"Sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You're my only little sunshine. So don't take my, sunshine away" 

I smiled and snuggled into my mothers warm body. She was thin but strong and cosy, she smelt like rose and sandalwood and I could feel my body starting to sleep. Just as I was falling into the deepest most comfortable sleep I'd had in ages Callum interrupted us.

"Sorry to interrupt but Mrs.Havisham needs you?" I sighed and hauled myself off of my mothers lap, followed Callum over to Mrs.Havisham and lent on my elbows on the table.

"What's up Miss?" I asked

"Well, I need you to o do something for me?" I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at Mrs.Hvaisham and she laughed nervously, "Well, I need you to call down Zeus"

"ARE YOU MENTAL!!?" cried my mother before I could, "Not even Marcus could do that!! There's NO way she's ready!" Mrs.Havisham snorted, 

"Oh please! You know what she is Vanessie, stop being so dramatic! The risk is only minor!" 

"Tell that to Damon" My mother replied sneering. A flicker of hurt rippled across Mrs. Havisham's face as she seemed to recall a memory. I frowned and before Mrs. Havisham I interrupted, 

"Risks, what risks?" my tone was serious and commanding and I was rather proud of myself, "Tell me now, I have a right to know before I agree or dis-agree to do this" Mrs. Havisham sighed and turned to me. 

"There's a risk you may become like Angelina, in a coma. Or mentally unstable. Holding the gods in your mind before they cross to our world is extremely hard and dangerous but once you've done it and nothing goes wrong then you can do it again and it'll be easier the next time." I chewed my lip as I let her words slosh around in my head. 

"So how long do I have to 'hold' Zeus inside my head?" 

"Not long, just long enough for him to establish your power and use it to lock onto this world. That is if he even wants to come out!"

"What do you mean? Wants to come out?"

"Well you see Zeus isn't going to appear for anyone! You have to show him you're a Taylor and a Salem witch and if you don't get that message across then obviously he can do great damage. Being pulled from their habitat is difficult as when they enter the human world they have to take a human form otherwise they can't survive." I nodded slowly, I think I was taking this all in? 

"So I have to get him here as quick as possible or the stress will kill me...he'll kill me? That's basically what you're saying?" Mrs Havisham nodded slowly, 

"But I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't important, I promise" My mother snorted and whispered something under her breath that sounded like 'Promises mean nothing from you'. Mrs Havisham scowled at my mother and turned to face me again, "Only agree if you're really sure you can do it. I don't want to pressure you." 

I stood staring at my feet for a bit contemplating what I was about to do. Zeus, king f the gods. He was the top man and if I didn't do this right I would be his play thing. He could manipulate my mind and my thoughts that were there before would be crushed and I'd literally be a shell of what I sued to be. Only, if I didn't do it what would happen? Mrs.Havisham said she wouldn't ask if it was important. So it's obviously important, it's just is it important enough for me to potentially loose my life for? I felt the curiosity spread through me then. What would it be like to have a god inside your head? Warm, pleasant, tingly, painful, cold!? I was excited and yet so scared, I wanted to find out and I knew that if I didn't I'd regret it. 

"Okay" I said looking sternly at Mrs.Havisham, "Direct away" Almost as soon as I'd finished talking Mrs. Havisham whirled into action. She grabbed candles and chalk ordered Callum to clear the area including carpets leaving the bare floorboards exposed for  her to write on. She drew out a pentagram with the the chalk and placed the five candles on every point. She made a little pentagram in the centre of the bigger one and ordered me to sit down on my knees over it. I sat down on my knees and held out my hands, waiting for the sixth candle. Mrs. Havisham placed a small blue red candle and a lighter in my hands. 

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