"Hm....huh? Where am I? Hyung? Why am I here?!"

"Calm down Jun," he said.

"No! I'm tired of being dragged back here knowing that I want nothing to do with this......stop this please," he pleaded.

"You know that I can't do that.....father-"

"I don't give a fuck what he has to say to me.....sure I'm grateful that he put me through school but I didn't agree to take on the family business.....that's not what I want....that's not what mom wanted..."

I looked at him as the guilt raised some more....so I just forced him against his will to join them? I don't want to be here anymore... as they talked I started to the door but was blocked. Chen was behind me spinning me around and pinning me to the wall with his leg.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Home, I'm done right?"

"Nah I've got one more for you to do and you're free as a bird," he smiled.

"Am I really..." I said tilting my head.

"Hmm.....I want you to bring this special person to this party I have going on. Of course you can be there because I know you'll go."

"Why would I-"

I looked down at the envelope and my blood was on fire.....in cursive it was Jimin's name on it. I looked at him as if I could kill him with my eyes as he looked at me with amusement.

"You get to spend all the time with him, but of course I want you to introduce me to him and such. It would be rude to not let me meet the boy you love," he said caressing my face.

I slapped his hand away from me as I left taking the envelope with me. Hot tears were coming down my face and by the time I was in my car I was sobbing.....I can't take this torture right now. I'm so scared that something is going to happen to him that I can't save him this time....

For weeks I've been leading a double life from going to dance practices with the dance group I was selected with Jimin and Hobi hyung to going to do a couple of errands then rushing back to go to work at the Magic shop. Thankfully I'm not doing errands every single day otherwise I might die from exhaustion. I haven't heard from this Lee Ho seok person since he talked to me and I already lost hope in him since I'm still here doing what fuck face has to tell me. I found myself smoking again and drinking like I used to to cope with the bullshit I'm going through.....especially with avoiding Jimin....as if it was the first time we've met. Sure I would answer him but I avoided hanging out with him because I know that if I get too close and try to tell him what's going on it's over and I can't risk that. I looked in the envelope and see that this is some party that he's hosting and he wants me to take him out as if it was a date, but I don't understand what he wants with Jimin other than how beautiful of a creature he is....he's not known to want someone. I sighed and got a text from some friend asking if I wanted to go out today but got another from Hobi hyung to come over. I got up and got dressed as I went over to his and Tae's dorm.

"Sup walking depression," he said letting me in.

"Sup ball of fucking sunshine," I said back.

"What's up? I haven't been seeing you around lately and Taehyung has been talking to me about how you and Jimin don't talk anymore."

Great, I don't know how I should answer this because he can see through my bullshit after all these years in trying to keep him from knowing what's going on with me. I sat down and sighed debating if I should tell him or not but I'm surprised that he hasn't told him everything.....what did Jimin say about me?

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