Part 12: Swallows

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Hi guys! Sorry I havnt updated in a while its just that I am so busy lately.Enjoy!!Kirstyxx

Songs for this part:

Don't hold your breath-Nicole Sherzinger

Leondre's Pov:

Two months.Two fucking long months with one call and a few texts everyweek.It kills me even now to know she has gone.

"Stop it!" Charlie half shouted at me, pointing to my knee which was knocking against the table.

"Sorry" , I smiled sadly at him.

He sat in his striped pyjamas, his cuddly sloth toy by his side.

"Why do you still have that thing?" I asked him.It scared the living daylights out of me, the way its dark eyes seemed to purge my soul.

"My mum got it for me for my first birthday, and plus I love sloths" He smiled, wrapping one of his broken arms round the stuffed animal.

I dipped the spoon back into the pot of nutella, I miss her so.

Jade's Pov:

I stared at Madison, she was smiling at her phone screen, probably texting James.Yathu just sat staring at me smiling, I had only started portchester for a week.But mum was adimant I invited some of my new 'friends' around, eventhough I hadnt met any yet.I missed Leo, the way he smiled, his hair, his welsh accent.Suddenly my heart craved him, I reached for my phone, finding his name on my contacts list.

"L..lleo" I stuttered as someone answered.

"Who is this?" A welsh accent asked, a sigh breathed over the line.

"Leo, its Jade" I cried, tears finally escaped my eyes.

"Jade?!" A gasp escaped his lips.

"How are you babe?" He quickened, as my heart skipped a few beats.

"Im terrible, I hate it here, without you" I told him, chocking on my own breath.

"I know I know..."

"How is Charlie a..and Kirsty" I asked, squeezing my eyes shut as Madison looked up at me.

"They're good, Jade I miss you love" His voice broke and I heard shouting in the backround.

"Mum and dad are fighting again" He sounded so different, quiet.

"Oh..." I sounded, I stood up and walked to the bathroom, locking thr door behind me.

"I really miss you Jade" He cried, gasping for air.

"I know, I really miss you too" I rested my head against the door and looked at the floor.I even hate the pattern on the floor.

"We have to see each other soon" He whispered.

"Are you free saturday?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Do you wanna go out?" he sniffed.

"Yeah, where?" I asked,

"I'll pick you up at ten, Jade I have to go," He cried before hanging up.

I looked in the bathroom mirror, my eyes were red and puffy but they stood out.

"A new me" I said, reaching for the foundation in the basket.

Hi guys! Thanks for reading, comment and vote and I will update xxxKirsty

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