Part 26: Study

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Hey guys!! I will triple update this chapter and that will be the last time I update for about a week. Sorry guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKirsty

Leondre's Pov:

I sat down and looked around, already I could hear whispers ans my name filling the whole room.Everyone was staring at me, pointing at my scars and broken limbs. I didnt really know how to react, so I just smiled.I dont actually know if my mum had told my tutor about the whole suicide thing, but my teacher didnt look like he cared anyway.


Jade's Pov :

I looked in the mirror at my plain body, I had already curled my hair and put makeup on ready to go to Smiths, because if I didnt, he would probably insult me more. I dont know why he did it, maybe it was because I was new, or just a sexist thing.

I looked at my phone and wondered, wondered what Leondre was doing right now, was he crying to himself, or maybe missing me.The thought of him missing me made me smile, I couldn't help it.

I had four minutes before I actually had to leave because it only took me ten minutes to get to Smiths, but I was literally shaking about the whole study thing. The project was at his house, so I didnt have to carry anything on the way there. Luckily.

I could still here my sisters music from her room, but I knew she wasnt okay.

My curlers rested on the side, but I didnt notice they were still on.It would have been a smart idea to turn them off, but that would take effort. Effort and energy I didnt want to waste. I tapped my phone screen and the time came up, time to go...

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