"My life is crumbling around me and the only thing I could do to keep it vaguley whole is to stay strong. But staying strong is killing me from the inside out. Tell me which part of that makes sense?" I choked out, tears were rolling down my cheeks as I looked right back into the horses eyes. 

"Life is not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to challenge us, to hurt us because right at the end, the result is someone who has grown and become strong. Someone who can walk with their head held high knowing they've stood up tall against every problem that's come their way. If you let life cheat you, you let death win. And good must always rise above evil, no matter the consequences. You remember that my dear, you remember me as I am now, not as who I am about to become, because my dear, nothing is ever as it seems." I frowned, 

"What do you mean?" I asked, I was getting a little concerned, this horse seemed more wise than any human I'd ever met and it's eyes were all too familiar.

"Step back" the horse neighed and reared its legs making me fall backwards. I scuttled backwards using my elbows and legs. The horse began to sort of glow with a hazy yellow light and rise up into the air. It's legs started to collapse into each other and morph into...human limbs? There was a massive burst of light and I covered my eyes and fell backwards. I waited a few seconds before peaking back through my fingers, the horse was no longer there. In its place was my brother, standing tall and strong, towering above me. He extended his hand to help me up and I took it. He pulled me up and kept me at arms length to him. I scowled at him,

"That was you?" 

"Yes" He admitted quietly, "That is the real me, my true feelings but I had to be in a different form to get you to listen to what I have to say." 

"I'm listening now" 

"Yes, well, its not that simple, you have to trust me and knowing what you've just seen I doubt you'll trust me ever again. Court is a hard place for me, you should hear the things they say, see the things they do. IT'S HORRIFIC!" He cried turning his head slightly to try and hide the tear sliding down his cheek. I turned his face towards mine cupping his cheek in my hand. I wiped away the tear with my thumb and brought his head down so I could kiss his forehead. As I did he wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders, squeezing me as though he'd never let go. I hesitated for a bit but i returned the hug, it was awkward but it had the homely, warm feeling that I didn't get with my father. After a long hug he pulled away and looked right into my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Jess, I'm sorry I left you, I'm sorry I left my baby sister" I nodded. Tears were streaming down both our faces now.

"I forgive you George. You and me Georgie, just you and me" I quoted my last memory of us. This only made him lapse into another hug. I stroked his soft blonde curls and rocked slightly back and forth. 

"I have to go back Jess, I HAVE to. Father would kill me and everyone who got in his way" 

"I promise you" I said looking right into his eyes, stressing every word, "I will bring you back" 

George took me home, but only to the gates: he didn't want to draw attention to himself. Before I crossed the border and watched him fade away I turned to face him. 

"Promise me you'll come back for me Jess?" He said to me. His eyes were a swirling pool of misty blue and grey, tears forming in the corners. 

"I promise" I said sternly, I rushed towards him and wrapped my arms around him like chains. I couldn't let him go when it came to it. He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him leave. "I've only just got you back, don't leave! Please!" I cried into his shirt. He pulled me away and looked right into my eyes, 

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