Everyone leaves Part 2

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But this chapter is a sad chapter.If you are reading this guys, I want you to listen to the song: To build a home by the cinematic orchestra.

Songs for this part:
To build a home, the cinematic orchestra

Jade's Pov:

I dont even know why its hit me so hard now.The fact im so alone, so depressed.Lying on a cold hard floor whilst tears stream down my face and just repeat.Just repeat.No one actually knows about the individual lives everyone goes through.Everyone has worries, fears, depression.But I dont know what to do...

I sat up, I could hear soft noises coming from my sisters room.She didnt care if I went anyway and cried alone.But this was the worst type of crying.Where you have to crouch over yourself to make sure you are silent about your tears.Where no one cares and in theory thats what the tears are screaming at you.

My door opened and I froze.

"Jade" A quiet whisper came from the door.I turned to look at my sister, she was crying too.But that wasnt as bad as the worst.Her arms were covered in scars, large, visable, ugly scars.

I didnt even gasp, but I was shocked.

She walked in further and closed the door behind her.

She rolled up her sleeves further and she was bleeding.Gashes and bruises covered her.Covered my sister.

"I dont wanna say goodbye" She swiftly broke down into tears as she brought her hands to her face.

"Look at my scars theyre ugly!!" She screamed.

But I turned my face again.

Matilda's Pov:

"Mummy where are you taking me" I asked her as she cried.We were approaching a black door as I screamed.

"Matilda!!" She shook me again.

I looked around, it was all a dream.

Jade's Pov:

As I turnes my face she tugged on my sleeve.

"No one understands Jade"

I couldnt stop myself.

I rolled up my sleeves and rolled up my trousers.

Scars covered my body, aswell as blood.

"I understand" I told her.And I did.

Thanks for reading!! Comment and vote or I wont update.
Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Ily allXxxxxxxKirsty

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