I blinked twice for yes.

"O, well if he can do that we could just teach him Morse code and he can talk to us", Nate said giving me hope. I don't think anybody had thought of that.

I know I didn't.

"That'll be our project", Nate said getting comfortable.

"But, don't push him. It's frustrating as it is---"

Nate cut Jennifer off,"I'm not you. Plus, if I was stuck in my own body unable to talk verbally you don't think I would try anything to communicate with people? I mean talk about hell. This why Josh knows to pull the plug on me if I'm ever a vegetable".

Josh rolled his eyes shaking his head,"Come on, Lara. This conversation just took a dark turn no one wants to hear".

They disappeared into the other room with Alma still playing.

"How could you put that on Josh? How could you just give up on yourself", Jennifer said coming to sit next to Nate on the couch.

"If I'm in a coma or stuck in a vegetated state I can't talk I can't eat walk or do anything. I'm not living I'm slowly deteriorating in front of everyone costing thousands of dollars to keep me alive when everyone knows there's a point where there's nothing else science or medicine can do. It's time for me to go", Nate said.

I agreed with him. If I wasn't even conscious I wasn't really living.

"It doesn't matter you fight. You push through. You try harder, everyday. You don't just give up and die", Jennifer said I could feel her getting frustrated. In her eyes you never give up, but I understood what Nate was saying. You can't fight if you can't even think.

"I'm not giving up I'm doing what should have happened naturally. I'm letting my loved ones move on and enjoy the rest of their life without having me as a burden. Is that so wrong?"


"YES! You hang on you keep fighting and who knows in 10-15 years they could---"

Nate cut Jennifer off,"What? Bring me back, we both know that's not going to happen. And at the end of the day it's not your choice. It's not about you it's about what's best for me. I would feel terrible if I took the best years of Josh's life and knew I was depriving him of living", Nate said.


Me too.

"Be happy, I'm not your proxy", Jennifer said leaning back in her seat.

Was Jennifer my proxy? We never had a discussion on what to do if anything like this ever happened. I normally let Dr. Pellegrini take care of problems like this. But, that was before Jennifer. So, I guess its her now?

Nate turned to me,"So, you game to learn some Morse code?"

I smiled and blinked yes.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

"Yes", Jennifer said jumping up to the sound of Fitz or Maria crying.

"If you need help with the babies I'm always here to give you a boost ... of encouraging words I'm not changing no diapers. That's Josh's department!" Nate yelled.

"I want a damn Christmas tree put up! I don't care if you have to go out with an axe and chop one down. That's your job if you're staying!" Jennifer called going up the stairs.

The piano suddenly stopped playing and I heard all my gasp,"WE'RE GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE! Árbol de Navidad! Árbol de Navidad!" I heard her feet hit the ground hard and they started tapping up the stairs following Jennifer.

Happily Ever After (The Drug Lord's Wife #5)Where stories live. Discover now