"Was there something you said to him that made him turn away?" Tae asked this time

"We were playing around and we kissed on accident...then it turned intentional but I realized that I was going to make the mistake that I did back in high school and moved away from him. I don't know if that was reason why he doesn't talk to me but if that is I don't know what to do with that....at least I was honest....maybe it was my fault for getting it that far."

"Oh please Jimin....you're in charge of how things turn out and even though something happened before doesn't mean it'll happen again. You were so happy and full of life when you're around him." Tae said sipping his drink.

"So I wasn't so full of life before?"

"At times no, but there was a time Jungkook was watching a video and I happened to peep it seeing some dance you two were doing in a dimmed room and even in your dance there was something there. Jimin being that you two are pursuing dance I don't see you two getting in the way of each other or stop each other from doing so," Tae explained.

"Wait he has a dream? I thought it was to be the school's fuckboy?" Yoongi said.

"Sure that's what it looks like but Hobi hyung was his biggest influence in dance when we were dealing with some shit and the only way out was to dance. Sometimes they would make a choreo and go at it even make money for some food for possible weeks if that's a thing. Just he doesn't say it and keeps it to himself. Jimin if he's the person you want to be with then go for it."

"Well said Taehyung," Jin said nodding.

"I mean we're here if things get hectic or things seem out of line," Yoongi shrugged.

I nodded and decided to get up and go to him since nothing's really happening to later. As I got closer to his dorm, I hear some voice and it got closer showing two guys looking at me with disgust then with a smile. I didn't know what to make of the situation because lately the rumors have been dying down so I guess those are the last of them that still believe Ten. I turned around and kept walking to only be pushed to a wall.

"Hello there hyung," one said.

He had red spikey hair with one of this eyebrows cut then the other with black hair.

"What do you want," I asked.

At this point people need to get more creative with approaching me.

"Your fucking head. Why couldn't you just keep quiet like all the rest of the other people huh?! I heard lots about you and I gotta say, I can tell you were worth the trouble, but now you're going to pay for what you've done."

"Oh really? And how am I going to do that?" I said tilting my head to the side.

The guy holding me slammed his fist close to my face surprisingly not startling me but I see that he's serious.

"Taeyeon, we got to make this quick, we got to go to the courthouse soon," the other behind him said.

"Taeyeon? Aren't you the cute guy I saw in the Magic Shop that night? You're a really good dancer," I said trying to buy time.


"Don't let him distract you, beat him up so we can leave."

"Oh look he's bossing you around, aren't you the younger one? It's not nice to talk to you hyung like that," I said.

The younger one goes to punch me in the face, but misses as I moved over. I shoved Taeyeon over and pinned the younger one to the wall getting close to him.

"Oh well this is a nice position don't you think? Now let's talk this over. You let me go and I spare both your lives. I don't plan on getting my face destroyed because I got things to do tonight got it sweetie?"

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