Everyone leaves Part 3

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Hey guys!! I still wanna thank you for 1.2k reads.I am sorry for not updating twice yesterday i got alot of messages saying update haha.The truth is guys i dont know if I can do this story because I am getting so much hate recently.Im tired of being ignored.I love my readers and you guys are incredible and I just love you.

Songs for this chapter:

The cinematic orchestra- To build a home.

Jade's Pov:

I looked at her and her mouth was shaped into a perfect o shape.

I rolled my sleeves back down, embarassed.

"I have to go" She said, getting up.Her face was pale, like she had seen a ghost.


I pulled my knees to my chest once she had gone.I felt the tears welling up again, once more.I sucked in, silencing the icy tears that were about to fall down my cheeks.

My phone went off from across the room, startling me.But I refused to get up.

My ringtone went off this time, right now by One direction filled the room.

This time I got up.

It was Leondres Ringtone


did he die, or didnt he??


comment and vote and i will update.I will give you a target and then ill update okay? Okay my target is 1.3k reads!! Ily allxxKirsty

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