Part 24: Miss you

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Hey guys, as of tomorrow it is going to be harder for me to update so I will probably update once or twice a week (Idk) anyways, I was thinking of maybe writing another ten chapters before the story closer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKirsty

Songs for this chapter :

Little Mix- Cannonball

Jades Pov:

I scrolled through one directions latest feed on twitter, no news.

It was raining outside so that was an excuse for not getting out of bed.

I didnt feel like being social anymore, I was happy with just being me, Jade, a twelve year old girl who was depressed and sad out of her own mind.

"Jade!!" For the second time, my mum called me.I didnt get up though, it was raining outside.

My new bed sheets were a horrible purple colour, I hated purple, but my walls were purple too.

Just then, my mum burst in, her hair was in a mess on her head and her eyes looked tired.

"You okay?" She asked me and I nodded, not exactly lying.

She closed the door again and I sighed heavily.

Leondre's Pov:

She reached the spoon to my lips, and I tried to open them.I was so used to people putting food into me through a tube whilst I was asleep, but this time was different.

I opened them this time and she shoved it in my mouth.

"What are we doing today" I asked her, though it was hard to speak while my jaw was weak.

"Well, considering you got home last week and you have a broken arm and leg, not much!" She laughed, and I winced.

"Do you wanna see Jade, " My heart stopped.Jade. Where was Jade?

"How longs it been?" I asked her, my head suddenly throbbing.

But she didnt answer.

Jade's Pov :

Its a weird feeling when people give you something and you have to throw it back in their faces, full of regret.

I hate it when you love someone with all your heart, knowing they will never love you back. Ever.

You text them regularly and then for a while, theyre gone. They dont text back, but you dont text them first, but youre lonely. And youre waiting for them to miss you back. Yeah, I hate that.

I also hate it when someone comes in to your life and tells you youre rubbish and stuff, but they also tell you to hold your head high when other people say it to you.

But sometimes theyre right, you have to. You have to hold the pain in that pit in your stomach and walk on, it fucking hurts, and you dont want to, but thats all you will ever have. That pain in your stomach. You look in the mirror and think, about how much of a lie your life is, maybe you werent meant to be, maybe you were. The truth is, you have to believe youre better than the people who tell you you arnt. Because its not what people do that make them individuals, its how they deal with the obstacles life throws at them, however big or small.

Thanks for reading guys!! I will try to update when I can xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKirsty

Seeing Red, A Bars and melody fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora