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Request for Bangtaneum!
Btw, sorry for any mistakes!
"But, but, Y/N, don't go.", your usually amazingly cute boyfriend begged you to. As he grabbed your arm to pull you closer, you sighed. "Jeonghan, don't behave like you are dying.", You told him, even having to laugh slightly. He gave you these puppy eyes which were meant to make you go crazy. "But I am dying!", The boy whined. That sigh from before transformed into an annoyed groan that moment "You are just sick. Anyway, I gotta go to work.". You would have stayed home if the job wasn't screaming for you. Slowly the grip of his hand got weaker. You then removed your arm, smiled at him one last time and left the apartment a moment later.

The fresh, although a little poisoned, air made you feel more refreshed. Since you had already been a little annoyed you decided on buying a coffee. So you did at the next store. While you were standing on the street trying to open the lid of the coffee, your phone suddenly rang. This sound scared the hell out of you, at least enough to make you spill most of the drink. Again you groaned but answered the call as you saw who it was from. "Thanks for making me spill my coffee.", was your greeting, if that's worth calling it. The one who called you was, of course, your boyfriend. Instead of apologizing, he continued complaining about his headache and so on.

"But Y/N.... I am about to die.", he whined, making you ball a fist.

"You are not. And you know that the medicine is on the kitchen table so get some if you don't feel well.", You explained to him as shortly as possible.

"Jagiya, my headache is so bad....And the fever didn't get any better either."

"Jeonghan, it's not that I wouldn't be sorry for that but work is literally screaming. Take some medicine and sleep enough, okie? Rest well, I'll bring over something to eat after work and then I'll head to my family meet up. See you later."

Right when you wanted to hang up your boyfriend kept on talking. Like you had imagined, he continued complaining to the point where you sighed deeply and just canceled the call. It maybe seemed rough to him buy it wasn't meant to be so. You dialed the number of your boss and waited for him to answer the phone. What for? For telling him you'd not come to work that day. And to give you the rest of the week off due to Jeonghan's illness. The boss didn't seem satisfied but gave in after all. A minute later you already headed home with some coffee in your left hand.

About 15 minutes later you arrived home. As soon as you opened the door you could see Jeonghan peacefully sleeping on the double sized bed. This sight made you giggle. You sneaked past him into the kitchen and started cooking and preparing the medicine. An hour later you were completely finished and so you sat down on the other side of the bed. Jeonghan really seemed to feel very bad, you noticed that after you took a closer look at his appearance that day. You felt sorry for him.

Not caring about the danger of getting sick as well, you softly pecked his cheek. Slowly his sleepy eyes opened "Jagiya?". You giggled "Good morning, my Prince.". He was obviously confused but happy at the same time. "Eat something, it will do good.", You advised him to and so he listened to you. While watching him eat your belly suddenly groaned. Jeonghan heard this, so he reached you his spoon with food on it. Firstly you thought about eating from the same spoon as him since you actually didn't want to become ill but secondly you realized that you didn't really care. So you just appreciated his offer and shared the meal with him.

Later on, you handed him the medicine what he also gladly appreciated. After that process, you advised him to sleep and also tried to close your eyes. You had never seen him that clingy before. As he put his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, he tried to fall asleep. Cuddling was always amazing in your opinion, no matter if being ill or not. "Thank you so much for coming home. You can't imagine how glad I am. I promise to make it up to you when I'm healthy again. I love you so much, Y/N.", Jeonghan said with his weak voice. This made you smile like an idiot. "No problem, that's what lovers do. I would always come from anywhere for you. Hell, even if I was on another continent.", You told him exactly what you were feeling. He smiled slightly but you knew it is a true one. "It's already afternoon. You should get ready for the family meet up. I will somehow survive the evening without you.", Jeonghan advised you to, being half asleep. Finally you remembered this.

Jeonghan assumed you to get ready but you didn't move one single millimeter. But you snatched your phone from the nightstand and dialed your dad's number.

"Yeah, dad. Hi.", You greeted your parent.

"Hi, what's wrong?", he immediately asked.

"So.... I know that you have been looking forward to the meeting today already.... But.... Something came in between so I have to stay home. I am sorry, dad."

"Wh-What would cancel such an important event? Is there even anything as important?"

"Yes, dad. There is and it's called taking care of someone. Jeonghan is sick."

The next moment Jeonghan took the phone out of your hand and tried to add something with hid weak and raspy voice "We will come over. Just give us a couple more minutes. See you later, sir.". Right afterward, the boy canceled the call.

You gave him this confused af look. He stood up and started to get ready. "Wh- Jeonghan, lay down again.", You said. He sneezed once and threw your jacket next to you.

"I don't want you to do that for me, Jeonghan.", You told him, feeling powerless.

"But I want to do this for you.", he stated.

"But what if you collapse or something. You don't feel well and that's fine."

"What if. It could happen, it couldn't happen. I know I am able to do this. C'mon. Let's go now, Jagiya."

"Sigh.... Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Yes, don't worry about me."

You got a grip, stood up and led him to the car. The boy was pretty weak but still managed to get along with everything. You drove the two of you to your parent's house where your entire family was supposed to meet. Couple minutes later you already entered the house. Everyone's looks wandered to Jeonghan and you. They all greeted you kindly.

Jeonghan decided to eat something again and so he attended the big dinner. During the dinner, a lot of different talking topics came up. From movies to the latest gossip and back to series or something. After a while, Jeonghan intertwined your hands with his on the table just because he needed your attention. You smiled and put your head onto his shoulder, not caring that everyone could see you. Suddenly the talking topic changed, thanks to your dad "She really has to love him.". Immediately you removed your head "Why shouldn't I love him?".

Your dad smiled "I don't mean it that way. I mean that you have never shown anyone the love you give him. He is really lucky."

This made you smile too. The father added "Like, out of the friends, family and others, she has never been as soft and happy as with Jeonghan. This is the first time that someone was more important than this meeting here. Or even returning from work and canceling so much other stuff.".

Jeonghan smiled at you "Is that true?". You nodded shyly making him smile even wider. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, not wanting to kiss the lips since you could become ill as well. But you gave him the permission to kiss you on the lips so he did. After that ended your whole family smiled at you. After Jeonghan told them about how much he truly loves you, your dad smiled the widest "Seems like we have to arrange a wedding soon. This can't take long anymore, they are perfect.". This made you blush while Jeonghan laughed. Your boyfriend ruffled your head and looked at you "I already know where to propose, don't worry.". You kissed him on the lips again as thanks and pulled him closer. Right after that kiss you suddenly had to sneeze. Well, that experience was worth getting sick.

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