"I don't know what's wrong with that boy but he needs to leave me out of this....I'm not in the mafia anymore and all my men respected me after I had Seolji.....why can't that he accept that?!"

My eyes widens at the sound and the boom of the voice....my eyes teared up and had to hold it in because this can't be happening. The lights went out and I was then dragged out of my spot as I stared at the barrel of a gun. I was trying to steady my breathing but this happened so fast that I couldn't process it quick enough.

"Kook?! What the fuck are you doing here? What's going on?"

I was in tears right now. He got off of me and picked me up but my legs wouldn't work. Chen is the worse....

"Jeon Jungkook answer me, what the fuck is going on? Why are you.....are you here to kill me? Did Chen sent you?! Come on boy answer me."

I nodded as I was sobbing. He held me close to him and shushed me which works every time back then when he took us in.....My boss and my father figure Van.

"Why didn't you tell me that Chen threatened you? You know that he wouldn't dirty his hands himself and even if I wasn't taken out he wouldn't try that shit again. But why Jungkook.....why go back knowing he'll make your life hell?"

"He threatened Jimin...."

He face softens as he sighs. I feel like a fool but at the same time at this point I don't see myself trying to hide this from him...although one thing that's bothering me.

"Hey.....why would Chen go after you? How does he know you?"

He looks at me then at the floor before he spoke.

"He's my son, my first born. I was in the mafia back then and things got hectic from kidnapping him and saving him and all that was just too much for me to handle so I gave up that life yet he didn't. He absorbed a lot as a kid and did everything he could to get him into that life  as I left and I refused. Once Seolji was born he was gone with someone that was willing to teach him all he needed to know....although I didn't know that he would come back after what had happened with Seolji that night so for him to pull some half ass stunt is childish....especially sending the wrong person to do the job. Jungkook, I don't know what he can do but I suggest you find a way to get out before it's too late. I can only do but so much and I don't want no one dying on my watch not even you.....you mean so much to me like your brothers and for you to stoop this low is disappointing...."

He then checked me for anything seeing that I was armed and had my cellphone but nothing else.

"Take your shirt off kid," he ordered.

I did what he asked and he took it searching for something. Seeing that there was nothing on it he handed it back and took the gun from me and helped me up.

"Thankfully you don't have to work for the next two days so I expect you to rest.....take your time and I'll be sure not to tell them but I can't hide everything from them all the time....I know that they'll jump at your every need even when it comes to Chen but you can't do everything alone.....I know you want to protect them and I'll allow you to because he'll notice the changes in behavior since he trusts you after doing some errands I assume.....end it quick kid find someone that's on your side that can get you out because it's going to get nasty from here. Now go, I'll do what I need to to stage my death so that he'll carry on."

I did what he asked and left the same way I came in and was in the car with my face like it was before but again my mind and heart in shambles.

I was back home trying to find to calm myself down but nothing was working. I had drank all my booze that I had stashed away and I need to let go of this pain....I was a lost cause until I heard a knock on the door. Gather what's left of me I opened the door to see a girl wondering what was wrong.

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