Part 23: Purple

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Hey guys!! how are you!! As I said last time, I might only do another 10 chapters I dont know xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKirsty

Songs for this chapter:
The saturdays- Chasing lights
One direction- Something great

Leondre's Pov:

I couldnt even think straight, the only thing I could think about was the shame, because it all went so wrong.I couldnt see anything, everytime I opened my eyes I could see blurred colours, I guess this was what happened when you tried to commit suicide.

Jade's Pov:

"So whats going on?" Holly asked, she was the only 'friend' I had made in the two months. People didnt understand, didnt pity. Most people knew by now, that my boyfriend was in hospital with cancer that would soon kill him. If he didnt beat it.

"Nothing really" I lied, in truth I was absoloutely petrified.Scared of what people were going to say. I guess.

"We got a new tutor" She said, and my eyes froze.

"What happened to the last one?" I asked her, my stomach had turned.

"She quit" She scoffed. I looked at the ground as I heard a group of people behind us, I knew who it was.

"Hey reotard" Someone shouted.

I didnt turn my head, because my vision had gone.I grabbed the wall next to me.

"I said hey reotard" Someone grabbed my arm and I felt a strong force against my shoulder.

"What" I croaked, my mouth dry.

"Give me your money" The boy said.

I passed him my bag, I had still lost vision.

"Thanks" He said again, pushing my shoulder away. But I didnt feel my school bag anywhere.

"Are you okay" A girl asked, I think it was Holly.

"Help" I whispered, before letting   go of the wall. Just letting go.

Leondre's Mum's Pov:

"It could take a while" She said, her bleach blonde hair giving me a headache.

"Em yeah whatever" I answered,

I hadnt slept in days and everything ached.

"Would you like a coffee?" The nurse asked me as I slumped into the chair. I shook my head,

"Call Antonio, I need to go home" I told her.

She looked at me with worried eyes, but I couldnt help drifting off.




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