Part 30: Square one

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Hey guys sorry I havnt updated in AGGEEESSSS im really sorry!!! Schools been terrible and everything so heres your update!!! XxxxKirsty

Songs for this chapter:
Angels~ The XX

Jade's Pov :

It was better if I didnt say anthing, better if I just sat through pure silence. Then no one would be hurt, no words forgotten.  Thats what most people feared, people feared being hurt and forgotten didnt they.

But silence is like the words are eating you alive, ignoring whats being said about you because its the only thing you hold onto, the only thing youre truly hurt with. They sat here, around me, insulting me and making me even weaker. The words didnt stop though, I couldnt stop them. All in knew was I could get home tonight and cry about it until three in the morning straight. Cos thats what I did, what people knew me for, there wasnt a reason anymore.

Leondre's Pov :

Id hear it in her voice, seen it in her eyes. There wasnt fire anymore. Just wear.

I dont know what had happened to her, shed won the fight against Smith and everything but she looked so distant...she didnt look like Jade.

Jade's Pov :

I stared at the television screen as my sister sat next to me talking to my mum, but she wasnt listening.

I had something on my mind, something I really wanted to get off my chest but I didnt know how to say it.

"Theres something bothering you" my mum said. It was like she had read my mind. Im glad though.

I told her, and everything seemed okay...

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