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1;30am on a Monday night. You were either scrolling through your phone or watching your favourite series on TV. Suddenly your mom entered your room "Turn that off! It's already late and you have school today!". She expected you to go to bed now that she screamed at you. But your only reaction after her door slamming was an eye roll. Actually she was right that it's not healthy but you had an excuse anyway. You suffered from insomnia, the ability to sleep less. You had lived your entire life with this illness so you began to see it as a part of yourself. The only day you had to be careful with sleeping was Sunday. Because if you slept less you would fall asleep during biology lesson next morning. Not like it had never happened before.

You tried to listen to your mom and so you switched off the lights and almost completely hid under a blanket. Closing your eyes had its difficulties. After 20 minutes of rolling around in bed you realized that you can't sleep. Groaning you sat up again and looked across the room. Your phone was peacefully charging on the desk over there. "Should I just do it?", You whispered to yourself. Not even a minute of thinking later you nodded, got up and snatched your phone. As soon as you've opened WhatsApp you saw some messages from your best friend Jeonghan. He had always been with you. That's what you appreciated a lot. You two also met up at nights but that was before your parents developed their sense for being overprotective.

As soon as you've opened the chat you went "Aww". You two sometimes behaved like a couple, not even on purpose. After a lot of cute and funny messages he asked if you wanted to meet up. You sighed deeply as you placed your fingers on the touchscreen.

Sorry, I can't
It's almost 2am
What did you expect me to answer

Aww sad
We met up at night so often formerly

I know
But my parents
You know
I'm not even allowed to use my phone right now xd

Okay that's literally sad

Where would you even want to go?

The beach
I mean
First something to eat, then a party hosted by Hoshi, then to the beach

Isn't it almost 6am then?



You were still sitting on your bed, thinking of you should do it. Actually you were hungry, had a lot of energy to use and loved the beach at all times. Almost 5 minutes later you smiled at yourself "It doesn't matter. If my parents would know that I sometimes don't even go to school.". Yeah, you sometimes didn't go to school but you managed to get good grades though. In fact, you were a pretty mischievous person. You texted back "I'll meet you in 10 minutes at my building". He only sent a cute emoji back.

Quietly you tried to sneak past your parents to the living room. Except for them moving they didn't seem to wake up. Quickly you left your home and waited for your best friend. When you were reading some messages from another classmate something suddenly touched your shoulder. You winced in shock but soon realized it's Jeonghan. Both if you smiled and hugged each other as a greeting. While doing some smalltalk both of you were walking down the street to a fast food restaurant. You didn't even order much, only something to fill your belly. You had never enjoyed a meal that much. Not because it tasted so good, more cuz you were so damn hungry. When you were finished eating it was 2;17am. Not that late yet.

Your next stop was Hoshi's party. Actually it was more of a close friends meet up. That was the kind of celebration you enjoyed the most. Of course Jeonghan and you got greeted with a lot of hugs when you arrived there. Jun was the only one who drank a little alcohol. "Y/N, you look very sexy.", he said, sounding different than usual. This made you laugh like an idiot, Jeonghan wasn't that satisfied with Jun's comment. "If you think I look sexy in casual clothes, thank you.", You 'thanked' him. The time there you spent with videogames, more food, games, karaoke and dancing. A pretty fun time you'd assume.

Later on you planned on going to the beach. Jeonghan always had the best ideas, that's for sure. It was 4;15 when you arrived at the beach which was near your home. Happily but calmed at the same time you sat down on the shimmering sand. You laid down to have a better look at the stars, Jeonghan also laid down. You placed your head on his chest what made him pulling you closer and striking your arm. One thing was for sure; you felt happy when being with him. "Do you know that you're the best friend on earth?", he asked you dreamily. You returned that and laughed. He turned his head to your direction so he was able to face you. He gently stroked over your cheek with his finger and smiled at you. "You are the most precious thing on earth to me. I have only one wish; That there will be a day where we are more than friends. I love you a lot, Y/N.", he kinda confessed and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. That left you surprised but after a short while of thinking you had a decision. Jeonghan had closed his eyes to relax. Slowly you drew your face closer to his and also placed a soft kiss on his cheek "The day is today.". He smiled and pressed his lips against yours making both of you happy as never before. "It's not just today. I'll love you a lot longer.", he stated making you smile and kiss him again.

1000 words

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