9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [5/5]

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You barely even cracked the door when, without warning, it shot open and a deviant grabbed you by the collar, pulling you towards itself and pressing a gun against your head, causing you to shriek in surprise.

"Do anything and I'll kill her!" the android yelled while tightening the grip of his arm around your neck, causing everyone on the rooftop to turn towards you, with several Swat members readying their rifles.
"(Y/N), holy shit!" Hank yelled from a distance, while grabbing his gun and taking cover behind some metal casing. He turned to look at the Swat members. "Do not fucking shoot!" he almost screamed at them in panic.
Interestingly, Connor looked just as... shocked as everyone else, his LED whirring red for a moment before turning yellow. Little did you know he was vividly remembering the hostage situation he dealt with a few months back. The android was even the same model...

"P- please... Don't..." you whimpered, holding onto the android's arm that was squeezing you tight, almost cutting off your breath, trying to get him to loosen his grip.

"J- Just... Let me get out of here!" the blond deviant demanded with just a hint of shakiness in his voice. His leg seemed badly injured as he had trouble putting weight on it and standing up straight.

"I can't let you do that!" Connor explained.

"Connor... Please..." you looked at him, tears filling your eyes.

" you looked at him, tears filling your eyes

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The android paused, looking at you. "... (Y/N), everything will be okay." He attempted to calm you down, but seeing the strong yellow coming off his LED sadly didn't help all that much.

"Just let me go, a-and no harm will come to anyone!" The deviant explained, while dragging you towards the railing by the edge of the roof limping, making sure his body is hidden behind you almost completely, using you as a shield.

"Wh- what are you doing?" you inquired, a look of terror on your face. "Please, I don't want to die..."

"Neither do I..." he responded quietly before looking around. "Get me a parachute!" he yelled after a moment. "There should still be one in that duffle bag over there." He pointed at the bag lying on the rooftop.

The swat members looked at each other, seemingly unsure of what to do. Eventually, Hank came out from behind his cover and moved towards the bag slowly, not taking his eyes off you.
"H- hey!" the deviant yelled. "Drop your gun!" he demanded. Hank paused for a moment to think, before eventually complying, and continuing towards the bag with his hands slightly raised. All he wanted was to see you safe, no matter what.
Connor observed from a safe distance, scanning you. Your heart was going absolutely wild and you were beginning to shake, while feeling slightly nauseous from the knot in your stomach, and the panic.

"(Y/N) look at me." Connor spoke up calmly and you caught his gaze, surprised by how concerned he looked, his LED still blinking yellow.
"You're going to be okay. I promise. Just take a deep breath."
"I- I can't..." you wept quietly, hinting at the arm around your neck.
"Hey!" Connor addressed the deviant. "Loosen your grip around her neck. Humans need to breathe, you know."
The deviant gave Connor an angry glare, before removing his arm only slightly, enough for you to catch your breath, but at the same time pressing the gun against your temple harder, making you wince just a little.
In the meantime, Anderson found the parachute and approached slowly.
"Throw it here! And don't attempt anything stupid, or I... I'll blow her brains out!"
"Don't worry, kid." Hank said quietly. "You'll be alright." He tried to reassure you and tossed the parachute towards the deviant, having it land almost next to him. With the gun still pointed at you and his eyes on the Swat, he leaned down slowly and picked it up. Skillfully, the deviant managed to put on the backpack with one hand, putting it over his left shoulder first, all the while not taking off his eyes of Swat, gun still pointed at you. He quickly flipped sides, doing the same, throwing it over the other shoulder.

"I... I'm sorry about all this..." Those were his last words, saying them quietly into your ear, before quickly hopping onto the ledge and jumping off backwards, gun still in hand. It was then you finally lost your composure completely, dropping onto your shaking knees.

Simultaneously, everyone rushed towards you. The Swat hurried to the railing, while Connor and Hank hasted towards you. Connor was the first to be by your side, helping you up and getting you out of the way, away from that ledge.

"Holy shit... (Y/N), are you okay??" Hank asked frantically as he arrived, grabbing you by the arms and looking you up and down, making sure you're okay. Before you could say anything, he pulled you into a tight hug, and tears began filling your eyes rapidly.
"Hank, I..." you hugged him back gently. "I- I'm alright... Just... very, very spooked..."
Anderson and you let go of each other after a few more seconds and you wiped away the tears that had started running down your cheeks, before glancing at Connor, whose LED was still blinking yellow.

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now