintly asked for me. "I'm here, Jen. I'm here." I told her. "This is not... How are you imagined... I would... Die. I imagined... Saving all of you... And not... From a fight." She said as I begin to shed tears for her. "But you did. You saved us. We are OK... Because of you." I told her as she smiled. "How... How many?" She then asked. "Five. Henry, Tennessee, Riley, Skyler, and Sofie." I told her as she whispered, "Dammit." She tried to sit up but Eleanor stopped her. "Jennifer, you need to stay down." She told her. "Clem... I am putting you... And Gabe in... Charge now. You need... To stop... Her. I am counting... On you." She said is I replied, "We will. I promise." "Give her the death... Of a lifetime... For me... Enjoy... Friend... Carley, won't you?" She asked. "You... You have my word." I told her choking up from the tears my eyes were producing. "Good. I know I... Can trust you." She said is everyone around us were in tears as well, especially James. "So... This... This is what it feels like." She said before her life slowly began fading away as she died right in Gabe's arms.
I lifted my nose to stop her from turning until Ed held my wrist and shook his head for me not to do it. He then took out his own knife and stabbed her in the head himself. I continue to cry as Gabe and AJ hugged me tightly. "So... What do we do now?" Louis asked. I stood back up on my feet, wiped my tears away, and I said, "I'm keeping my promise to her. We are going after Lilly and bringing our people back." "That would be great if we knew where they were but we don't." Violet said. "Luckily, we know someone who does." I said is I looked back at Abel who was leaning against one of the buildings looking beaten and bloody. We all walked up to him as he looked up to see me give him the death glare while having my hands on my hips. "The fuck you want, bit...." He spoke up until Gabe punched him and said, "You better watch the way you talk to my wife." "Minerva. James. Put him in the jail for now. We will interrogate him when we can." I said as they nodded and  took him away.
"OK so even if he does tell us where they live, there is only 11 of us against who knows how many. They probably outnumber us. If we do fight, we'll lose." Louis said as I begin thinking for a moment because I knew he was right. "The scavengers." Gabe quietly said to himself as I looked over to him and said, "What?" "The scavengers! They are at war with Lilly's group and Clem and I just happen to know their leader, Conrad. Now to be fair, he wasn't my biggest fan last time I saw him. And honestly, I don't think that's changed. But Clem could help convince him to have him and his people fight alongside us. As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." He said. "That could work. If you're able to convince him that is." James said folding his arms. "We well. In the morning Clem, AJ, and I will go to their base to convince them to help us. The rest of you will stay here to fix up the place and keep an eye on Abel. Any information you can get out of him would be much appreciated. "Gabe continued. "Now this sounds like a plan!" Thomas said. "I should come with you. Conrad is a good friend of mine too. I might be able to serve as leverage to help convince him." Eleanor volunteered. "OK then we best get some sleep first." Gabe said still hanging onto me as it was very hard to do so, but we eventually fell asleep that night even after all that just went down.

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