"Dionne Abra"

She looked up and took her place by the Goblet, there was a sharp intake of breath as she was made the head of Demoreen. Next was Alex Beet who was made Head Boy of Leedadee along with Vikki Draws who was the Head Girl. Head Boy of Demoreen was Joseph Cast. Head Boy and Girl of Caifray were Callum Denver and Angelina De'Metri. This left me and Ryan. It was obvious where were going and Ryan sailed through and was made Head Boy of Westerlate. It was now my turn. I stepped up to the octagonal table and held out my wrist for the blade. As the cool, hard surface connected with my skin I felt a sting and then a flood of release and a trickle of blood drip down my wrist. I took a peep around the edge of the goblet and at the piece of paper that was transforming in front of my eyes. The blood ran around the paper as though it was looking for something, it changed direction again and again, deciding where to go, what to do. Suddenly, the blood disappeared, soaked into the paper, and bled back through again with one word. One word that  was going to be etched in my memory forever, creating feelings that were half-way between excitement and confusion. One word that I don't think has ever meant more yet so little to me. 


I don't think I was left alone for one second, or had myself not talked about for a minute since the ceremony. I was eyed with suspicion to those who didn't understand and treated like some sort of God by the younger years. By the end of the week I was sick of it! I was walking to History, arm in arm with Angelina and Leanna, I can tell you I was not looking forward to our first lesson. I would seem dumb compared to half the others, I've always really been smart but I felt like in this school I would be less than mediocre.We walked in and lined up against the back wall: waiting for our seats. I pressed my hands against the cold stone wall. I ran my fingers lightly over it, It felt strange, almost like it was pulsating under my fingers. Before I had a chance to turn around a teacher stalked into the room. He was tall and blonde, his eyes sparkled electric blue and as he brushed past us he sent the pulsating feeling back up my arms. He sat us in our seats, I ended up next to a ginger boy who smelt like strawberries. He seemed nice and his name was Daniel but he had this annoying habit of tapping his pen. I tried to block out the noise and listen to the teacher. I could feel this lesson involving a lot of buckling down! The teacher picked up the chalk and dragged it across the board making the most horrible squeaking sound you could ever imagine, I buried my head in my hands along with the rest of the class. Then he began to write his name, Mr. Taylor. I smiled when I saw his last name, I pictured me and him as twins and I had to bite down hard on my cheeks to stop myself from laughing. This earned me an odd look from Daniel and a kick from Angelina behind me. 

"Now class" he started, "My name is Mr. Taylor, I'm your new History teacher, due to... unfortunate circumstances...Mr. Addams is not available. So carrying on with what you've been learning, the Original families. As you know the three original families are the Taylors, Faradays and Mitchells. The Taylors are part of my own personal family and I believe there is a Faraday in this class?" Almost as soon as he'd finished Ruby flung her hand in the air and replied,

"Yes, sir indeed I am!" I could feel the sick smugness flying off her and making me gag! I turned back to the front and saw Mr. Taylor's face. It actually made me laugh out loud. I couldn't tell if he looked horrified, scared or amused. Ruby dropped her hand slowly and ducked her head, as she did Mr Taylor carried on.

"Right...well, where was I!? Oh yes! Original families, there are many variations of the family, distant relatives. Families with the same names. The Taylor family is normally considered to be the most powerful family: they descend from the great Druids rather than the other the less powerful Salem Witches but in truth the only descendant that is more powerful from the rest is that born from the Taylors and one of the other original families. These children are extremely rare and only come along every several hundred years if not many more! Now, if you'd like to turn to page 34 in your text books you'll find our newest sub-topic, "Druids and Witches: The difference?" " 

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