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As you entered your and Jeonghan's flat after a very hard day at work he greeted you with a hug. He gently but excitedly hugged you from aside, happy you're home. You barely had time that month so Jeonghan was happy about every moment he could spend with you.

You usually hugged back but this time you did nothing but stand there with your hands cupped over your face. Cheonsa noticed it pretty fast. He let go of the hug and lifted your chin with his right hand "Why so sad?". You just pushed his hand away and walked into another room. He stood there wondering what's was happening. He followed you "You can really tell me what's wrong, I'll cheer you up.". You tried to smile but it didn't work well. "Nothing can cheer me up right now.", You told him. You walked into the living room actually wanting to be alone. But he followed you around to see why you are sad. "Please tell me. I wanna help you.", he begged. You already got angry cause of his clingy phase that moment although you knew it's actually kind. After his next try to make you tell him you had enough. You stood up "Jeonghan! Before you say anything else, I don't want to get cheered up now!", You said pretty loud and strict. Firstly he was a little shocked of your sudden reaction but then he argued "I just wanted to help!". "I don't want your help!", You literally yelled that one. This fight of words continued a few moment until you took your phone and walked out of the apartment. You let Jeonghan stand there without knowing how he felt. But he most likely didn't know how you felt either.

You shut the door behind your back and went out of the building with a few tears rolling down your cheek. You just went somewhere you could be alone. After walking through the streets you reached your favourite meadow where you decided to stay. You sat down on the grass playing with a strain of your hair. After a while you realized "What the fuck did I do?".

Jeonghan was at home being mad at you  meanwhile. He complained about this situation to himself for a while until he decided to calm down and sat down on the couch. He cupped his hands over his face "Why couldn't I just let her the space she needed?".

You still sat on the grass looking around and thinking. The feeling of being angry mixed with guilt and worry. A few tears ran down your cheeks everytime you remembered what happened. You were more than destroyed. "If I always am like that why should he still want me? Wouldn't it be best for him if he left me? Why didn't I just tell him? Why don't I ever take time for him?", were your questions. You only felt guilty anymore. You cried and hid your head in your crossed arms. Not knowing what to do.

Suddenly something touched your shoulder. Or someone. You wiped away your tears and asked "Who wants what from me?" before you even looked at the person. You thought it was some random stranger wanting to help you. "Hey, Y/N.", a very familiar voice said. Jeonghan's voice. You were a little surprised when he sat down next to you. He joined you with looking around saying nothing for a short moment. He breathed out deeply.

"I'm sorry about what happened, Y/N.", he apologized, you knew it was real.

"What should YOU be sorry for?", You asked back.

"For not giving you any space and yelling at you."

"I am sorry for being annoyed all the time, yelling and not having time. Please don't be sorry."

"But I am. And I'm thankful you didn't run away to somewhere I don't know."

"I'm thankful you even came back to search me. If I was you I wouldn't have done it. Not after what a bad girlfriend I am."

"You're not a bad girlfriend at all. I'm still the happiest person to have you in my life. I love you that's why I worried about you and searched you. Of course I came to search you. I was already afraid you would leave me."

"Why should I leave someone as awesome as you? To be honest, I was already worried about you would leave me. I would never leave you. I love you. No matter how hard we fight sometimes."

"I could never leave you. I just love you way too much. Please forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you. Can you forgive me?"

"Nothing I would like to do more. Are we fine again?"

"Yes. Thank you. Let's forget about what happened."

He nodded and you hugged each other tight with a smile. You pecked his cheek what made him give you a deeper kiss. You leaned in of course. You were just happy that fight is over.

You still sat on the grass holding hands. You weren't angry at each other anymore at all.

"I just got so annoyed cause my boss threatened me to fire me again cause I messed up this one paper.", You explained to him now.

"Again? It's not a drama to mess up once.", he said trying to make clear what your boss's mistake was.

"It's a drama for him. He says one more time and he'll fire me."

"Forget him. He won't do it. And if he really does I'll get you a job at pledis. I know what a great voice you have."

"Ahh you wouldn't."

"I will. Don't worry about that."

You thanked him and hugged him again. Both of your laid down on the meadow and cuddled under the approaching sky. You forgave each other and you still loved each other the same. That's true love.

981 words

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