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"Again....Will they ever stop?", You asked your group member Jenny. She just gave you this quiet giggle.

"What are you complaining about again?", she asked you as she sat down next to you.

"Our fans still ship me with Jeonghan.", You whined a bit.

She laughed and ruffled your hair. You gave her this are-you-serious look what made her laugh even harder.

Your fans shipped you with your ultimate bias Jeonghan. You would have actually loved this but there was a reason not to.

"Why do you complain about it? Wouldn't this be awesome?", Jenny asked you kindly.

"It would be but.....I just don't want to hope for it because it won't happen anyway. I'll never be with him. No matter how much my fans or I believe in it.", You explained to her.

She hit you lightly "Yah, don't say that. You know dreams and wishes come true or else you wouldn't be an idol now. You work and worked hard for it so it happened. If your fans and we believe in it and you do something for it, it'll happen."

"I can change and work for my job but I can't change or work for love. Love just happens."

"I bet he would say yes if you asked him out."

"He doesn't even know I exist."

"Maybe he does. We don't know it."

These were her last words before she went into another room. You sighed while closing your eyes and dozed off a few moments later.

A few weeks later Jenny and You got to attend a reality show. They kindly welcomed you and the viewers gone crazy since it was live. The MC asked you stuff the fans wanted to know. You were satisfied with this interview until they asked you about the shipping thing.

"C'mon Y/N. There are so many reasons to ship you two. You both have the voices and behaviors of angels but can turn into a devil, your laughs are kinda similar, you are both lazy but hard working though, and so many more reasons.", The MC said what made the people go crazy.

You had to smile slyly but shook it off as good as possible.

3 weeks later Jenny and you had a stage coming up. It was an award show so a few more groups performed. You stood backstage watching Svt's performance. They all said a few words before performing, also Jeonghan. "This is for my angel and ultimate bias. I know she loves this song and I Stan their group since their debut. I also know she's watching right now what makes me nervous but I hope she'll like it. Please appreciate this my angel, Y/N of the duo Toxic!", was Jeonghan's speech.

You were already shivering but these words made you literally shake. You cupped your hands over your face "This is not real, that's a dream.". It was not. And you just got to know you're your ultimate bias's ultimate bias. You planned to say something similar at your stage too. Svt performed Pretty U, your fav song. You giggled a bit at Jeonghan's suddenly shyer voice than usual. But still like an Angel.

A few minutes later it was your turn. Your hands shivered like idk what. You could say something too so you used that chance. When you entered the stage some fans were already screaming your and Jeonghan's ship name. You tapped on the microphone and admitted "I-I am very thankful for all of you guys. I can hear some people screaming the ship name and honestly I am shocked to hear I'm Jeonghan's ultimate bias. I didn't even think he knows I exist. But thank you anyway. This is dedicated to my angel Jeonghan as well. He's so precious I had to write a song. I hope you and especially Jeonghan like it."

You really admitted you're okay with shipping. This made your fans go more than crazy. It was awesome to know you're appreciated by your ub. You performed your song with your pretty shy and shivering voice. But it was still awesome. You then walked off the stage with a smile.

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