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As soon as you could hear the bell ring you ran upstairs to the secretary. It was the only place in school where you could snatch the paper you had been looking for the past time. It was a project only your school has been trying out; a tutoring project. Students which were good at specific subjects got to help other students who sucked at this subject. Usually the tutors were older, 15 and up. But they were all amazing tutors, you spoke from experience already.

"Miss, Hi, could you show me the tutoring document, please?", You said, totally out of breath from running. The lady gave you this annoyed look like usual but handed you the paper though. Quickly you searched for maths tutors and soon found some pages with those. You totally ignored the information about each tutor which was also written on the paper. The only important thing for you was the phone numbers so you could text them because of meetings. You write down the number of one tutor you just tripped over, didn't look at the information though. Later on, you realized that you should have read the info....

With a kind smile on your lips you thanked the secretary and left the room. While walking down the stairs you tried to save the tutor as a new contact in your phone. Until you suddenly bumped into someone.

Immediately your eyes opened as you could see the person's face. It was your crush. Even though you were into him, you had never talked to him before. But you had the ability to stalk professionally so that was kind of an advantage. He was a Korean guy called Jeonghan, attended the class 7B and was 17-years-old that time. The boy was new at school because he had just moved to your city.

Being completely distracted of his beauty and surprised facial expression you smiled shyly. "I-I am amazingly sorry.", You tried to apologize. Jeonghan smiled, almost laughed "It's fine, nothing happened. Just watch out, I don't want you to hurt yourself." and continued his way right afterward. Honestly, you were shocked plus embarrassed at the same time.

[7 hours later / 8pm]
While cleaning the dishes something popped into your mind. The fact that you should text your tutor. After you had snatched the phone and texted the person you continued doing the dishes. Not even an hour later, the person messaged back. After some chatting about the meeting up you agreed on meeting on the next day. The person was supposed to help you with studying for an upcoming maths test.

[Next day / 4pm]
Finally the doorbell rang. With a smile you ran to the door and opened it. Before you could even say hello, your jaw almost dropped. Your tutor was standing there with a warm smile put on. You didn't even need to analyze him to recognize the person. Your crush, Jeonghan.

"Get a grip, Y/N! Don't mess this up!", your mod literally shouted at you. So you quickly shook your head to wake up from this shock. "Come in!", You let him inside your apartment. First of all he of course looked around, then he sat down and looked through the maths stuff. Afterwards, he smiled and already began explaining it to you. Even though it was difficult to focus on maths when such a beauty was sitting next to you, you managed to understand moat of the stuff. Jeonghan let you solve some exercises from the book and after they were all solved and even right the boy smiled again. Jeonghan ruffled your head, making you giggle. "Now that we are finished and you have learnt so much, you deserve a coffee. Do you want to accompany me for one?", Jeonghan asked you and reached you his hand. Without any hesitation you nodded and so he took your hand in his, being a gentleman.

At the cafe you were talking a lot but not just about maths or school. But also about yourselves and private life. He seemed to trust you, at least as much as you did. You went far enough to tell him about your troubles with your parents and other deep stuff. He did the same what made you feel comfortable.

"So, Y/N, do we meet up the next time?", he asked you while walking home.

You fake laughed "The test is tomorrow, this was the only help I needed.".

"I meant the other way of meeting up. Like today but without studying."

"Maybe I understand maths now but I'm still not clever enough to understand what you are trying to tell me."

"C'mon, you know what I mean. I know that."

In fact you did know it. You just wanted him to say it; that he wants to ask you out. He sighed "Okay, I mean a date.". This made you smile widely although you had known it before already. Still it was unbelievable.

"Okay, cool. When do you want to meet up?", You said, trying to sound cool and chilled. "What about tomorrow at 8pm? Cinema?", your crush suggested. Of course you could only nod. That made him smile, as well as you. You two said goodbye with hugs and headed to each one's home. And on your way there you couldn't but jump in joy.

[Next day / 8;15pm]
Jeonghan had already picked you up and walked to the cinema with you. He was dressed up nicely in a fancy smoking while you were wearing a blue dress. In the big hall you sat down on your reserved seats which were in the back of the room. Jeonghan quickly bought some popcorn and drinks.

The movie had been all fun and so until this romantic scenes appeared on screen. Half of the audience wasn't bothered but not satisfied either. Jeonghan shyly put an arm around you making you roll your eyes but smile. That was such a cliche. But you kinda liked it. Next he put his hand on yours, you just ended the drama and completely intertwined your hand with his. He didn't react in any bad way of course. "I didn't know you like me.", You said to him, being honest. He smiled and placed a soft peck on your cheek. Immediately you blushed. He then smiled even wider, you were waiting for a reaction. "You know, I don't think I can explain it in any other way.", The boy said and made his lips touch yours. You thought it is all a dream, it wasn't after all. You leaned in. After you stopped the soft kiss, he spoke "Does that explain it?". You nodded with the maybe widest smile ever. "You're my crush for quite a while now, you know that?", You admitted. He laughed "Well, now I know.".

1141 words

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