Part 21: Through the dark

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Hey guys!! Sorry I havnt updated in a while!! Please give me your honest opinions on my fanfiction because I want to make it better xxKirsty

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!:

Guys go read Just got lucky by Ellyreiv because its amazing!!

Songs for this chapter:

Through the dark-One Direction

Dont let me go-Harry Styles

Jade's Pov:

Fear. It was the only thing I could think about, I was afraid of losing him.Not just because I loved him, but because I couldnt live without him.

The light was brighter than normal, and the woman next to us talking, was hell annoying. I was frustrated,  confused and I hadnt moved from my seat in a day and a half.

"So me and Gilbert moved back to Yorkshire in the end" She finished.

I couldnt help but scoff, she wore an expensive suit and her hair was hairsprayed to perfection. She just sat there banging on about her past whilst the most important person to me lay on the hospital bed dying.

She looked down on me, from what she had said before I already hated her.I didnt even know why she was here.

"Excuse me?" I said to her,

She scowled at me.

"Why are you here?" I asked her as she folded her arms.

"Im his grandmother" She said, and I laughed.She looked how old? Thirty?

"He's dying, and all you care about is your divorced husband, "

I raised my voice.

"Youre a child" She told me and I tipped my head back and laughed again.

"I know, and clearly have more sense than you do" I said and she stepped forwards.Her hand colliding with my face as she slapped me.

The nurse burst in, and Leondres grandmothers eyes opened wider in disbelief.

"Leave now" She said and his grandmother stared at me.

"She told you to go" She said to me and I looked at the ground.

"No actually, I meant you " The nurse replied to the woman.She fixed her hair, and flexed her suit. Before finally leaving.

I nodded at the nurse and she closed the door again.

I sighed as I sat back down in the hospital chair. The beeping of Leo's life support machine going off every few seconds.

But there was another noise, a murmering sound.I looked at the bed and gasped, Leondres eyes fluttered open and looked straight at me.But they were different the looked, dead.

Comment and vote, and I really want more reads so read haha.

Seeing Red, A Bars and melody fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant