Part 11: Don't forget where you belong

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Jade's Pov:

"Do you have everything you need?" My mum asked me as I pushed my last suitcase into the removal van.

"Yeah, " I silently choked on my tears.

"Have you told Charlie and Leondre?" Adele asked, Shit

"No" I panicked, she saw it in my eyes and looked at mum.

"Can Jade stop off at her friends house to say goodbye on the way?"

"You'll have five minutes, " She climbed into the car as my dad stared at me.


Leondre's Pov:

"Hi babe, " Jade stood at the door, but something wasnt right.She leapt forwards, throwing her arms around my kneck and wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Oh Leo, " She cried as I kissed her lips.

"I have to go" She sobbed.

"Where?" I asked her, knots growing in my stomach.

"I'm moving to Porchester" She looked into my eyes and I saw the pain.Her pupils were dialated and she has tired lines on her face.

I hugged her tighter, comforting her as I slowly rocked her.

"Jade" Someone called from the car.

"I love you" She said as she buried her head in my chest again.

"I love you too, I always will Jade"

I couldnt help crying myself, the bittersweet tears rolled onto her face.

"Promise you'll write" She said, creasing.

"You'll always hear me, i'll be here with you" I let go of her, as she ran back to the car, she looked back.A final glance.Then she left.

Jade's Pov:

I looked back at Leondre, he was gone.My mum looked at me through the rear mirror.

"A new start" She said, I smiled and pulled out my phone.I read the new message from Kirsty.

Miss you already xoxo

Then all I could hear was Don't forget where you belong blaring out of the speakers. A single tear fell down my cheek.Goodbye.

Thanks for reading, I tried to make this emotional but it failed.This fanfic is actually based on as my best friend Jade left.Misa you Jade, comment and vote, ily all xxKirsty

Seeing Red, A Bars and melody fanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon