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You were living in Seoul for about 2 years already when you were at yours and your boyfriend's apartment and your phone suddenly rang. You were tidying up that moment. A groan escaped your mouth as you heard your ringtone. Your dear boyfriend Jeonghan brought you the phone so you could accept the call. You pulled it out of his hands and held the phone next to your ear. While you were talking Jeonghan kept hugging you from aside. You kinda appreciated that but you were already a little annoyed that day.

"Yeah?", You asked cold hearted through the phone.

"It's your mom so please be a bit more polite.", your mom said sarcastically.

"Sigh....Hi mom. What's up?"

"Just wanted to ask if you have space in your apartment?"


"It would be awesome to see each other again. So your dad and I came to Seoul as a surprise so here you are. Surprise!"


"Yeah, we're at your house in 20 minutes. Do you have anything to eat?"

"Ummm....Yeah. S-See you later."

You hung up in shock. The first thing you did was to scream the word "No" several times. Jeonghan let you go since he noticed you got even more annoyed. You let your body fall onto the bed and sighed. Cheonsa threw his body onto the bed next to you and intertwined his hand with yours.

"What's wrong?", he asked worried.

"What are we gonna do? My parents will come over.", You explained.

He wasn't even shocked a little bit. Your parents didn't want you to have a boyfriend. Especially your dad. He was very strict with that topic. You knew how he would react if you told him Jeonghan is your boyfriend. You looked at Jeonghan hoping he had an idea. He thought a second.

"Listen, we're just friends. Or I'm your tutor for maths.", he suggested.

Yes, you still attended college actually but you moved to Seoul as soon as possible. You thought about the idea and smiled. That meant you like the idea. A smile was his reaction. You got up again and waited for your parents to come. You've cooked dinner a few minutes ago already so it was finished.

A minute later the doorbell rang. You ran there and opened. You've seen your parents again after years. Smiles appeared on each one's face as you saw each other. Followed by a tight hug. You let them in and took their luggage. All of you sat down at the dining table while Jeonghan served the food. When Jeonghan entered the room your dad's expression immediately turned suspicious. "Who's he?", he asked me in an impolite sound. "My friend. But he helps me out with maths usually.", You explained as convincing as possible. He seemed to believe you. Jeonghan sat down on the seat in front of you and also started eating, like you did. Each of you had stories to tell so the conversation deepened.

You've already talked for 3 hours when you looked at the clock and saw it was 10pm. Jeonghan and you weren't allowed to have any contact like talking normally or kissing or holding hands. More than difficult. Sometimes your eyes locked for a few seconds but you had to break it.

"Where will you stay during your time here?", You asked your parents putting another chip into your mouth.

"We hoped you could let us stay here.", your mom answered.

You nearly choked on your chip. Your and Jeonghan's expressions turned shocked. Oh no, please not. They said they would stay for 3 days so actually not long. But an eternity for Jeonghan and you.

"Of course we have space.", You said with a fake smile.

They thanked you while you exchanged sad looks with your boyfriend.

ʏᴏᴏɴᴶᴱᴼᴺᴳᴴᴬᴺTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon