"How long were you there?"

"I just got here......so? Ya'll a thing?"

"Yea, this my baby now," hyung said kissing his neck causing Tae to giggle.

"Fucking finally, the ship has sailed!"

I smiled then relaxed almost forgetting that I need to talk to Hobi hyung about what happened last night. Jungkook had me worried and I'm probably not going to get anything out the both of them about it....sadly it may be best if I didn't know about what it is, so I guess I'll carry on my Saturday in hopes that everything'll lighten up or whatever it wants to do. I decided to head out to see my mother after all this time because I miss her and she has been busy with her studio she has going on. I traveled by bus to her studio since she decided to move closer to it and me if anything were to happen which luckily the move was quick and easy and in a place that she likes. I want it to be a surprise visit because I know that I've turned down my invitations so spooking her will do the trick.

"Raise your leg higher on that jump, try it again," she said as she instructs one of her students as the others were doing other things.

I walked in and put my bag down and walked behind her wrapping my arms around her. She gasp in shock then smiled knowing who I was as I opened my arms more to let her turn around.

"Jiminie~ My baby it's be so long," she said coming for a hug.

I come to hug her back but was slapped causing an echo that silenced the room.

"Ya! You act like I don't remember that you don't come to see me!? Apologize!"

I got on my knees with my head low. Of course this was embarrassing but I can't refuse or she's really going to do worse than this.

"I apologize for not chatting with you often nor come to see you when I have my days off," I said.

"Jimin....get up....we need to talk. Everyone take thirty alright?"

We moved to her office and she hugged me, this time as if she's trying to repair whatever is broken within me. I felt the emotion within the atmosphere, telling me that this isn't some "hey mom how are you" kind of thing.

"Why did you tell me all that happened?..... I don't understand you anymore how can you not tell me what's going on with you or what happened and not have me be there for your comfort? Do you not need me anymore?"

Right now I'm already crying because she has the ability to draw my emotions out when I need it. She grabs my hands and caressed them then looked at me with worry.

"I was told by Yoongi about everything.....your so strong baby....but I know that you've had enough and I'm always worried about you.....sometimes I think you've forgotten about me chasing your dream...there's nothing wrong with taking a break and hanging out or getting something cool or fall in love."

"Well I can do all those things but fall in love mom, but I understand....I got so caught up with college that I forgot the most important things."

"Well there's nothing wrong with falling in love unless you're referring to what happened with "that""

"Yea that mom.....I rather dance and get to my dream than to have someone steer me away from it and take away my opportunities," I said pouting.

"Well technically you could've said no and did what you had to do and still hang with him but of you were young and didn't want to disappoint. Prioritizing things is a thing and you didn't know how to do that at that time, so it was lesson learn and loss happen.....it happens baby," she said softly.

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