Today Part 2

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No One's Pov:

9:32am was printed on the digital clock on the reception wall. The halls were abandoned, quiet at a push. Although the faint muffle of voices were to be heard. Leondre was sat opposite Jade, next to Charlie. It was obvious to Jade that both the teenage boys were staring at her, but she just smiled at both of them.

Jade's Pov:

He looked at me and smirked, his face was more tanned than usual, his deep hazel eyes like pools of my favourite chocolate, galaxy.

Charlie catched my gaze, then looked away sourly.

"What?" I asked him, his foot suddenly touched mine and he looked back at me. Without answering he gave me another dirty look and turned his chair around completely, blocking me out. I looked at Leondre and he moved his hand away immediately, looking away embarrased.

Then, a small note was passed round from Taylor to Maddi to me.I stared at the crumpled mess in my hands for a few moments,

"Open it" Leondre told me, nodding.

Charlie briefly looked around, his head held high in the air as he did so.I fiddled with the note,

Do you like me??


I looked up at him and his focus was on something else, on Charlie.

The bell went for the end of the day and I looked at Kirsty.Her golden hair shimmered from the sunlight, she was by far one of the most beautiful girls in this school.She smiled at me and signalled a small wave.I didn't realise Charlie was staring at her, his eyes wide open.

"So do you?" I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"What?" I blurted out, still staring at Charlie.

"Do you like me?" I looked at Leondre and his eyes were the deep pools of galaxy they were before.

"Jade can I talk to you?" Leondre asked me.

"Yeah what?" I replied, worried.His face was sweet but fast, like he was hiding something.

"In private..."


I followed him to the corner of the hallway, next to the pe cupboard.

"Jade, I really like you"

"What?" I couldnt help smiling but I could feel myself burning up, I felt sick.

"Do you like me?" He asked, then the feelings I ever had for him came back.My mouth went dry.

"Yes, alot" I squeaked and looked down at the floor.I felt his touch on my arm and I looked up, his hand traced my jaw line before he leaned up and pressed his soft lips against mine.He leaned in, the same time I did and wrapped his arm around my waist.His other hand reached up to tuck a peice of my hair behind my ear.But still, he didnt break the kiss.I opened my eyes and felt his tongue inside my mouth, asking for entrance. I fought back playfully, making him smile and moan at the same time. Then, I slipped my tongue back and let him in, a burning sensation relived inside of me, igniting the fire. I was excited, and I loved Leondre.As he smiled again and wrapped his arm around me tighter I heard a loud slam.

"You complete son of a bitch, get off my girlfriend!!" I heard someone shout.I pulled back and turned, Charlie was stood, red faced and spitting angry staring me in the eyes with black fire in his.He charged forwards and leapt on Leondre, throwing a first punch at him.

"Charlie don't!" someone screamed, I didnt realise it was me.Leondre rolled over onto Charlie and pulled his arm backwards, suffering a large snap to come from his arm and causing Charlie to scream louder.

Charlie threw another punch with his other hand, but missed.Both of the boys has blood on their faces.Leondre's fist collided with Charlies jaw as Charlie threw his leg up to Leondres face.He collapsed.I felt the bittersweet tears streaming down my face as I finally decided to stop it.

"Stop both of you, "

I pulled Charlie from Leondre and screamed, Charlie looked at me and gasped.He threw his leg at my face.I screamed, but it didnt hurt I was caught up in a moment.

"Shit, Jade im so sorry" He shouted, Leondre pulled me over and picked me up so I was in his arms.

"Stay away from her, you have already hurt her once..." Leondre warned Charlie.The world around me started to swirl and all I could see was red.

Thanks for reading guys I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy reading it! ily all!! comment and vote!!

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