Chapter 5 "Going Back":

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Clem's POV:
The bright light from the sun hit my face as it caused AJ and I had to wake up. As my eyes open, I saw the James is already awake and putting on his walker mask. "Morning you too. It's about damn time you guys woke up." He said as I begin to stand up on my feed. "Well there is no point in wasting time. Let's get moving." He said as I noted, picked AJ off the ground, and we walked to the camp why I carried a J in my arms. We approach the small bridge over the river as caring AJ became harder and harder. I stumbled with him on the bridge as James look back at me struggling to hold him. "Want me to carry him?" He said as I shook my head and replied, "No it's fine. I got him." "OK. If you say so." He said back as we crossed the bridge and continued walking. "So this group of yours. They are going to shoot me point blank once they see me, right?" He asked. "You'll be fine. They won't attack you if they see you're with me." I answered him as he replied, "OK. Good." as we begin getting close to the camp.
The camp is now inside as I saw everyone gathered together in the center of it. I tried to to open the door but struggled since I was holding AJ so James took AJ out of my arms and held him so I could open it. We walked in as I didn't realize why everyone was gathered together as it was because they were holding a funeral service for Aasim. I guess Minerva told them what happened to him. Small gate door close behind us as Thomaston looked over to us and yelled, "WALKER!" He then took out his gun and fired at James as it luckily missed him. "Well, so much for being fine." He said is no everybody's attention was on us. "CLEM!" Gabe screamed with joy as he ran from the crowd into me as he lifted me up and spun me around in his arms, making me giggle happily. He then smashed his lips into mine as I kissed back just as intensely. He then put me down and said, "Oh Clem! Thank God you're OK. I thou... AJ!"
He then ran to AJ who is still in James's arms as he then looked back at me and asked, "What the hell happened?!" "We were attacked by a Raiders and AJ got shot by their leader, Lilly." I explained. "Wait, how do you know her name? Did she say it or something?" Gave then asked. "We... Used to know each other. She was part of my group during the first three months after the Walker showed up. She killed someone in our group named Carley and we left her on the side of the road. That's the last time I saw her until last night." I explained to him and basically everyone. "And who is this?" Gabe asked pointing at James. "This is James. He saved AJ and I from a herd of walkers after we escaped from Lilly and Abel." I said as Gabe's eyes went wide. "Wait Abel?! I thought we killed that asshole?" He asked. "Yeah so did I. But luckily James helped us get away and he actually wants us to come with them to his community." I said is everyone began to mumble to each other.
"Why would we do that? We are perfectly fine here." Erika said as Lewiston replied, "The fuck we are! At this rate, will all be dead by the end of the month. Whether that be from Walker's or starvation." "How do we even know we can trust this guy?! I mean look at him! He's wearing decayed human flash on his face. He could be accountable who wants to take us there to eat us alive or something." Thomaston said as Minnie then commented, "He saved Clement AJ. He was really accountable or a threat, he would've probably killed him by now." "Believe me, I mean none of you harm. But it's not safe for any of you out here. Especially with the seasons changing and not to mention the Raiders are searching these woods looking for you guys. If you come with me, we can keep you all safe and well fed." James stated. "I think we should put it to a vote. Everyone can make their own decision." Violet then suggested as she lovingly held her body close to Minerva's. "Yeah, I agree. Let's put this matter to a vote and go from there." Sofie then said.
"Clem, do you really trust this guy?" Gave asked me not in a nasty way but in and honestly curious way. "Yes. He saved our lives so I trust him." I said is Gabe then smiled, raised his hand, and said, "Well that's good enough for me. Your instincts are right most of the time. I vote that we go." "We vote to go to." By lemon nervous said simultaneously raising their hands as well with Tenn also raising his hand. "Me too. They have food, then I'm down." Louis 10 steps forward also raising his hand as I did so as well. "Well we vote to stay." Sofie said as she had Thomas his arm around her shoulders. "I vote to stay too." Erika then said. "Well it's 6 to 3 in favor. So I guess that means were going." Gabe said as he then walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. "Will leave in one hour. Pack as much as you can and meet us at the gate." I said as everyone nodded and went to pack their stuff while Gabe and I did the exact same thing with ours.
Gabe's POV:
After everyone was finish packing, we all met up with James by the gate who is still hanging on to AJ. "Hey us, James?" I asked him walking up to him. "Yeah?" James asked back. "Do you mind if I carry him there? I mean he's like my son and I just want to make sure he's OK." I requested as James said, "Sure." and handed AJ to me as I thanked him. Everyone then came over to where we were as James said, "OK. It's about a few hours walk. Maybe a day. So we better get moving now." We all begin walking as James walked in front of everyone of course because he knew where this place was. He honestly seems cool, but if you like him and Clementine are too close already. I know I shouldn't worry, but I don't want him taking Clem and AJ for me. But I'm probably just overthinking it. Plan was right in front of me talking to and walking beside Sofie as Thomas picked up the pace so he could catch up to me." Damn man. Would you look at that. Pure perfection." He said as his eyes were pointed down right at Sofie's butt. I then looked over to Clem as I know couldn't help myself and stare at her ass. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it as her hips swayed while her ass cheeks moved up and down as she walked. I then felt an urge of horniness as I just wanted to lay her down and go to town on her. Clem and I have been together for almost 10 months and we still haven't "done it" yet. Maybe something to think about when we get to this new community. "I see you're staring at your girls ass as well." Thomaston said nudging me with one elbow. "Yeah man, I can't take my eyes off it." I said is Thomas and I began to chuckle and Clem look behind her at us so we pretended like nothing happened and just kept walking.
Clem's POV:
I heard Gabe and Thomas snicker behind us as I look back at them as they stopped and pretended to mind their own business. "Hey, I'll talk to you later, Sofie." I says I then went back to see Gabe has Thomas then went by his girlfriend side. "Hey babe." I said coming over as he said, "Oh hi baby." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips instead of our usual lip lock as he was holding AJ and I didn't want him to drop him accidentally. "Why were you and Thomas just snickering?" I asked him as he cute Lee begin to panic. "Oh uh... no... nothing." He said is I replied, "OK if you say so." "So I see you and that James guy are getting along." He said as I folded my arms were walking and gave them a look. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked. "Well it's just that you too... Seem really close now. And I'm nervous... You know... He'll..." He started as I could tell what he meant. "Gabe, he's not going to take me away from you. I mean is cool and all, but he's just weird and not my type. I'm going to darks of anything. You have nothing to worry about. I'm in love with you and it all forever only be you." I said is Gabe smiled and gave me a peck on the lips just like I did earlier as we continued walking to our new home.

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