Nailing it as a Dad

Start from the beginning

Her dead eyes narrowed like charcoal clouds, their dark beauty lost. Her life was trapped behind those clouds and I felt responsible for it,"I love our children. Now, can we just drop it?"

I snapped,"You were going to abort my child! How the hell do I just dropped that?"

"MY CHILD", she yelled back to me,"I'm the one who has to carry it, I'm the one who has to push it out for thirty-two mind numbingly painful hours. I'm the one who has to stay home and wipe its butt and listen to it cry and cry and fucking CRY more. I'm the one doing the feedings, and getting rejected. Rejected by a parasite that can't even lift its head up! Me! Not you or anyone else! So for a moment I considered getting rid of this...this thing.  If I have the balls to do it I would have gone through with it. But, I don't. So here I stand ready for round two", she said bitterly.

I was livid with her but at the same time I felt like my world was crashing around me. Her words cut me deeper than any knife or bullet.

She doesn't mean it.

This was the postpartum depression. It had to be.

I took a deep breath ready to say my piece,"Drop it", Jennifer demanded coldly. "We have bigger problems. After Christmas I'm sending you all to Safe House. It's time we end this little war. And we'll do it my way. It's time for this to end", I agreed with her on that. Whoever and throwing was we needed to shut this down. I just didn't want her to get hurt. I didn't want the baby to get hurt. And I really didn't want to start from the beginning again. After what happened in Hong Kong, it was hard enough to get people to trust me. And even harder to gain loyalty. If Jennifer clean house like I knew she would, I wasn't sure I could bounce back from that. She wasn't in a discussion mood and there wasn't much I could do to fight against her.


"Love, please. Listen to me, we're all stressed, hurt and tired. But running head first into this will get you killed. Please, please I implore you don't do this", I was truly begging her not to. This was a war we wouldn't win with strength, money or power. We need to be strategical, and that would take time.

"It's to late. Alejandro already has his order. He knows this Henthorne is coming after him. He's not going to stop until he finds him", she said pacing back and forth with her heels clicking against the concrete floor.

"Call him off. If he gets to---"

"I have a failsafe. I'm not running into this without a plan. Have faith in me. It's not like I haven't done this before", she stated.

"What did you--"

"Mommy?" Alma said yawning blinking her eyes open. Jennifer immediately went to her with a soft smile.

"Hey baby", Jennifer said sitting down on the couch. Alma immediately climbed into her lap taking the blanket that covered her with her. "What's wrong?"

"I had a scary dream. That those bad men came in my room and took me away", Alma buried herself into the crook of Jennifer's neck holding on tightly.

"It's okay baby", Jennifer kissed her cheek and rubbed her back trying to comfort her. "Mommy's is not going to let anyone hurt you".


"I promise", Jennifer said holding onto Alma tight. Our eyes connected for a moment, and we both knew whatever we had to say to each other it didn't matter now. Jennifer mouthed the word sorry. And I did too. Maybe I wasn't carrying my weight when I could have been. Maybe I relied on Jennifer too much to be the good parent... the main parent. And look at where that got us. We will both try harder. Jennifer tried to pull Alma off of her neck. But the girl had an iron grip when she didn't want to let go. "Look who's awake and talking", Alma shook her head no. "Awww you don't want to hurt Daddy's feeling?"

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