4 : R E S T I N G [4/4]

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"So, where will we be heading?" you asked, while trying to take a sip without burning your mouth.

"Eden Club."

Your eyes widened and you tried to hide the fact you almost choked on your beverage. "Eden Club? Really? Interesting... Okay, so what happened?" you subtly cleared your throat.

"A deviant is suspected to have killed a client." He told you, while petting your dog, who was wagging its tail. You smiled at the sight. "Aww, s/he likes you!"

"Is that so? The Lieutenant's dog seems to like me too."

"Wait, you've been to Hank's house?"

"Correct. I couldn't find him at the bar, so I went to his home to try and find him there, which I did."

"Oh, I see." You replied and took another sip of your tea.

"We should probably hurry... I'm sure the Lieutenant won't appreciate us keeping him waiting this long."

"Right, I guess so..." You set the mug down, put on some shoes and grabbed your jacket.

You took one more sip of tea and when you left the house, you spotted Hank sitting in the passenger seat. Your eyebrows furrowed, wondering why... But your question was quickly answered when you opened the car door, only to be greeted by the stench of alcohol. "Ugh... Jeez, Hank... Again?" you waved your hand in front of your face as you took a seat in the back, Connor being the driver.
"What's it to you, kid?" He grumbled. "What the hell took so long, anyways?"
"I had to get dressed and all..." you sighed. Judging by the strong smell of his breath, it's been a while since Hank had that much to drink. You couldn't help but wonder if you somehow contributed to it, seeing as you almost died on that highway, your actions possibly impacting his behavior...

Hank must've been worried sick...

  And yet again, you were in for another silent car ride.

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now