Part 2: Charlie

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Jade's Pov:

English went past faster than any other lessons. Thank god. I thought, my only lesson that I loathe because of the bitches that are in it. Amber and Courtney.

I looked up from my lunch and immediately cringed, Leondre was coming towards me and I couldnt restart my heart from its sudden plunge of the ground swallowing me up.He stopped next to me Kayleigh and Sophie. His friends behind him instantly started sniggering and swearing.I sighed.

"Err Jade" He said, a smirk on his beautiful little face.

"Yeah" I said back, smiling.I couldnt wait for him to ask me...

"The letter I errr..."

"I know, " I told him and his expression changed.

"Yes I will" I told him, his friends instantly started laughing at me, with Leondre.My face fell.

"It was meant for Amber, her locker is next to yours!" Tears were brimming at my eyes but he couldnt stop smiling.Behind him I could see Charlie, but he wasnt laughing. I saw pain in his eyes and I felt so alone. I looked at Sophie.

"Oh my god" She said,

"He wasnt fit anyway" Kayleigh assured me. I stood up, steadying myself. I looked around at the crowd of people and they all seemed to have stopped laughing. I ran, I didnt look back, but I ran and I hope they felt regret.

Charlie's Pov:

She looked terrible, everyone was laughing at her, heartless and cold as she was the centre of our sad attention. I wanted to go over to her and hold her, but I couldnt.Amber and Courtney would bully her like hell later and this was what she faced everyday anyway. It was valentines day tomorrow and Leondre knew that that was Jade's locker.I looked at her and her eyes were at pain point. She stood up and everyone finally fell silent.I glanced at Leondre and he was smiling, proud of what he had done. Then she ran, and she didnt turn back.

Sophie's Pov:

I fell for her, I got up and followed as she ran.

"Jade!!" Kayleigh called.

I ran into the bathroom and sure enough there was sobbing coming from the third cubicle.

"Oh Jade, "

I said, my heart stopped as she opened the door.A broken girl walked out, mascara running down her beautiful face.

Me and Kayleigh ran up to her and threw our arms around her fragile body. Her beautiful brown hair glistened and her emerald eyes stood out from her red and puffy face. Just then the door opened and a boy appeared at the door.It was Charlie.

"Jade I'm so sorry, " He said and his voice broke mid sentence. He looked at me and Kayleigh,

"Could we have a moment?" He asked, I looked at Jade, she nodded intentively.

We left the room and stood outside, our ears up against the door.

Jade's Pov:

They left and he walked over to me, tucking a peice of my hair behind my ear.

"Your'e so beautiful, don't ever let someone like that put you down"

I nodded and looked at the ground.He lifted my chin up with one finger and leaned in, pressing his soft lips against mine.

"Your'e beautiful" He repeated.

"Jade Atkin, will you be my valentine?" He smiled again before kissing my lips, He smiled, I smiled.

Thanks for reading, comment and vote xxily allxxxxxxKirsty

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