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Hi Cheonsas! This is only a story I had saved a while ago and quickly revised it so the request(s) may have to wait a little longer! I am a little stressed at the moment so it's difficult to upload! Btw, I won't be online a lot from 13th of December to early January since I'm on vacation then!
----------------May be uncomfortable for some readers--------Trigger warning----

"Go home, don't take the way I did."

That's what you advised a friend of yours who you had met only a few days before while leaning against the wall next to him. Jeonghan, also known as the friend, made a confused expression on his face when he got to hear your advice. Should he listen to it or not?

[3 years before]
Just a minute ago you received the first F on any test in your entire life. Of course, you were shocked af. You would have preferred to make everything undone. "Fuck, Nayeon, I can't go home tonight.", You told your seatmate. The girl just looked at you with sad eyes. The only reason that you couldn't return home that night was because of your parents. They would have abused you again if you came home. Every time you brought home something worse than an A+. If that life annoyed you? Yes, it did.

With teary but at the same time terrified eyes you decided to make your way home. "They can't do anything worse than hitting me", you thought, trying to calm yourself down. With shaking hands, you grabbed the doorknob and entered the apartment. Before you could even greet your family your dad was standing in front of you, what scared you a lot. "How did the test go?", he asked, sounding a little happy. You sighed deeply "It's an F, dad.". His enjoyed expression turned angry in less than one second. Like you assumed, he took a swing with his right hand and slapped you. Being terrified, your cheek has swollen up and became redder than a tomato. Never he had hit you that hard before. As you removed your hand from your cheek again you could see blood on it. That's how you noticed that the cheek was bleeding.

Tearing up, you left the flat again and made your way to somewhere you could be alone. Or at least with other people. Finally, this one idea popped into your head.

You made your way to some place you never thought you'd go; the school attic. It was known as the 'FunPlace' in school. Actually it means that as soon as the school gets closed in the evening students return, break in and go there to smoke and drink alcohol. Or even worse stuff. Usually the only people who went there were these problematic children. You were the one with the problematic parents.

Although you had promised to never go there, you did and even had fun. To make the worries and pains disappear, you took one bottle of whiskey and sat down in the corner where the comfortable couch was standing. Your first time being totally drunk. Also you tried smoking but realized you don't like that. And that's how it went on for a while.

[3 Years later]
Like almost every night you went to the FunPlace again. It seemed to be the only place without worries in your life.

After an hour of spending there a friend, you had met a few days ago arrived. You knew about his worries. His parents were exactly like yours; strict, abusive and wanting good grades only. That's the reason you could understand him 100%. Of course you wanted to help him, you wanted him to be happy. But you never thought he'd try this way.

As soon as he entered the school's attic you noticed him at the angle of your eye. Immediately your eyes widened and although being drunk you tried to act a little sensible. "Go home, don't take the same way as I did.", was your greeting. This made him go confused. Again you sighed and repeated "Get out of here.".

"If you don't want me here then why did some guts invite me?", he asked being confused as fuck.

"That's not it, Jeonghan. Go home now.", You answered, still sounding drunken.

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