Ch.96 Miracle water

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Hiding inside of Town Hall, Amanda needed to lay down as she spread herself out on the floor and let her body relax. After getting more bruises and cuts on her body, she just wanted to lie down and never get up. But as she was resting, she suddenly heard the door open as she sprang up expecting to see an enemy, but instead, she was glad to see that it was Leo.

"Oh it's just you" she breathed in relief.

"Yeah" he smirked while closing the door "Mind if I join you?

She patted the spot next to her as he laid down on his back.

"This feels nice" he commented, "I really need a break from this battle."

"Same" she breathed "I can feel my whole body dying out."

"You're really getting that weak?"

"Aren't you?"

"I am, but I'm trying to save my energy."

"I am too, but I don't know if I can go on with this. If I keep fighting, I might drop dead of exhausting."

"Well, for the record, I've been watching you fight, you're pretty good."

"Thanks, but I mean it when I said that I might be able to go through this."

"Just keep resting your body, you can go out when you're ready."

"And what about you?"

"I'm not leaving until you're ready."

She gave a small smile while turning her head towards him as he did the same thing. They both let out small laughs until Leo spoke up.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" she replied.

"Um, if we do manage to stop this war and break this curse, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me."

"A date huh?" she smirked.

"Well I haven't decided where yet but, it's just a thought."

"In that case, I'll need to check my planner."

She then pretended to pull out a planner and pretended to read it.

"Let's see here- oh look, I'm free anytime."

They both began to laugh when she added- "Well of course I'm gonna be free unless I die in this war."

"Same" he nodded when they laughed again.

But all of a sudden, Leo spotted something that made him stop laughing.

"Hey what's wrong with your hand?" he asked.

"What?" she asked while looking at her right hand.

"Your other hand."

Amanda looked at her left hand where she let out a gasp while springing up. Her hand was completely see-through, it was like how she would sometimes make her whole body go to using her power when she didn't want to fully disappear, but this was just her hand, and she wasn't doing it on purpose. She turned to Leo who sat there in shock when she turned back to her hand, she held up her other hand and moved it towards her left hand. And just as she had expected, her hand went through her left hand.

"What's happening?" Leo asked.

"I have no idea" she gasped when a thought came to her "Wait a minute."

She got up and ran out of Town Hall where she turned down the street and tried to look up. But needing to get a better look, she teleported on top of the building and gazed ahead where she spotted something that answered her question.

"What do you see?!" Leo called out from below as she teleported next to him.

"I see Shadow High" she answered in shock "It's far away but I can see it."

She then held up her left hand.

"I think I know what's going on."


"I'm disappearing, I'm disappearing from my story."


With Olivia's body still in her arms, Elena kept on sobbing with her heart shattered like a mirror. Seeing Olivia like this reminded her of the time she nearly did after eating the poisoned turnover, but she was able to be saved by Elena's kiss of love. But now, Elena knew that not even true love's kiss would be able to wake her up. She would have been able to save her by using her magic to heal the wound, but the wound was too deep and Olivia had already passed before she could even try. She didn't even bother to take the dagger out of her stomach, she was too busy crying in pain over losing her best friend.

"Such a brave thing to do" a gentle voice was suddenly heard as Elena looked up to see Cari.

"She was willing to sacrifice herself to save you" she added, "Just like how you did for her back at Ever After."

"But I didn't die" Elena sniffed.

"You didn't know if you would die, she didn't know what your mother was going to do to Olivia, and yet you still jumped in front of her and took the blast. And let's not forget you did the same thing during the alternate realm, you saved her twice by sacrificing yourself, you're a really good friend, and so is she."

"But now she's gone" Elena sobbed "She didn't deserve this, that dagger should have hit me instead."

"Elena, don't say that."

"Well what else am I suppose to say?! I can't do this without her."

"And do you think she would have been able to do the same thing if you were gone?"

Elena didn't say anything as she just sobbed when Cari kneeled down in front of her.

"I know you both need each other to do the impossible" she spoke calmly, "Which is why I have something that may help."

She pulled out a vessel containing a clear fluid.

"What is that?" Elena mumbled.

"I paid a little visit to the Nyx, a guardian of a well that has healing water, but it can only heal for those who aren't ready for death."

She then gave a small smile, "And she said that it wasn't Olivia's time to go."

Hearing those words made Elena's face lit up, seeing that there was hope to bring Olivia back.

"You mean it?" she gasped.

Cari continued to smile as she handed her the vessel.

"Why don't you look and see? But first, you gotta take that dagger out."

After gently laying Olivia's body on the floor, Elena gripped onto the dagger and pulled it out of her stomach and tossed it away. She then took the vessel and opened it, and praying that it will work, she poured the water onto her wound as she watched it heal before her eyes. She waited for the miracle to work, and just like that, Olivia woke up with a gasp that made Elena's heart jumping with joy.

"Oh my God" Elena gasped with a smile as Olivia turned her eyes towards her.

Looking up into her best friend's teary eyes was the best thing she's seen as she gave a small smile before speaking.

"Your dad says hi."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now