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The feeling of being loved by somebody but can't return the love? Who doesn't know this feeling.

"I go to school now, Eomma!", You shouted through the flat and left before she could answer.

You walked your way to school like usual even though it was raining. More like pouring. You didn't have an umbrella or at least a jacket with you. So you were literally already showered. Okay, nice beginning of the day.

You hoped for the rain to stop or anything to get you dry again. Suddenly a boy from your school came running towards you. Jeonghan. He had a crush on you what the whole school knew. He even admitted it. But you just didn't have the same feelings. At least you suppressed them. You had to study hard for that school year so you haven't had time for a relationship in your opinion. You even got a little annoyed by his appearance that moment.

He waved at you and held his umbrella above your head. Jeonghan smiled at you as a greeting hoping to get at least a smile back. But the ignorant you didn't do anything but walk away cause you were annoyed. Jeonghan's facial expression changed from happy to disappointed. But he didn't give up,what means, he followed you and held the umbrella above your head again. You stopped walking away as you noticed he wouldn't stop following you. You stopped walking, a sigh leaving your mouth.

"Look, you can ask me out on a date or anything like everytime I see you but I won't accept.", You explained to him.

"It's fine. But please tell me why you actually keep rejecting me.", he asked back.

"Sigh.... It's that I'm in 8th grade now so I gotta focus on studying. It's cause of the time."

"Oh.... So you wouldn't reject me if you wouldn't have to study?"

"Maybe that's true."

A smile appeared on his face. He still held the umbrella above your head. Your clothes dried a bit so you were a little less annoyed then. You kept talking to Jeonghan until you arrived at school. You were about to say goodbye and go to your class but Jeonghan asked you something.

"What are you learning in maths at the moment?"

"Hmm... Pythagoras theorem. Why?"

"I can help you to study for your exam."

No one has ever wanted to help you with maths. You weren't sure how to react or what to say. But a smile appeared on your face causing a smile on his.

"Thank you. I appreciate that.", You said smiling kindly now.

"No problem. Today after school?", he asked.


Finally someone who helped you with studying. You said goodbye and left for your class. You waved at him and walked towards your class. When you turned around you saw Jeonghan celebrating his success. A giggle escaped your voice.

In class:

"Y/N, the fuck, get a grip on yourself!", your mind shouted at you.

You were sitting in physics class while thinking about something. Or someone. Somehow you've been thinking about Jeonghan. About what he has already done for you. All these things you've ignored. And he still had a crush on you. Even after you were such an idiot in front of him. That was love. Every thought of him made you appreciate him more. You though about him enough to notice you maybe had a little crush on him. Maybe! You weren't sure at all. Maybe your brain just suppressed it cause of the school stress.

Your hand was writing his name in different beautiful fonts while your other hand supported your head.


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