Chapter 31 "Going Out":

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(Time Skip: One Month Later):
Clem's POV:
It's been about a month since Thomas died as everyone has gotten over the depression except for Sophie. I Astley feel bad for her now that she's going to have to be a single mother and I have all people should know how that feels. Gabe, Tenn, Minerva, and I have tried to comfort her for her loss but it hasn't helped her much. I know that this would be me if anything ever happened to Gabe or AJ as they would be the same for me. I just hope to God that day never comes. I couldn't bear to lose my dork or my goofball as they are the only things in my life that are pure and good that I have left in this world. I know I shouldn't think about that but after we've lost Jennifer, Henry, Ed, and recently Thomas all in the span of just two months, I can't help but think how long it'll be until one of us is next. It's a gram thought, I know. But you can never truly know what could happen in this horrible world or who you will lose.
It was late afternoon as everybody had just finished their dinner and Gabe and I were now just cuddling on the couch together right before I had to go on a supply run with Violet and Louis. I suggested we wait until morning to go, but Louis insisted on tonight since we are no low on food as it is. I've also been feeling a bit unusual lately. And by unusual, I mean I've been feeling sick. I haven't told Gabe yet as it did feel urgent enough for me to do so. I know it wasn't bitten and I've only had an upset tummy so far. "Oh I love your cuddles." I said is I know sold my face and Gabe's chest. "I do too, baby. I love every second of being with you." He replied. "Gabe?" I asked him. "Yeah, sweetie?" He asked back. "Do you ever wish that things were different? Like wish that the walkers never arrived?" I then asked him as he surprisingly replied, "No. Not really." I don't move my body so that my front was facing him as I said, "Really? Why? Don't you miss your family? Your friends?" He looked at me with loving eyes before replying, "Of course I do. But if the walkers never came, I would have never met you, the moon of my life. Or AJ for that matter. And as for friends, I have plenty of them as it is." I felt so happy that I didn't hesitate to kiss his lips as he kissed back just as fast.
"Yeah, I feel the same way. I'm so lucky I married you." I told him as we both pulled back from the kiss and I just kept his cheek with his hand on top of mine. "I'm lucky to have married you too. I love you, Mi amor." He said is I replied, "I love yo...." before feeling the need to vomit. I got off the couch and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom as I open the toilet and threw up so bad that it felt like I was throwing up my guts." Baby? Are you OK?" Gabe asked me as I finished throwing up and wiped off whatever vomit remained on my bottom lip. "It's OK, Gabe. I'm alright. I must've just ate something bad is all." I lied to him as he replied suspiciously, "OK then?" "Clem!! We are ready to go!!" I heard violet shout from outside. "I have to go." I told Gabe is I went to put my jacket and hat on. "What for?" He asked me. "I kind of promised Louis and Violet that I would go on a supply run with them. I know we plan on spending the night together, but...." I try to explain before Gabe interrupted, "It's OK, Clem. You can go. I won't argue." "Really?! Thank you so much, babe. I promise I won't be gone long." I said as he replied, "Just please be careful. Remember the last time you went on a supply run?" He said is I started getting flashbacks to when Aasim was shot and I met Lilly again. "Don't worry, dork. I'll be home before you know it. I can't stand to stay away from you for so long." I flirted as he then smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips as I then kissed back before leaving our house in meeting up with Louis and Vi.
Louis, Violet, and I were walking down through the forest looking for a place that could possibly have some food. Who is the side of the work ahead of us as I was behind him walking beside Violet. "So uh... How has married life been?" Violet asked me trying to start a conversation. "Like a fucking paradise. Gabe and I spend every moment together and I couldn't be happier. How about you?" I asked her back. "Grade. Super great." She simply replied so I could feel something was up. "So are you and Gabe ready to take the next step?" She then asked me as I was confused. "Violet, Gabe and I are already married. I don't think there are many steps to take after that." I responded. "Let me rephrase that. Do you and Gabe plan on... You know... Having kids?" She rephrased her question as my eyes grew a bit wide from her question catching me off guard. "I uh... I don't really know. I haven't really talked about it." I answered. "Well, do you want kids?" She then asked me. "Again, I don't know. We have AJ so I guess we already have a kid." I replied as Violet then shook her head and said, "Clem, AJ is your brother. You can pretend like he's your son all you want, but he's not. I know you've practically raised him, but I'm talking about a child made of your own DNA. Well both of your DNA and Gabe's I guess." "I know. It's just... I need to think about it is all. Besides, I don't even know if Gabe wants kids. He seems pretty happy with it jus..." I said until I felt the need to vomit again as I did so in a nearby bush.
"Jesus, Clem. Are you alright?" Pilot asked me as she stopped to make sure I was OK while Louis kept walking. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I've just been feeling rather sick lately. Which is strange because I usually never get sick." I told her. "Maybe you're already pregnant." She joked as she then began to laugh. "Don't even joke about that, Vi. Seriously." I said is she then started laughing and said, "You're right. I'm sorry. I'll just leave the joking to Louis. The matter how irritating his jokes are." "I know you love them, Vi! You can't keep denying it!" We heard Louis shelf from a distance as she shouted back, "I love them as much as I love being poked by a hot knife!" I just rolled my eyes and giggled as we hurried and caught up with Louis. There was a short moment of silence before Violet said, "If I'm being honest Clem, I do want to have a kid." "Really? That's surprising." I said a bit shocked. "But I do though. I want to know how it feels to be a mother. Emma nervous and I can't exactly have kids. Neither of us have the proper... Equipment, you know?" She said as I left a little before replying , "So what are you going to do?" "I don't know. Maybe Minnie and I can find a donor or something. She wants a kid too. We just need to figure it out is all." She answered as I know I did and was about to say something to Louis shouted, "Guys! I think I found something!"

Truly In Love: A Gabentine Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora