Chapter 2

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I've been thinking. If you know me, that probably doesn't surprise you.

Our world is changing. I'm reminded of the song from The Grinch, "Where are You Christmas?". Things aren't at all how they used to be. True, I'm growing up; everything looks different when you know more. But something feels different. When I was younger, going to church was necessary, annoying, and time-consuming. Yet, it always felt like home. All my life, most of my crying has been done at church. Whenever I'm upset or happy, content or confused, I can always find comfort and peace in the house of my father. Now I'm not so sure. I have to look harder. I have to wait longer. I'm crying longer, louder. Looking for an answer, for help. I watch people falling away. Our country, even our churches, are slipping away from God. We've lost our passion. A lie is no big deal, unless it causes legal problems; then they just lie more to get the issue settled. The ten commandments are just suggestions. Guidelines. Twisting the rules has gotten past what's acceptable, and we don't even realize it.

Our country was started because of religion. We are "one nation under God." If this is true, why is our president, who we chose to lead us, saying that we are not a Christian nation? Sadly, Obama is right. We are no longer acting like a Christian nation. The majority of us may say we're Christians, but who really is? Everywhere I go, even on church trips, I have to look hard to find a single person of true integrity. Yes, we all make mistakes. We can't be perfect. But we CAN try. So why don't we? Why have we stopped working towards making a difference? In this day and time, we need everyone. Our world is turning to chaos; the end is coming soon. We should be pulling together and fighting harder than ever because this may be our last chance. If we can form riots and start trends to support gay pride and abortion and "going green", we can do the same for God!

I've been hearing about and thinking this for a long time, but things don't seem to be getting better. The few people I know that feel the same way I do aren't going to change the world on their own. I know what's going on, but I can't change it by myself. Right now, Christians are fighting the media. We've lost our hold on the world. Our churches are shrinking. We aren't a family anymore. We aren't the base of society, we're just another fad. God is just one theory of our existence that we choose to believe because we don't like our other options, instead of being the answer. Is that how things are supposed to be? Are we just guessing and settling with an idea so we don't hurt our heads wondering? I don't want to do that. I believe in my God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind. Maybe something else could've created the world, whatever. All theories are based on a little fact. But what can scientifically explain the feeling of God's presence? What can explain the Holy Spirit? Our emotions? I don't think I'm capable of that deep of feeling. How is it that dreams come true, prayers are answered, lives are saved in impossible ways? Can we do that? Newton doesn't think so. Something else has to come into play. God is interfering. We have to let him in. We have to do something. If I'm the only one, so be it. I'll fight to the end. But I'm just letting ya'll know, this isn't over. We haven't lost everything. We can keep fighting. We can come back.

-Sara Robertson

Gather together, gather together, O shameful nation, before the appointed time arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you, before the dayof the Lord's wrath comes upon you. Zephaniah 2:1-2

So be it.

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