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You were sitting on your couch at home, just scrolling through your phone. A song You really liked came on next so you of course sang along. It was a song by your boyfriend's group. You literally celebrated it. You loved the song and singing along made You happy or forget your worries. Suddenly the door to your room opened. "Y/N, shut up! You can't sing! Do you want me to get ear damage because of your voice?!", your dad shouted at you. Your reaction was only eye rolling. Before you said anything or he did you stood up and closed the door. Plus locking it. You groaned as you heard your dad still complaining in front of your door. He was always like that and shouting was hurting the least out of all his actions.

Your boyfriend Jeonghan and you texted about meeting up so you got ready and walked our of your room. Actually you tried to sneak past your dad so he wouldn't shout. Didn't work after all. He spotted you "Where do you think you are going?". You winced at his serious voice "On a date with Jeonghan.". "You'll stay.", he replied not even thinking about letting you go there. You had enough. You've canceled so many dates cause of your father already, not this one. "I won't. Goodbye.", You said and left the flat. He tried to follow you out of the house but he gave up and returned inside.

You met up with Jeonghan at the park, greeting with open arms and hugs. He kissed you quickly and intertwined your hand with his afterwards. You walked through the park smiling, being happy. "Thank you for getting me out of home. I can't stand it there any longer. I'm gonna get crazy soon.", You told him and laughed a little. But he didn't laugh even a bit. "Your dad? What happened this time?", he asked serious. "He shouted at me for singing along, told me I couldn't sing and didn't want to let me go here.", You explained to him. He made a sad expression and held your hand tighter than before.

Jh: "You know you can't continue there. Let me help you, please."

Yn: "It's fine. I don't want to waste your time."

Jh: "You don't. I want you to be happy."

Yn: "Hey, I'm happy as long as I'm with you. And shouting isn't something serious. I'm fine."

Jh: "Promise me if he goes any farther you tell me. I'll help you then."

Yn: "Promise."

He smiled and patted your shoulder. You pulled him a little closer and continued talking about different stuff, having fun, being happy.

After a few hours it turned late so he walked you home. On your way home it started pouring so you two were soaked when you arrived at home. But you didn't care, you even laughed about it. Jeonghan's Company always made you happy. He kissed you and you agreed on meeting the next day again. You waved at him one last time and entered your flat.

You got greeted by your dad "Don't think you'll enter being soaked.".

"Come on, dad. What should I do?"

It ended up with him going inside and you changing your clothes in front of the entrance. "I really can't stand this shit anymore.", You said as you entered your home. But unfortunately your dad heard this sentence.

D: "What did you just say?"

You weren't sure how to react. Apologize for nothing like usual or tell him what you think like you've never did before. You saw scenes from your fights and arguments in your head making you angry.

Yn: "I said I couldn't stand this shit anymore!"

D: "Which shit?!"

Yn: "Living with you, dad."

D: "Wh- Y/N, you can't say that! I'm the best dad you could have! I swear, you are such an idiot!"

Yn: "That's exactly what I mean! Why do you call me an idiot if it's YOUR fault?"

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